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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Although Sun Cheng didn't believe that Atlas and his group would deceive him about the things he wanted, he felt even less secure in the Transformers world than in the real world.

Except for himself, even Forerunner, who had always been loyal to him, had never been fully trusted.

After opening sixteen giant cargo containers one by one and scanning the contents inside, confirming that Atlas and his group hadn't played any tricks, Sun Cheng finally breathed a sigh of relief. The Spherical Space within him, continuously supplied with energy fluid for several months, had expanded significantly compared to before. It had become a semi-Spherical Space with a radius of more than 125 meters.

Although it had consumed a considerable amount of high-purity energy fluid, Sun Cheng believed it was all worth it.

The spaceship he had obtained from three Predators in the real world was now stored within the Spherical Space. It no longer made the mysterious space appear so crowded.

The extra space, filled through his continuous additions over the past few months, was now more than half full.

Even so, it wouldn't be difficult to fit these sixteen massive cargo containers into the remaining space.

It was time to return to the real world!

With the assurance that the batch of items he wanted was in order, Sun Cheng relaxed and stored them one by one within the Spherical Space.

Forerunner and the Decepticon engineers pretended not to notice, but their gazes froze for a moment.

Sun Cheng chose to ignore this.

In the past, due to his lack of strength, he had to hide and stash items within the Spherical Space. Later, when he couldn't hide it any longer, he had falsely claimed that he used a "Space Bridge" to remotely transport equipment elsewhere in front of others.

This lie was undoubtedly full of loopholes, and he knew it himself, let alone others.

However, as Sun Cheng's strength and the power of his base continued to expand, he cared less and less about what others might speculate.

"Prepare a laboratory for me. I need to spend two days researching some things! Don't disturb me during these two days. We'll talk about everything after I come out."

After packing the items into the Spherical Space, Sun Cheng instructed Forerunner to arrange a laboratory for him.

He was intentionally cultivating Forerunner's leadership abilities. Although he stayed in North Dovinsk, he was in charge of the daily affairs here.

"Also... keep a close eye on Africa. I need more information about Decepticon activities over there!"

"Yes, Master. I will arrange that..."

Forerunner responded and summoned a newly created Decepticon engineer. He had the engineer show Sun Cheng to an available manufacturing workshop, temporarily converting it into a laboratory for his use.

All the equipment in the manufacturing workshop was made by the base, including two 3D printing devices.

If Sun Cheng needed to, he could easily design and manufacture the parts he needed and assemble them into the required equipment using those two 3D printing devices.


Sun Cheng's brow furrowed for a while before relaxing. He had digested the sudden influx of information in his mind, feeling a bit overwhelmed. He took a deep breath of the air in the room and sank into the soft sofa.

Upon opening his eyes, the light emitted by the crystal chandelier above him seemed uncomfortably bright. He instinctively raised a hand to shield his forehead from the light.

"... What an annoying sensation... Transformation is supposed to happen in an instant, so why do I always feel so uncomfortable every time I return?"

A vague feeling of irritability arose in his mind without any clear cause.

Sun Cheng's pupils narrowed in confusion. A stronger sense of discomfort was eroding his senses and his consciousness, far more intense than the previous times he had noticed his growing aversion to his real-world body.

This 'strange' feeling toward his body made him feel extremely uneasy. The weakness it brought, which even a strong grip or a full-force strike might not break a thin piece of wood, was uncomfortable.

Though he had faintly sensed a developing aversion to his real-world body after a few previous returns from the alternate world, this time it was much stronger.

"... There's no such thing as perfection. It seems that I really did spend too much time in the Transformers world this time..."

His brow slightly furrowed. Sun Cheng looked down at his hands, contemplating how to deal with this aversion reaction.

He had a hunch that this might be related to his prolonged role-playing as a Decepticon. Over time, it seemed to have caused some issues in his mind and psyche.

However, Sun Cheng hadn't studied much about the mind and psychology, and although he had noticed the issue, he felt somewhat stuck on how to deal with it for the time being.

He could only pay more attention in the future and try to find a solution when he had the time to focus on it.

Outside the door, an abrupt knocking sound broke Sun Cheng's train of thought, awakening him from his contemplation as he sat on the sofa, trying his best to adapt to his body as quickly as possible.

"Come in!"

He instinctively called out, but the knocking sound continued. Confused for a moment, scattered fragments of memory seemed to dawn on him after the fact.

Sun Cheng then realized that he had locked the door from the inside before he last left to prevent anyone from entering and noticing any unusual behavior. The soundproofing inside the Villa he had purchased in the real world was quite effective.

Apart from himself, Ye Qi was the only other person in the house. He vaguely remembered that he had managed to bring her to villa before his last crossing.

Now she was living with him, and the only person who would disturb him would be Ye Qi.

Though he hadn't fully adapted to his very unfamiliar body yet, Sun Cheng felt compelled to get up from the soft leather sofa upon hearing the incessant knocking. He propped himself on the armrest and struggled to stand up.

This movement nearly made him stumble; he was fortunate not to fall.

In a hurry, he stretched out a hand and caught himself on the coffee table in front of him, accidentally jostling the disguised smartphone 'Xiao Wu' on the table. The device swayed slightly, causing its disguised form to fade away, revealing a miniature Decepticon.

"I'm fine!"

Sun Cheng managed to stabilize himself, leaned against the table, and waved his hand.

"Keep watch for me!"

Xiao Wu tilted its head, nodded, and immediately transformed back into the shape of a smartphone.

After a brief adjustment of his legs and feet, and as the aversion sensation to his body gradually subsided, Sun Cheng gingerly moved his stiff body toward the entrance.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 484: Purpose 


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