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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Among the fifty chat rooms in the "Magic House," all forty-eight of the full ones were naturally fake.

Sun Cheng had developed this software to fulfill the lies he had told earlier.

An organization that had been established for at least several decades, the P·C·F naturally couldn't have just a few hundred members, all of whom had recently been invited to join.

These forty-eight "full" chat rooms were created for this purpose, and no one would be able to join them in the future.

Looking at the "Magic House" chat software, Sun Cheng thought for a moment and then entered the chat room with the label "North American Chinese Exchange Room 17."

The more than two hundred users currently invited by "Magic House" were all selected by Revenge through infiltrating the internet, screening out middle to senior-level technical personnel, technical managers, university professors, and associate professors from Xia Country and North America's recruitment and university websites.

However, he seemed to underestimate human nature.

The progress on the North American side was not going well. Since Sun Cheng had written the "Magic House" software, he had sent invitations to over a thousand American-born Chinese. Unfortunately, most of the people who received his invitations completely ignored Sun Cheng.

Even the dozens of American-born Chinese who joined the chat room out of curiosity were very cautious in their interactions.

Sun Cheng could understand this to some extent. In order to suppress the rising Xia Country, the Americans had used various tactics in the past, and many Chinese technical personnel had been caught in their net.

Moreover, among the second and third generations of Chinese immigrants, there were those who were more Americanized.

Even a prominent Chinese-American tech expert from New York City, whom Sun Cheng had invited to the "North American Chinese Exchange Room 17," had actually sold out the chat room to the FBI.

If it weren't for his general distrust of people, Sun Cheng had implanted a very dangerous Trojan horse in the initial version of "Magic House."

After several upgrades by Revenge, once the Trojan horse inside the "Magic House" client awakened, it would destructively format all data on the phone or computer with "Magic House" installed.

Despite this incident, Sun Cheng suspended his invitations to all Chinese-Americans in the United States. He consolidated the initial group of dozens of people he had brought into the chat rooms and continued to select Chinese immigrants from nearby Canada and Mexico.

The Chinese immigrants in Canada and Mexico, both in terms of quantity and quality, were clearly not comparable to those in the United States.

After some time, despite Revenge's efforts, only a few dozen more members had been added.

After entering the "North American Chinese Exchange Room 17," Sun Cheng was greeted by silence.

There were only three or four people chatting in the chat room, three from Canada and one from Mexico, and their conversation was surprisingly about the weather.

When Sun Cheng entered the chat room, a notification appeared at the top of the chat window saying, "Administrator is online," but no one approached him for a chat.

The atmosphere in this chat room was not very pleasant, a bit stifling, and it was unlikely to change anytime soon.

The layout of the chat room was somewhat similar to PandaOO chat groups. The left side of the chat area occupied nearly seventy percent of the chat room interface.

The right side was divided into two parts, with the smaller upper part being the functional area, containing only two icons: "Tasks" and "Online Store."

The lower part on the right was the member list. "Magic House" was an anonymous chat room, and all members who entered the chat room had to choose an ID for themselves. Except for Sun Cheng, the administrator, no one knew the real identities of the members in real life.

It was precisely because of this that those who had already joined the group did not all disappear.

Of course, Sun Cheng believed that this was also related to the two functions in the functional area.

"Revenge, open the chat room's tasks and online store interfaces."

After Revenge opened the "Tasks" and "Online Store" interfaces in the chat room's functional area, Sun Cheng took a look at each of them and finally showed a slight smile.

In the "Tasks" interface, there were tasks that he had specifically posted. There were only two pages with a total of one hundred tasks, ranging in difficulty from low to high, covering various fields such as mechanical manufacturing, microelectronics, semiconductors, and integrated power, among others. All members in the chat room could choose to claim these tasks anonymously.

These one hundred tasks, once someone completed one, Revenge would add another one based on the question bank Sun Cheng had prepared in advance, ensuring that there were always a total of one hundred tasks.

After claiming a task, the participant had between one week and half a year to complete it and would receive points as a reward upon completion.

These points could be used to increase one's level in the chat room or to purchase products of their choice from the "Online Store."

Sun Cheng had set up various products in the "Online Store," including luxury cars, watches, advanced technologies, and even direct options for exchanging for money.

For example, to increase the trust of the group members in "Magic House," he specifically posted some tasks in the "Tasks" section of various chat rooms with relatively low difficulty ratings. After completing these tasks, participants could earn 1 to 10 points, which could be exchanged for one bitcoin in the online store.

In the European and American regions, especially due to the popularity of speculative capital, bitcoin had long been accepted by the tech community as a valuable virtual currency.

The real-time price of one bitcoin was already above $1,050 when it was about to enter the year 2017.

Sun Cheng couldn't understand how this virtual currency had become so inflated, but with the computing power of Decepticon, his supercomputer that far exceeded human capabilities, he could acquire as many bitcoins as he wanted.

Since some people used it as currency, he didn't mind linking it to chat room points, saving him some money.

Sun Cheng had been too busy for the past week or so and hadn't logged into "Magic House" during that time.

However, when he logged in this time, he found that more than thirty of the tasks he had posted in the "North American Chinese Exchange Room 17" had been claimed, and nineteen of them had been completed.

Most of those who completed the tasks had chosen to exchange their points for bitcoin in the "Online Store." However, three people had accumulated more than 10 points in their chat room points.

Sun Cheng checked the task and exchange records of these three people and realized that they had exchanged for bitcoin several times in the past.

They were among the first to benefit from the chat room, and from their previous experiences, they had gradually built some initial trust in "Magic House," or rather, in the operators behind "Magic House" who claimed to be the "Progressive Chinese Federation."

This was enough!

As long as they still had desires, Sun Cheng had confidence that he would eventually bring them all onto his side.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 545: Bustling 


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