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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After a dull thud, Sun Cheng transformed back into his battle form.

"I'm back!"

He unabashedly released the electromagnetic frequency that he had concealed for a long time. He wanted everyone to know that he had returned.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two heavy objects fell from the sky, landing slightly later than him, about ten meters away on both sides.

Sun Cheng's arms, which had become noticeably warmer due to extended flight, moved slightly. He turned his body to look at a tall and burly silver mechanical giant not far away, his lips curving into a visible arc.

"...This is North Dovinsk, the place where we interact with humans! Thunder, are you getting used to your new body?"

The mechanical warrior that had fallen beside him and was even more robust than Sun Cheng himself was none other than Blackout, one of the bravest warriors of the former Decepticon army, who had just been reawakened a day ago.

Oh no, he should be called Thunder now.

Sun Cheng had left North Dovinsk for quite some time, and almost on the second day after Thunder awakened, the engineers had finished installing all the weapon systems designed and made for him. Immediately after that, Sun Cheng brought Thunder and Forerunner back to North Dovinsk.

Having spent some time with Excavator, Sun Cheng couldn't claim to know Decepticons very well, but he had grown accustomed to their way of thinking.

With the groundwork he had laid and the continuous coaxing of Excavator, Sun Cheng believed that the fellow would probably hide his whereabouts for some time after Sun Cheng suddenly left.

He had investigated before and knew that Starscream would only contact Excavator once every half month or so.

Based on his understanding of Excavator, he was certain that Excavator could keep his secret for at least half a month, and maybe even a full month.

After the incident with the satellite control at the base, Sun Cheng also realized that North Dovinsk might be exposed.

For Sun Cheng, Excavator was still a valuable pawn. During their previous interactions, Sun Cheng had extracted some information about the moon base from Excavator. So unless absolutely necessary, he didn't want to lose this pawn yet.

So, even before Thunder completely adapted to his new mechanical body, Sun Cheng hastily brought Thunder and Forerunner back to North Dovinsk.

Thunder was a silent one. After landing, he stood there silently on guard. He had inherited the majority of Blackout's memories and combat experience and was still a qualified warrior.

"...Commander, it will take me some time to fully grasp this new body... especially the weapon systems..."

His response was simple and concise. Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly seemed to notice something, his expression changing, and he quickly summoned the close-combat defensive weapons on his right arm – two small melee combat missiles.

"Unknown Decepticon detected... Commander, do you want me to take care of him?"

"Don't be impulsive; the other party is not an enemy!"

Sun Cheng had detected Excavator's electromagnetic frequency even earlier than Thunder did. Thus, when Thunder locked onto Excavator and was somewhat eager to engage, Sun Cheng interrupted him.

"Forerunner, go to the engineer's side and hand over the management and defense authority of the military port!"

Forerunner nodded. "Understood, Master!"

Without any hesitation, he immediately headed toward the shipyard in the core area of the military port. The command center they established when they first came to North Dovinsk was located there.

When Sun Cheng left before, he temporarily transferred the command authority of the over three thousand industrial and combat robots in North Dovinsk to a Decepticon engineer who stayed behind.

Along with this transfer, the control and activation rights of the electromagnetic barriers and dozens of sets of electromagnetic weapons hidden in North Dovinsk were handed over. Although the highest authority still resided with Sun Cheng, he generally didn't manage these directly. Even before bringing Forerunner to North Dovinsk, he had informed him that Forerunner would take on the role of commander of the North Dovinsk base in the near future.

Yes, this time, Sun Cheng had returned to North Dovinsk fully prepared to upgrade it to a sub-base.

Thunder obediently retracted his weapons and released his lock on Excavator.

Almost as Forerunner's figure disappeared from their view, Excavator's figure emerged from another part of the military port.

He was walking quickly, and his facial expression kept changing.

Sun Cheng could tell that Excavator must have been surprised by the display of power he just exhibited. Although the "carrot and stick" approach was simple, it proved effective!

Thunder stared at Excavator, and after checking the database, he didn't find any information about Excavator among their base personnel. Instead, he found information about Excavator listed as a quasi-hostile force in Starscream's database.

Even though Sun Cheng had just reminded him that Excavator wasn't an enemy, Thunder's loyalty inherited from Blackout, the supreme commander of the Decepticon army, still made him vigilant toward Excavator.

He fixed his gaze on Excavator. If he saw any action that might be detrimental to his commander, he wouldn't hesitate to attack him until he was completely destroyed.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 464: vs. Soundwave (Part 3)


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