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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Optimus Prime felt as though he had experienced an incredibly long dream.

In this dream, he re-experienced his entire life from the perspective of an observer. Even memories he himself couldn't recall were unexpectedly awakened.

These were sealed memories, memories of Optimus Prime's past life.

Approximately nine million years ago, ancient Cybertron was in an era of unparalleled technological and cultural advancement, yet plagued by a dark political period under the Council of Primes. During that time, Optimus Prime was still an ordinary but extraordinary Cybertronian named Orion Pax.

Although the conflicts between Superior General Sentinel Prime and the nobles of the Council of Primes had escalated, and Megatron, who had risen from a slave in the gladiatorial arena, had started to enter the military with the support of Sentinel Prime, gradually taking control of Cybertron's military and politics.

Kind-hearted Orion Pax did not believe that the intensifying political strife would affect him. He lacked exceptional combat abilities and was not a renowned scholar, politician, or scientist. The only thing that set him apart from ordinary Cybertronians was his lineage.

Young Orion Pax belonged to the lineage of Primus, and because of this unique status, he possessed knowledge of a secret energy repository that only Primus' lineage knew of.

As Megatron's stature rose, conflicts between Superior General Sentinel Prime and the nobles of the Council of Primes grew increasingly intense, and assassinations targeting each other's factions became common. The scent of war gradually thickened.

Until that time, Orion Pax still naively believed that the war was a distant matter unrelated to him.

As an ordinary Cybertronian, he idolized Megatron, who had been portrayed as a hero by Sentinel Prime. Megatron's journey from a lowly arena slave to wielding the power over Cybertron's military and politics was legendary and inspiring, attracting countless followers to his cause.

So, when the war against the corrupt Council of Primes began, young Orion Pax, along with his glory-seeking friends, joined the recruiting station in the hope of enlisting in the military and overthrowing the rule of the corrupt nobility.

Orion Pax even foolishly disclosed the location of the secret energy repository he knew to Megatron, who was performing at the recruiting station at the time.

What he didn't know was that the secret energy repository was a vital resource point for Superior General Sentinel Prime.

At that time, Megatron had already harbored rebellious thoughts. Upon receiving the intelligence and verifying its authenticity, he ruthlessly killed all of Orion Pax's friends and attempted to kill Orion Pax as well.

In the most perilous moment, the severely wounded Orion Pax was saved by an unexpected turn of events when he was transported back in time to over nine million years ago, during the early stages of the second civil war, by the Aerialbots team.

He became good friends with the members of the Aerialbots team, sharing with them the events of both the era of the Council of Primes and the events on Cybertron Planet over nine million years later.

Upon learning that his leak of information had allowed Megatron to obtain the necessary resources, ultimately leading to the Decepticons' uprising against the Council of Primes and the Autobots, Orion Pax felt immense guilt. He cooperated with the Aerialbots team to attempt to regain control of the energy repository and to send the Aerialbots team back to their original time.

During the battle, Orion Pax suffered severe injuries and was on the brink of death. In the end, the Aerialbots team, in order to evade pursuing Decepticons, sought refuge in Ironhide's Archive, a retreat of the Titan Masters.

The Titan Master eventually intervened, crafting a new mechanical body for Orion Pax and granting him a new lease on life.

However, the time-traveling actions of the Aerialbots and others had disrupted the future of Cybertron Planet.

After sending away the Aerialbots and others, the Titan Master sealed all memories related to Orion Pax and bestowed upon him a new name—Optimus Prime.

"...So this is my past," Optimus Prime thought in a daze.

Suddenly, it seemed as though there was a temporal disturbance, and Optimus Prime found himself in a mysterious space.

Around him, six massive mechanical giants, their appearances indistinguishable, surrounded him. Simultaneously, a solemn voice sounded in his ears with the appearance of the six giants.

"We have been watching you for a long time, Optimus Prime... You are willing to fight for the weak, for peace... Fearless, unafraid of sacrifice, possessing all the noble qualities of a great Leader..."

"Child, we are pleased to see that among our descendants, another exceptional Leader has arisen..."

"Lord Fallen only saw the power possessed by the Leadership Module but lacked the qualities that a super Leader should possess... In the past, he tricked it from the hands of our brothers, but we eventually reclaimed the Leadership Module and protected it, awaiting the arrival of hope..."

"The Leadership Module cannot be found; it can only be earned... We are pleased that you have a loyal team, close comrades, brave soldiers who are willing to give everything for you..."

"Awaken, Optimus Prime... The Leadership Module will grant you life once more, but rebirth is not a gift; it is a responsibility..."

"Lord Fallen was once our brother but, under the influence of evil, he fell..."

"For the purpose of defeating the evil that seeks to destroy everything, we have sacrificed too much, but it has only led to his temporary slumber..."

"He will awaken soon, and that means disaster is approaching..."

"Return to your comrades, protect them, and grow stronger as soon as possible..."

"Remember, evil can come not only from the Decepticons but also from the Autobots..."

The six mechanical giants, with faces obscured, sternly admonished Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime attempted to remember their appearances but quickly realized that he couldn't.

With the intention of voicing his doubts, he found himself unable to speak.

He could only watch as the sudden appearance of a mechanical giant, followed by its abrupt disappearance, unfolded before him.

At that moment, a massive influx of information flooded into his mind. Simultaneously, in the physical world, Optimus Prime's mechanical body, as Ironhide inserted the Leadership Module into his chest, began to tremble violently.

The Leadership Module had successfully activated his Spark, and arcs of brilliant blue energy began to radiate around him, forcing Ironhide and the others to retreat to a safe distance.

"It's working!"

Watching Optimus Prime's mechanical body convulsing in the ruins, all the Autobots couldn't contain their excitement.

Soon, the arcs of energy dissipating around Optimus Prime gradually subsided.

As he abruptly opened his eyes, two bright blue beams shone conspicuously in the dark night.

Leader Optimus Prime had awakened!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 618: Battle Against Lord Fallen (Part 1) 


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