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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Earth's history is a history of warfare," Arcee said with a sigh as she gazed at the ruins before her.

They were currently in the territory of Egypt, on the eastern bank of the Nile River, in the ancient city of Abu Simbel, which belonged to Upper Egypt in history. This place had witnessed the glory of ancient Egyptian civilization.

As a result, while there weren't ruins from the time of ancient Egypt everywhere in Upper Egypt, there were still numerous remnants and ruins left behind thousands of years ago within ancient cities like Luxor.

For example, the ruins they were sheltering in now, although not as grand as the Abu Simbel temple, were the remains of a temple built during the First Dynasty of Egypt.

Arcee had developed a keen interest in Earth's culture and its people since arriving on Earth. During her recent bout of boredom, she had inspected the ruins and discovered signs of hacking and burning in various places, indicating that this site might have fallen victim to warfare in the past.

Optimus Prime was not present, or more precisely, he was not outside the ruins. Currently, the only ones outside the ruins, behind a relatively intact wall, were Arcee and Sam's girlfriend, Michaela.

"Arcee, do you think they're in danger?" Michaela asked, her concern focused on her boyfriend, Sam.

Not long ago, they had sought shelter in this ruins to escape a sudden sandstorm. Unexpectedly, Bumblebee had discovered a Cybertronian script hidden among the temple's remnants, leading Optimus Prime, along with several Autobots and the resources brought by Sam, to follow the clues provided by the script.

"Don't worry, Michaela," Arcee reassured her with a smile. "What Optimus Prime and the others found should be just a tomb."

As the Autobots spent more time on Earth, they collected an increasing amount of information. Currently, aside from some Autobots who had recently arrived on Earth and were not yet aware, many Autobots who had arrived earlier knew that Cybertronians had visited Earth long before.

Based on the ancient murals on Earth, the earliest contact between Cybertron Planet and Earth could be traced back to the distant past. Optimus Prime and the others even suspected that this contact might have occurred during the era of the Council of Primes, millions of years ago.

Lord Fallen, who was likely Megatronus Prime, along with the other six Original Primes, should have been among the earliest Cybertronians to arrive on Earth. However, the exact timeline was too distant to calculate accurately, given the vast time that had passed since the birth of Earth's civilizations.

Despite this, it was an undeniable fact that Cybertronians, particularly the ancient Pathfinders, had continuously visited Earth after the initial contact. Optimus Prime and his team were currently exploring the tomb of a Pathfinder elder, as evidenced by the Cybertronian script they had found.

While Cybertronians had exceptionally long lifespans compared to humans, they were not immortal beings. Energy was their lifeblood and the source of their existence. Without a constant supply of energy to replenish their Spark's consumption, the mechanical bodies of Cybertronians would decay, rust, and eventually corrode into useless metal scraps, returning to the earth.

So, finding the remains of ancient Cybertronians on Earth was not surprising.

Arcee and Michaela chatted idly, and soon the distant sound of engines roared. Arcee gestured to Michaela to take cover and briefly glanced outside before retracting her weapon.

It was Optimus Prime and the others; their short exploration journey had ended, and they had returned.

"Did you find anything?" Arcee asked Optimus Prime as she noticed that everyone was safe and sound.

"Just as the Cybertronian script indicated, this is a tomb," Optimus Prime sighed. The unnamed temple had been constructed by a Pathfinder during the First Dynasty of Egypt as a tribute to him during his twilight years when he had presented himself as a deity and enslaved humans to build it.

Deep beneath the temple, they had discovered the thoroughly decayed remains of that elder Pathfinder, named Steam Engine, who had hailed from the Decepticons. Though they didn't know him personally, he was likely an elder Pathfinder from the era of the Council of Primes.

During the Council of Primes era, Cybertron Planet had reached the peak of its civilization. At that time, countless Pathfinders were dispatched into the cosmos by the Council of Primes to satisfy the needs of the nobility, industrial and technological development, and to search for the missing Leadership Module.

They visited nearly every planet in the Milky Way, and even a significant portion had left the Milky Way and ventured into more distant galaxies. Death was inevitable on their quest, as well as the later civil war and Cosmic Rust, which prevented the majority of elder Pathfinders from returning home.

Therefore, these elder Pathfinders, whether they were Autobots or Decepticons, didn't possess the sharp racial prejudices that the current Autobots and Decepticons had. For instance, Steam Engine's tomb, despite him enslaving humans to build the grand temple and the underground tomb in the name of a deity, also preserved his vast collection of data about the resource planets he had visited, star maps, and his observations and discoveries on Earth over the millennia, all stored on a storage disk that could endure for a long time.

Among them were some valuable pieces of information for Optimus Prime.

"Let's all take a good rest; our journey ahead may not be as comfortable," Optimus Prime said, his gaze directed towards the northwest, where an unnamed pyramid stood. There was an incredibly ancient pyramid in Egypt, and Steam Engine and several other elder Pathfinders had arrived on Earth tens of thousands of years ago. They had been tracking clues related to the Leadership Module on Earth for many years. In Egypt, they discovered an immensely magnificent pyramid. The locals called it the Tomb of the Gods, and it was said to house a sleeping deity. When Steam Engine and his companions had investigated the pyramid, they hadn't found anything unusual, so, adhering to the principle of not destroying creations of other civilizations, they refrained from further investigation. Among Steam Engine's records was the exact location of that pyramid, and it happened to be within the Decepticons' operational area that Frenzy had once provided to the Autobots. This discovery had led Optimus Prime to believe it was necessary to personally inspect the pyramid.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 579: The Start of a Fierce Battle 


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