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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"I'm back!"

Sun Cheng whispered to the empty room and loosened his tie.

The central air conditioning in the villa was on, keeping the temperature at least ten degrees warmer than outside.

Feeling the warmth, he took off his polo coat, which he had been wearing outside, and hung it on a coat rack near the entrance.

"I'm back!"

Ye Qi quickly walked out of the house, wearing a small apron, indicating that she was preparing dinner in the kitchen.

Seeing her, Sun Cheng's expression softened.

"I told you to have an early lunch in the afternoon and start the livestream a bit earlier in the evening so you could rest sooner, didn't I?"

He didn't particularly like Ye Qi's profession, but he respected her choice.

At the beginning of the year, when Ye Qi had just arrived in South Capital, Sun Cheng had invited her to join Cybertron Technology to help him, but she had declined, and he didn't insist.

Thinking that he would soon become the major shareholder of the platform where Ye Qi livestreamed, Laurel Network, a smile crossed his face.

Ye Qi raised the spoon in her hand and said, "I'm used to it. Going to bed too early and still thinking about checking my phone won't help me sleep. Go change your clothes first. We're having curry for dinner, and it will be ready in about twenty minutes. I've added a lot of beef..."

As a homebody, she had many hobbies, such as singing, dancing, and gaming during her livestreams. In her free time, she enjoyed watching anime, TV shows, and various food videos.

Thanks to her, during the six months they had been living together, Sun Cheng had tried a variety of foreign cuisines, most of which had unusual flavors and didn't suit his taste buds. For example, he couldn't tolerate cheese, which Ye Qi loved, due to his lactose intolerance, but curry was one of the few foreign dishes he could accept.

Nodding, Sun Cheng said, "I'll go to the study and look at a document. Call me when it's ready."


After changing into comfortable clothes in the bedroom, Sun Cheng entered his study.

As soon as he entered, he noticed the laptop computer transformed by Revenge.

"Revenge, report on the security situation around the residence today..."

"Understood, master."

With a cold, mechanical voice, several beams of light immediately shot out from the transformed laptop computer, creating several different dynamic images in the study.

"Monitoring points 1, 2, and 3 are all normal. There have been no signs of anyone approaching the residence to install surveillance devices or attempting to intrude today."

Since Cybertron Group started producing X-1 mechanical exoskeleton armor for the military, the government had increased its security measures around him.

However, Sun Cheng had many secrets, and he preferred not to have too much contact with people in his daily life.

So, he had allowed the National Security Bureau and the military to deploy personnel around his corporation, factory, residence, and his hometown to ensure the safety of Ye Qi and her parents.

Sun Cheng wasn't surprised by this arrangement. His cooperation with the military was currently in a honeymoon phase, and he believed that no one would do anything to upset him.

"Activate the Magic House."

Sun Cheng sat down at his mahogany desk and whispered.

Revenge, transformed into a computer, had all the functions of a regular computer, and it could also install software. However, any software code input into Revenge's transformed computer would be quickly digested and reduced to its core, becoming part of its capabilities.

Sun Cheng had discovered this during his time in the Transformers Universe. When he used Frenzy's mechanical body to connect to Earth's internet, he could download various information and software he found interesting from the internet.

After processing by the core, most of the information he deemed useful was stored in Frenzy's storage chip. Some software he initially downloaded out of curiosity was also enhanced by the core, becoming part of his abilities.

Many of Cybertron Group's achievements today were the result of Sun Cheng using this ability. He would input the software he needed into Frenzy or Revenge's mechanical body, upgrade it through the Decepticon's core, convert it back into source code, extract it, and then repack it for use as software.

Upon receiving Sun Cheng's command, Revenge immediately canceled the projection of the different dynamic images and activated the screen of the laptop computer it had transformed into. A small house icon quickly appeared on the screen.

This chat software, called "Magic House," was created by Sun Cheng over the past few months. He had combined multiple chat and office software available in the domestic and international markets, initially creating a rudimentary software and then repeatedly modifying it using Revenge's special abilities.

It was a unique chat software accessible through smartphones, smartwatches, and computers, supporting text, voice, and video communication. Due to its strong focus on security from the beginning, chat content on "Magic House" was stored on a special cloud disk, with the terminal for that cloud disk located with Revenge, making it arguably the most secure chat software in the world.

"Magic House" wasn't created for profit, and Sun Cheng had no intention of entering the chat software industry. After developing the software, he hadn't allowed it to spread widely in the market.

Currently, there were fewer than three hundred users of this chat software, all of whom were Chinese. However, more than seventy percent of these users were within Xia Country.

These users and the "Magic House" chat software were part of Sun Cheng's attempt to fulfill the lies he had told in the past about the secret organization behind him, the Progressive Chinese Federation, or 【P·C·F】.

When "Magic House" was opened, fifty small house icons with different designs appeared, each with a lock symbol.

Upon closer inspection, 48 of these icons displayed the message: "Users: 1000/1000 (Full)," "Cannot join this chat room without receiving an invitation from the administrator or entering the correct invitation code."

There were only two chat rooms with available slots. One was labeled "Xia Country Tech Exchange Room 1," "Users: 182/1000," and "This chat room is only for Xia Country tech enthusiasts who have received an invitation from the administrator. You must enter the correct invitation code to enter."

The other partially filled chat room was labeled "North American Chinese Tech Exchange Room 17," "Users: 104/1000," and "This chat room is only for North American Chinese tech enthusiasts who have received an invitation from the administrator. You must enter the correct invitation code to enter."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 544: Chat Room 


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