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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"What did you say? Frenzy is coming back?"

Upon hearing the words of the peculiar Decepticon in front of him, Excavator's heart first filled with joy, but then he became somewhat flustered and asked anxiously.

After receiving confirmation, his mood became even more chaotic.

Excavator had just heard from his master, Starscream, that Soundwave would be coming soon to investigate matters related to Frenzy.

As far as he knew about the relationship between these two, a fierce battle would undoubtedly break out in North Dovinsk soon.

Excavator had witnessed Frenzy's capabilities, and though his combat power might not match Starscream's, he was far superior to the mass-produced cannon-fodder Decepticon warriors like Excavator.

As for Soundwave, he was a notorious veteran commander of the Decepticon army.

Rumors had it that their relationship was terrible, and if they were to cross paths, it would be like thunder and fire, impossible to reconcile.

"This city is done for!"

In an instant, a realization came to Excavator, but he also felt relieved.

If Frenzy was coming back soon, then even if the sky were to fall, he had Frenzy to shield him.

Moreover, Excavator had already made up his mind. If the situation endangered his life, he would not hesitate to run away. After all, Starscream hadn't given him any orders to stay here.

Recently, he had recalled some dark history about Starscream, and this master, who had raised him and even sacrificed for him, was no longer as trustworthy in Excavator's eyes.

He no longer needed Frenzy's favor, and he was no longer willing to sacrifice himself for Starscream.

Time wouldn't stop because of Excavator's worries, and soon he wouldn't have to worry about this matter anymore.

Sun Cheng had returned much faster than he had anticipated.

Just a few hours after meeting with the Decepticon engineer who had been staying at North Dovinsk military port, along with the heavy sound of falling objects, Excavator, who was anxiously waiting in his exclusive warehouse within the military port, suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He had detected several astonishing electromagnetic frequencies within the military port.

Without a doubt, powerful Decepticons had arrived in North Dovinsk, and there was more than one.

Because the other party blatantly exposed their electromagnetic frequencies, Excavator immediately recognized one of them from the familiar frequency.


However, the identities of the other two were somewhat puzzling to Excavator.

One of the Decepticon's electromagnetic frequencies gave him a sense of familiarity. It seemed that he had recorded this Decepticon's frequency before.

For a Mechanical Life Form like a Decepticon, extracting memories from their data was not difficult. Almost as soon as the thought emerged in his mind, Excavator locked onto the target.

However, after repeatedly examining the memory data, his confusion only deepened.

In his memory, the owner of that frequency was called Forerunner, an inconspicuous Decepticon under Frenzy. In his view, Forerunner was not even worthy of being cannon fodder.

Excavator had briefly fought with Forerunner during the first invasion of North Dovinsk. He clearly remembered that if it hadn't been for the distraction caused by the human military and Frenzy's timely arrival for support, Forerunner would not have survived.


How much time had passed since then?

That little cannon fodder who he didn't pay any attention to during their first encounter had somehow become so powerful?

The more powerful a mechanical life form, the better they were at hiding their electromagnetic frequencies.

Of course, this only applied to some schemers.

The vast majority of Mechanical Life Forms, whether Decepticons or Autobots, preferred to fully reveal their powerful electromagnetic frequencies – chaotic, calm, or ferocious – to intimidate their opponents, as if to say, "Don't mess with me!"

While Excavator felt a sense of familiarity from the suspected Forerunner's target, it also felt somewhat unfamiliar, as it was so powerful and composed, as if he were facing a formidable warrior who could take his life at any moment, making him quite uneasy.

Even more unsettling was the other unknown Decepticon warrior returning with Frenzy and Forerunner.

The electromagnetic frequency emitted by this Decepticon was savage, indifferent, and chaotic. It was undoubtedly a Decepticon, and a very powerful one at that.

The imposing aura made Excavator feel that this Decepticon was not much weaker than Frenzy, and their strength far surpassed his own.

He didn't know who this Decepticon was, but the fact that they were coming together with Frenzy indicated their affiliation.

"Where did Frenzy find such a powerful warrior?"

Hastily leaving the warehouse, Excavator's mind was full of doubts, but the sense of unease and restlessness in his heart began to fade.

He knew his master, Starscream, very well. As a qualified schemer, Starscream was constantly scheming to obtain the highest authority over the Decepticon army. This made him incompatible with the majority of senior commanders within the army, including Shockwave, Soundwave, and others.

His master might be subtly manipulating events behind the scenes to instigate a battle between Frenzy and the forthcoming Soundwave, either to test Frenzy's strength or for some other reason.

But as cunning as Starscream was, it was even more likely that after seeing Frenzy's true strength and value, his attitude would do a complete one-eighty.

Just as he had walked out of the warehouse, Excavator immediately felt he was being locked onto.

North Dovinsk's military port was not small, and since it had been designated as a base for communication and cooperation with extraterrestrial visitors, Moscow had abandoned it.

After the unsuccessful invasion by the Autobots and the United States, they finally made up their minds.

The Russian Navy's nuclear submarines that had been stationed here had been relocated to other military ports in Russia.

Even the once-largest nuclear submarine manufacturing plant in the country, located within the military port, had been handed over to Sun Cheng and his group.

Of course, though might seem simple and honest, but his heart was even darker and more ruthless than anyone else's.

With Sun Cheng providing them with advanced machinery and equipment, they had long had the idea of rebuilding a more advanced and modern shipyard.

But the polar bears had always taken advantage of others, and they never missed any opportunity to gain an advantage.

Though they had the idea of allowing Sun Cheng's group to settle in North Dovinsk, in the end, they sold the shipyard to them, receiving a handsome sum. Later, they packaged the entire military port and extracted more items from Sun Cheng's group.

Seeing that they needed the polar bears to stand up and continue to confront the United States, Sun Cheng acted generously.

In any case, he had already obtained the information he needed, and the White Bear, who had been well-fed and was becoming a little overweight, had already begun their third military mobilization.

In no more than two months, they would complete their military preparations.

On the Caucasus front, the polar bears were becoming impatient to confront Georgia, or rather, the NATO forces backing them.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 463: vs. Soundwave (Part 2)


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