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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


The ground floor of the Temple of Thought, or the surface level, didn't have rooms. It only had doors, windows, the ground itself, and a staircase leading to the upper levels. Because of this, Schiller could observe the situation outside the Temple of Thought through the windows on the ground floor.

As it was a circular high tower, the windows offered a wide view. At this moment, the Temple of Thought's high tower happened to be situated in the center of Gotham City's central roundabout, allowing a comprehensive view of the entire downtown area.

After being engulfed by the dream of Thousand Cats' Dream, Schiller had a hunch about what might happen next. However, he didn't expect that Thousand Cats' Dream would directly pull his entire Temple of Thought into the dream of the cats.

Looking at the situation outside, Schiller returned to the center of the ground floor. He gazed at the dream god Morpheus, and without Schiller needing to ask, Morpheus explained, "As I mentioned before, Thousand Cats' Dream is the collective dream of cats. Now, it seems to have been frightened, so it has brought all of you into its dream."

"Just as I said earlier, the world that was once ruled by cats, where cats were the masters and humans were the servants, still exists in the dream of cats. As you can see, in the dream of cats, all the residents in the world are indeed cats."

"First question..." Schiller asked, "Why does the dream of cats also include Gotham?"

"Well..." Morpheus shook his head and said, "Even though it might sound like I'm deliberately not telling you, the truth is I don't know either."

"As far as I know, Gotham is a very peculiar place. The dreams of everyone there bring a chilling Wind of Darkness to Dreamland. There has never been a place as unique as Gotham."

"Perhaps, besides the people living there, the cats there are also different. They remember this place cursed by darkness."

Schiller furrowed his brow. Although Morpheus's explanation was somewhat vague, Schiller, who had read comics, had more speculations. Gotham was indeed a cursed place; there was no doubt about it. The darkness here was not just a matter of economics and politics; it also involved mysticism.

From the perspective of breaking the Fourth Wall, Gotham existed in any state of Space because it was the garbage dump of the entire Space. Darkness and chaos would eventually flow here.

So, it wasn't surprising that the dream of cats included such a place. Regardless of who ruled the world, Gotham's darkness remained constant. Perhaps the place Schiller had landed in wasn't in the same geographical location as Gotham, but as long as it was the dump of evil, it was Gotham.

Just at that moment, Morpheus turned his head to Schiller and said, "Although you've made a mess of my home, I only let Little Black out to get some fresh air. After all, staying in Dreamland all day can be annoying."

"I didn't expect its reaction to be so intense, dragging your house away. But it's no problem; I can take you all back now..."

Saying that, Morpheus's hands lit up, but suddenly, Schiller stepped forward to stop him and said, "No, I don't want to go back now..."

Morpheus looked at Schiller and said, "Are you sure? But don't blame me if I don't remind you. Your consciousness has been brought into the dream of cats, and your body is unattended. You might fall into eternal sleep..."

"That's even better," Schiller gave an unexpectedly chilling smile. He didn't respond further, just stood in the center of the ground floor, looking up and shouting, "Superego? Superego? Are you there?"

"I'm enhancing my mental defenses. Haven't you seen the chaos outside?" came a voice from upstairs.

Everyone on the ground floor turned to look out the window. As expected, this sudden appearance of a massive building in the center of the city had caught the attention of all the residents of Cat City Gotham.

The blaring sirens sounded, and a number of police cars rushed to the scene. Police cats wearing protective gear and helmets entered, raised anti-explosive shields, set up roadblocks, and systematically cordoned off the door of the high tower.

Schiller noticed that it wasn't just a matter of changing human roles to cats. These cats weren't the anthropomorphic cats you'd see in cartoons; they were normal quadrupedal cats with raised tails.

The equipment used by these cats was designed for their feline form. For example, the cars they drove weren't operated by sitting in a driver's seat and using a steering wheel and pedals; instead, they stood on all fours in the driver's compartment, and the controls for steering and speed were operated using buttons under their paws.

The gear worn by cat police officers was also tailored for their four-legged form. Their weapons weren't held in their hands; instead, they were strapped to their backs. These weapons weren't conventional firearms that needed reloading; they appeared to be more like laser-like weapons.

Their communication devices extended into their ears, with headphones hidden among their ear fur. The other end connected to their mouths, and the control joystick for transmitting extended from the side of their necks to their chests. They could simply extend their claws to operate the controls and fire their weapons.

Schiller witnessed several cats carrying equipment for clearing the road in front of the high tower. They used their back-mounted laser-like weapons, making a "whoosh whoosh" sound, and the entire road surface was destroyed.

In addition to vehicles like cars, there were also small helicopters circling around the high tower and hovering saucers in the air. It was evident that the cats in this dream had developed much more advanced science and technology equipment than the real-world Gotham.

Although in terms of size, they were only slightly larger than ordinary house cats, roughly resembling an ordinary Maine Coon cat's physique, the equipment they deployed around the high tower and carried on their backs was far from ordinary.

The destructive power of those laser-like weapons was quite formidable, and there were many other devices that hadn't been used yet, their effects unknown, but they seemed more than capable of dealing with ordinary humans.

This meant that charging into the cat crowd recklessly was not a good idea. Schiller rubbed his chin and said, "I think we can't defeat them, so we should try a different approach..."

"Wait a moment!" Morpheus interrupted Schiller's plan. He said, "Don't tell me you plan to enter this city. That's not a good idea. In the world ruled by cats, humans are either slaves or pets. I'd better take you out directly..."

Schiller completely ignored him and continued, "...but we can join them if we can't beat them. Superego, are you done with your work? If you are..."

Schiller dragged out his words, then looked at the moonlight Schiller, Lex, Khonshu standing in the room's center, and the partially visible Jormungandr behind them. He continued, "It's time for those who caused trouble to make amends."

The two individuals and the snake, who were under Schiller's eye contact, were momentarily stunned. Lex was the first to speak, saying, "When I came out of the room, I only saw a cat and a snake, and then the cat disappeared, leaving only the snake..."

Saying this, he turned his head to look at Jormungandr, who responded irritably, "What's it got to do with me? I'm a victim too. That cat bit me and ran off; otherwise, I would have given it a piece of my mind! And it was him who scared the cat away..."

Jormungandr turned his head, looking at Lex, who was holding an umbrella sword. Moonlight Schiller, who hadn't said anything so far, just turned his head to look at Khonshu, indicating that if Khonshu hadn't suddenly skipped work, he wouldn't have come out of the room.

Khonshu turned his head to look at the dream god, Morpheus, implying that if Schiller hadn't brought him here, he wouldn't have been chatting with Khonshu.

Schiller snorted, crossed his arms, and said, "So, you guys want to blame me, huh?"

Suddenly, there was a "bang" sound, and a cloud of cigarette smoke appeared next to DC Schiller. When the smoke dissipated, Schiller had turned into a black cat.

An invisible hand grabbed him by the nape of his neck, the door creaked open, and that hand shook Schiller the cat twice before throwing him out of the door with a "whoosh."

Everyone standing in the room's center watched Schiller being thrown out. They heard the voice of the one called "Superego" saying, "It's time for those who caused trouble to make amends."

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 588: The Adventure of Cat City Gotham (Part I)


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