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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Except for Sun Cheng and Ye Qi, no one knew what had transpired on this night.

However, when Sun Cheng arrived at the Corporation early the next morning, some of the Corporation employees who were gradually getting familiar with him noticed his unusual demeanor.

"Chairman Sun is actually smiling..."

Even though he was often teased as becoming more "three-nothing" by Ye Qi even at home, Sun Cheng's lack of words and smiles were renowned within the Corporation. Even during social gatherings, he rarely showed more expressions and occasionally displayed stiff smiles only for the sake of politeness.

(Koga: The phrase "three-nothing" is a slang term that refers to someone who is quiet, introverted, and doesn't talk much.)

Where would he be so genuinely smiling like he was now?

However, the concept of hierarchy existed in every country, deeply ingrained in human nature since the formation of Human civilization. It couldn't be erased just by a few years of promoting equality for all.

So, until Sun Cheng entered his own office, no one dared to ask.

Sun Cheng's assistant, Lin Meng, arrived even earlier than him. Since moving to the new headquarters, she had her own separate office right next to Sun Cheng's.

All the tea and tea sets that used to be in his office were now moved to Lin Meng's office.

After seeing Sun Cheng arrive at the Corporation, she came over and asked, "Boss, would you like something to drink? Green tea or black tea?"

"The usual!"

"Just wait a moment!"

Lin Meng quickly brought a pot of hot tea and poured a cup for Sun Cheng on his desk.

As he smelled the familiar tea fragrance, he smiled and nodded, "Thank you."

Instead of leaving immediately, Lin Meng approached with curiosity, watching him and asking, "Boss, did something happy happen to you?"

She stood on the side of Sun Cheng's desk, slightly leaning forward, seemingly casual but showcasing her perfect curves in front of him.

They had spent quite some time together, and Sun Cheng finally understood that she was indeed a seductive woman.

She seemed to enjoy the game of tempting men while keeping them at bay, but unfortunately, she met Sun Cheng.

Taking a sip of the tea in a flat manner, it had the familiar bitter taste.

Putting down the tea cup, he finally replied, "Why do you ask?"

"Because, Boss, you look like a man who has just gotten away with something naughty!"

Lin Meng pointed her finger to her own red lips, and her slightly raised phoenix eyes looked especially seductive.

Unfortunately, Sun Cheng was completely unaffected.

He wasn't a carnivore type, nor did he have the greed that most men had. He had fallen for Ye Qi a long time ago, and the sensory stimulation of conquering women was far less tempting to him than expanding his influence.

So, even though he noticed Lin Meng's strange behavior, Sun Cheng didn't pay it much mind.

At first, he had noticed her talents and thought that with a little nurturing, she would become an excellent Corporation manager. That's why he had hired her as his executive assistant.

But after spending some time with her, Sun Cheng found that he couldn't do without her.

Lin Meng was indeed a capable woman. Not only did she complete all the tasks he assigned quickly, but this smart and cunning woman had been subtly influencing him in various aspects of life and work since long ago.

So, at this point, Sun Cheng couldn't bear to treat her as just an ordinary executive when she had been such a versatile assistant.

"Perhaps I can bring her into the Magic House and train her. She will undoubtedly be a valuable asset in the Real World!"

Suddenly, this thought popped into his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more tempted he became.

Because of the hidden secret relationship between them, he had always felt very lonely in the Real World.

Even Ye Qi, Sun Cheng didn't dare to reveal anything about his secret to her, fearing that it would put her in danger.

That's why he hadn't forcefully brought Ye Qi into his Corporation, allowing her to remain an online singer and dancer.

Sun Cheng knew that some people would suspect that he had a big secret.

Even though he had created the secret organization, "P.C.F," there were believers and non-believers.

Revenge could easily infiltrate the internet, and its regular job was to closely monitor the internet for Sun Cheng.

Therefore, Sun Cheng had already learned about discussions and missions related to "P.C.F." on the dark web.

Lin Meng's identity had been investigated by him long ago, after she became his assistant. She was clean, with no flaws to be found.

If he could truly bring her on board, with Lin Meng's demonstrated abilities, she would undoubtedly be a valuable asset.

However, Sun Cheng didn't rush to reveal his intentions. He was about to leave the Real World and return to Transformers Universe soon. Before leaving, he had more important things to take care of.

So, he instructed Lin Meng, who was not planning to leave, "Have the conference room prepared, I'll need to talk to people from the National Asset Management Bureau and the Equipment Department later."

"Sure, boss!"

After hearing his instructions, Lin Meng left. Once the office door closed again, Sun Cheng pondered for a moment and then dialed a number.

There was silence on the other end for a while, and then a voice came through.

"Hello, Sun? You suddenly called me. Is there something you need?"

The voice on the phone was General Chen Jichang from the Equipment Department. He was the highest-ranking official Sun Cheng had met during his dealings with various departments, including the National Asset Management Bureau and the Equipment Department, over the past few months.

Previously, when General Chen had visited the Future Mechanical Factory to inspect the X-1 mechanical exoskeleton armor, he had left his personal contact information for Sun Cheng.

However, Sun Cheng was aware of the significance of this contact information. He had possessed it for some time but had never actively disturbed General Chen before.

Because he had prepared his words in advance, Sun Cheng didn't hesitate. He lowered his voice and said, "General, a few days ago, 【P.C.F】 issued a group mission to its members through various channels... I've studied it and thought it might be a good idea to inform you and the country."

When General Chen heard the words "【P.C.F】" and "mission," there was a moment of silence on the phone. Then, General Chen's voice slowly responded.

"What mission?"

"Procure a large quantity of supplies through various channels, including building materials, metals, machine components, and more..."

"Because it's a group mission, and the quantity of materials to be procured is very large, many members of 【P.C.F】 have accepted this task. In addition to points, the mission rewards also include a large amount of gold, technology, and prohibited equipment..."

"So, I want to ask the country if I should take on this mission."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 549: Preparations before Departure (Complete) 


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