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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Late at night, in Shen Cheng.

Sun Cheng got out of the car on a closed pier and glanced at the soldiers stationed around him. There was no emotion on his face.

"Mr. Sun, follow me!"

About one meter away from the car, there was a young man in military uniform.

Since they were meeting for the first time, Sun Cheng didn't know the young man's name. However, he noticed the young man's rank, which was a captain.

The young man seemed younger than Sun Long, whom he had previously dealt with, and was probably an elite trained by the military, given his rank at less than thirty years old.

Sun Cheng nodded and didn't ask about the young man's identity.

In the Real World, he had been patiently running his business for almost a year, especially in the past six months, during which he had spent money like water and established a tech giant enterprise called "Cybertron Group" in front of everyone.

In secret, Sun Cheng, who held Base One and Base Three, had the ability to influence the situation in some small countries in South America and the Black Continent.

Therefore, he didn't need to beg anyone for help. He was himself, a hero who was about to overlap with Frenzy's identity.

The pier was located in Shen Cheng, an international seaport metropolis, and was inconspicuous among many other piers. As a port that mainly received ocean-going cargo ships, many cargo ships from Xia Country had been stopping at Pier No. 2 recently to unload their goods.

Heavy cargo containers were unloaded, and the pier was filled with various goods waiting to be shipped. As a result, some overseas cargo ships had to temporarily dock at nearby piers.

Sun Cheng followed the unnamed captain and got on an electric patrol car that looked like a golf cart. The car patrolled the pier to prevent fires and illegal immigration. Therefore, both the pier and the maritime department had equipped some small cars for patrolling.

The car drove around the pier for two or three minutes and finally stopped outside the door of a warehouse.

"Mr. Sun, we've arrived at the destination! Everyone is waiting for you inside..."

After the young captain parked the car, he made a gesture of invitation.

Sun Cheng glanced at the warehouse door, which was slightly ajar, and nodded. "Thank you!"

As soon as he entered the warehouse, he saw six or seven middle-aged men in plain clothes and suits, aged between forty and fifty years old, whispering to each other.

As soon as Sun Cheng stepped into the warehouse, one of them noticed him. Naturally, he recognized the man's identity.

"Director Liu Huayu of the National Asset Management Bureau, he actually came in person..."

But when he thought of the big deal he had made with Xia Country, Sun Cheng suddenly understood.

He squeezed out a smile and took the initiative to greet him, "Director Liu, I didn't expect to see you here!"

Although it was the first time he had met the director of the National Asset Management Bureau in person, Sun Cheng was not unfamiliar with him.

Sun Cheng's assistant would compile three briefings every day on major domestic political, economic, and technological news, which he would review in his office. Director Liu was one of the big shots who often appeared in the third edition briefing, so he remembered him.

Director Liu was already fifty-seven years old this year, but he was no less energetic than a young man.

After shaking hands with Sun Cheng, he smiled and said, "Mr. Sun, you've really given us a big gift this time!"

Indeed, it was a big gift!

Under the influence of an indescribable power, Sun Cheng's real-world strategy had been repeatedly cut off. Therefore, he could only use the Real World as a raw material provider and a primary industrial production base.

Although he had countless complaints in his heart, he had no choice but to face the indescribable power. Seeing that he was about to return to the Transformers Universe, he felt that he had wasted such a good ability by not adding anything to the already almost empty Spherical Space and taking it to the other world.

Therefore, Sun Cheng used the name of the secret organization "P.C.F." to throw a huge purchase order to Xia Country.

The purchase order included building materials, metal raw materials, and industrial products, with a total value of more than 340 billion Xia Yuan. This batch of purchases would be paid for with gold, advanced foreign technology, and high-end equipment.

Sun Cheng came to Shen Cheng today to deliver the first batch of goods in this purchase order. The first payment made by Xia Country was worth about 7 billion Xia Yuan, mainly consisting of building materials, rare earths, and some metal products, including some generators and even nuclear power equipment.

If Xia Country didn't fully trust him yet and had concerns about "P.C.F.", Sun Cheng even wanted to purchase a batch of long-range missiles from Xia Country. After all, such a national weapon could not only effectively deter some Earth forces in the Transformers Universe but also play a significant role against the Cybertronians.

Sun Cheng had already ordered Revenge to purchase several hundred thousand-ton ocean-going cargo ships from overseas to transport the first batch of goods. After the goods were shipped out to sea, some of them would be loaded into the Spherical Space and taken to the Transformers Universe. The rest would be sent to Latin America and South America, where Safeguard had established a large number of shell corporations. These goods would be first distributed to many ports and then transported to Nubra Island by unmanned cargo ships that Base Three was currently rushing to produce.

Director Liu introduced several people in the warehouse to Sun Cheng, and he was surprised to find that the mayor of Shen Cheng and several officials from the National Asset Management Bureau in charge of Shen Cheng were all there.

"Mr. Sun, if your corporation has any business in the future, you can consider developing it in our Shen Cheng! I can't guarantee anything else, but we've just merged some of the land in Xuzhou, and we can let your corporation build factories at extremely low prices!"

"Okay, if there are any arrangements in the future, we will definitely choose Shen Cheng first!"

After a brief introduction and pleasantries, Director Liu handed Sun Cheng a list. He checked it briefly and confirmed the information on the list before smiling and refusing the inspection.

He still liked dealing with national forces. In the Transformers Universe, except for the black-hearted Arctic Bear who initially fooled him with substandard products and had some quantity problems, no other country had encountered such a thing.

"The gold used to pay for the first batch of orders has already been deposited in the Shen Cheng branch of the Xia Country Industrial Bank. As for the technology, I have already put it all in this specially made storage disk. As for some of the equipment, it will arrive at the Shen Cheng port one after another within the next week, and I will notify you in advance!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 550: Return 


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