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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Compared to the relatively quiet "North American Chinese Exchange Room 17," the "Xia Country Technology Exchange Room 1" was undoubtedly much more lively.

Sun Cheng had just entered, and someone immediately greeted him.

"The administrator is finally online. What have you been busy with lately?"

"It's been a while since we last saw you..."

"Administrator, have there been any tasks with higher returns recently, I mean, higher points..."

Seeing that he had received numerous mentions and private messages, Sun Cheng's slight annoyance about the slow progress in North America dissipated.

Compared to the cautious and vigilant Chinese members in North America, the first two batches of members invited by Sun Cheng to join the "Xia Country Technology Exchange Room 1" were mostly carefully selected businessmen.

More accurately, they were all involved in the supply of raw materials, primary industrial production, and a few in machinery manufacturing.

The status of these two batches of people in the domestic business circle was not particularly high, and their ages ranged from thirty to forty years old on average. They were mostly individuals who had achieved some initial success in their careers and were ambitious to climb higher in the business and wealth ladder in the Accel sector.

Sun Cheng began to enjoy dealing with these people. Some of them might not have received higher education beyond college, and some might even still use the chat room as if it were a forum for bulk commodity procurement.

However, compared to "North American Chinese Exchange Room 17," the completion rate of tasks in the "Xia Country Technology Exchange Room 1" was dozens of times higher.

In the past two months, Sun Cheng had issued over four hundred tasks in the "Xia Country Technology Exchange Room," with over seventy percent of them being material procurement tasks set for Base Three and the expansion of Villa's underground Safehouse.

It's worth noting that Sun Cheng's offered procurement prices were not particularly high, but he had strict quality requirements.

With such high activity, the progress here was much smoother than in North America.

Similar to "North American Chinese Exchange Room 17," the functional area of the "Xia Country Technology Exchange Room 1" also had an online store. Although the items offered in the online store were not identical to those in North America, they had mostly the same things, just more of them.

Foreign tech circles favored Bitcoin, but the cryptocurrency culture in the country had only recently started to gain traction, and the government's stance on Bitcoin was ambiguous. Some information indicated that Xia Country was also exploring the feasibility of virtual currencies. However, anyone with a bit of common sense could understand that Xia Country would never relinquish control and let Bitcoin flourish domestically.

Moreover, Sun Cheng didn't particularly like cryptocurrencies. So, in the "Xia Country Technology Exchange Room 1" online store, he directly equated points with Xia Yuan, where one point could be exchanged for ten thousand Xia Yuan.

In the past few months, within the chat room of the "Xia Country Technology Exchange Room 1," some members had accumulated over two hundred points through continuous task completion.

Of course, this might be due to distrust of the high-tech technologies and luxury items Sun Cheng uploaded to the online store.

The majority of members within the "Xia Country Technology Exchange Room 1," after obtaining points, made the same choice as the Chinese members in North America—they all chose to exchange points for Xia Yuan.

However, Sun Cheng was not short of money, and besides, the tasks initially posted by Revenge in Room 1 were only rewarding up to thirty points.

In the blink of an eye, two months had passed, and the people in Room 1 had only exchanged four to five hundred million Xia Yuan from the online store using their points.

Not bad!

It was because points could be directly converted into cash that "Magic House" and its nominal operator, the "Progressive Chinese Federation," had accumulated a considerable amount of credit.

Sun Cheng had Revenge pull up the information of all users in Room 1 once again. After carefully reviewing it, a smile appeared on his face.

"Some users have already accumulated close to a hundred points. Let's calculate—this is enough to exchange for several types of equipment or entry-level supercars from the online store!"

To quickly build the framework of "P·C·F," Sun Cheng had made an effort.

Whether it was the online store in Room 17 of the North American chat room or the online store in Room 1 in China, he had prepared two copies of each item that could be exchanged for points in advance, with the help of the versatile 3D printer he had brought back from the "Transformers Universe." He only needed Revenge to scan the specific information of the items he wanted to replicate, and he could easily duplicate any luxury watch or car, and the quality was no less than the original.

As more people started private messaging him, Sun Cheng didn't reply to each one individually. Instead, he took out a voice-changing device from his drawer, imposed a chat room-wide mute, and switched to voice mode to address everyone.

"There have been many private messages, so I won't be able to reply to each one individually. I'll answer everything here."

"First, I want to apologize for my absence. I received a high-level task recently, which requires some time to complete, so I haven't been active in the chat room."

"I noticed that many of you have a lot of questions, so after categorizing them, I'll answer them collectively here."

"The tasks posted in the chat room and the technology, equipment, and luxury items refreshed in the online store are all related to your permission levels. The higher your permission level, the more rewarding the tasks you can receive, and the better the technology and items that will appear in the online store."

"In the past period, many of you exchanged your task rewards for Xia Yuan. As the administrator of this chat room and one of the early members of 'P·C·F,' I won't interfere with your choices, but I want to remind you once again."

"'P·C·F' is a powerful exchange platform, and our goal is to unite the wisdom of all compatriots worldwide to exchange technology and improve our technical skills. So please don't overthink it. If you don't want to stay in the chat room, you can leave at any time. 'P·C·F' imposes no restrictions."

"Everything in the online store, including technology, equipment, and items you might like such as luxury watches and cars, can all be obtained by exchanging points."

"Strictly speaking, you are the second and third batches of Xia Country members invited to join this chat room, and I and some other friends were in the first batch. However, there will be more new friends joining after you."

"Here, I need to remind you again that each chat room has a limit of one thousand members, which means that as more new members join, the competition for tasks will increase."

"Each chat room can only display up to one hundred tasks at a time. New tasks will not be refreshed until the tasks are taken or the time limit expires."

"So, if you have enough points, I, as an experienced member, suggest that you prioritize upgrading your permissions."

"Spending one hundred points can upgrade you to Level 1, and spending one thousand points will get you to Level 2."

"With Level 2 permissions, you will have your own exclusive task interface, and you won't have to compete with newcomers in the chat room for tasks!"

"That's all!"

After finishing his speech, he lifted the chat room-wide mute.

The chat room, which had already been lively, became even more bustling immediately.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 546 Preparations Before Departure (Part 1) 


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