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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The African continent had become unusually lively. With both the Autobots and the Skytiger Legion amassing significant forces in Africa, conflict erupted swiftly.

In the Solia region, Skids, who had installed energy reaction detection devices specifically designed to detect Decepticons, spotted several suspicious vehicles approaching from a distance, roughly thirty kilometers away from his position.

"Decepticons spotted!" he calmly shouted over the patrol channel, quickly drawing his weapon and aiming it at the three Decepticons who had noticed him and were already transforming into combat mode.

"Hey, you reptiles, daring to provoke Skids!" Despite facing three adversaries, Skids remained unflinching.

While Ironhide's fiery temperament occasionally led to mistakes, once he decided on a course of action, he didn't back down. After deciding to establish permanent Autobot bases on Earth, utilizing the two underground bases gifted by Frenzy, all the Autobots left behind were set into motion.

The non-combatant scientists were tasked with mining and equipment manufacturing, as well as expanding and fortifying the two large underground bases in Solia and Kenya.

Autobots skilled in combat were divided into patrol squads, guard units, and mobile teams. This was where Skids found his confidence. He had already called for backup over the patrol channel, and the closest patrol squad could arrive within two to three minutes.

The mobile teams stationed at the base weren't slow either. Each member of the team had been handpicked by Ironhide and was an agile, quick-reacting Autobot warrior.

"Hiss..." Accompanied by a sharp hiss, the three Decepticons transformed from their vehicle forms into formidable warriors.

"Damn, they're Terrorcons!" Skids' expression changed slightly as he recognized the appearances of the three Decepticons.

The Terrorcons were one of the Decepticons' mass-produced replication units. Their members consisted of only three individuals: Shovel, Short Spade, and Crankshaft. Although these three had once been elite Decepticon warriors, they were now considered the bottom tier.

However, during the civil war, they had inflicted heavy casualties upon the Autobots. The Terrorcons excelled in ambushes, assassinations, and infiltrating enemy lines. They relished attacking Autobot supply lines and outposts, and they particularly enjoyed slaughtering Autobot civilians.

Due to their horrific "achievements," Starscream had taken an interest in them, and they had long become one of the replication units he could mass-produce.

Facing these three individuals with cruel methods and vile characters, Skids understood in an instant that he was outmatched, and a real battle could likely not last until the patrol squad arrived.

"Run!" He fired three quick shots before transforming back into his vehicle mode and speeding toward the direction of the patrol squad.

"Autobots... cowards..." Shovel, who had the most fiery temperament, watched Skids show his face briefly and then flee. He roared in anger, leaped into the air, and transformed into a monstrous, mechanical lion-like creature, chasing after Skids.

His two companions were not far behind, running towards Skids in their combat forms. Their speeds were not much slower than Shovel's transformed state.

Skids' taillights transformed into two small-caliber machine guns, and he unleashed a barrage of gunfire at the three Decepticons pursuing him. Unfortunately, his small-caliber machine guns, when the bullets hit the first charging monster, only produced sparks.

Crankshaft, among the three Decepticons, was the strongest. Even though he was running in combat mode, his speed was gradually catching up to Shovel, who was in the lead. Crankshaft raised a double-barreled cannon and fired a shot at Skids.

"Boom!" The double-barreled cannon hit Skids precisely, and sparks and metal fragments flew as Skids screamed in pain, reverting to his combat form.

Two large wounds appeared on his back, deep enough to expose his Spark. The three Decepticons, showing no intent to retreat, roared and charged towards the incoming Autobots.

These warriors, replicated by Starscream, were far less rational than their originals. Fighting to the death without retreating seemed to have become their instinct.

This battlefield was just one of many in Africa.

Meanwhile, thousands of kilometers away, within Egypt's borders:

Optimus Prime and his team, advancing northward, finally encountered an adversary. Arcee was the first to encounter the Decepticon threat. Thanks to her speed advantage and her keen instincts, she occasionally served as a scout, exploring the path ahead for the group.

Leading the way into Giza Province along the desert road of Egypt, Arcee soon sensed that she was being observed from above. She remained calm, adjusting her rearview mirror, which served as her detection device.

Arcee quickly identified her potential threat. High in the sky, what appeared to be a large bird was circling above her.

"A Vulture!" She immediately recognized the identity of her observer—a Decepticon scout resembling a vulture.

It was evident that the bird above had detected her, hence its continuous circling. Realizing this, Arcee promptly turned her vehicle around on the road and began driving back toward where Optimus Prime and the others were located. She also sent out a warning signal.

"Decepticon detected; prepare for battle!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 580: Confronting Hercules  


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