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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Entering June in North Dovinsk, they finally escaped the chilly spring unique to the Arctic Circle and could now feel a hint of southern spring.

However, none of this mattered to Excavator. Lately, his temper had become more explosive. He kicked an industrial robot that was carrying parts tens of meters away with a cold snort and continued walking towards the warehouse area.

"...It seems this place has been abandoned..."

His eyes flickered with red light, and the long-suppressed killing intent within Excavator was rapidly awakening.

It had been twenty-nine days since Frenzy had left, and for twenty-nine days, Excavator had been discreetly concealing Frenzy's departure.

Originally assigned by his master, Starscream, to keep an eye on Frenzy, Excavator didn't have to report on Frenzy's activities daily. However, continuous monitoring of Frenzy's every move was one of Starscream's requirements.

Now, Frenzy had been gone from North Dovinsk for twenty-nine days.

For nearly a month, for some reason, Excavator, though very displeased, chose to keep Frenzy's departure from North Dovinsk a secret.

Not only that, he even helped cover for him.

The incident in the Far East where two Decepticons went missing had successfully caught Starscream's attention.

Excavator wasn't sure if his master suspected Frenzy, but shortly after the two Decepticons disappeared, Starscream secretly contacted him to inquire if Frenzy was responsible. He instinctively made up a story to deceive him.

Thinking about this, Excavator couldn't help but shudder. Although he had received many benefits from Frenzy during this time, they were not enough to make him dare to betray Starscream.

Given the current situation, he was aware that his master was incredibly powerful.

Recently, he kept having scattered fragments of memory pop up in his head, allowing him to vaguely sense some hidden secrets within himself. That was why he decided to help Frenzy deceive Starscream.

After all, Decepticons were not without strategy or cunning. Once they started calculating, their technology, far surpassing Earth's civilization, left humans with no chance.

Frenzy had been quite useful to Excavator during their contact in the past few months. He had gained many benefits from him and could see Frenzy's attempts to win him over.

However, Frenzy's demonstrated power was still significantly inferior to his own master, Starscream.

Therefore, unless Frenzy offered something truly appealing, Excavator would only help him temporarily conceal his actions.

At this point, Excavator realized that he could no longer hide the truth about Frenzy's disappearance in North Dovinsk.

"Frenzy, what exactly have you done...? How did you catch Lord Fallen's attention...? Damn, Soundwave should be here soon..."

Excavator was in a bad situation. He didn't know how to cover up this mess.

Before, he had received many benefits from Frenzy and spent time with him, allowing Excavator to learn a bit about Frenzy's character. In his opinion, Frenzy had invested so much effort in North Dovinsk, successfully establishing cooperative relationships with human nations, and gaining a steady supply of various scarce resources for development. There was no way he would easily give up this place. That's why he had cautiously provided cover for Frenzy.

However, he never expected that two days ago, when he reported to Starscream, he lied that Frenzy had been working at an experimental laboratory he built in North Dovinsk, helping humans modify weapons.

Suddenly, Starscream contacted him, asking playfully about Frenzy's recent activities.

This truly terrified Excavator, and those scattered memories that occasionally surfaced in his mind made him more aware of Starscream's cunning and deviousness.

He had a vague feeling that his master might already be suspecting Frenzy's whereabouts.

He couldn't keep this a secret any longer. It was inevitable that the truth would come out!

"...Soundwave will be coming to you soon; he and Frenzy are old friends... If anything happens, stay by his side and protect yourself!"

This was the message Starscream left when he contacted Excavator earlier, making him unable to sit still.

He knew who Soundwave was and, from the occasional scraps of information leaked by Starscream, he vaguely learned that Frenzy and Soundwave didn't get along and might even be hostile towards each other.

If a rival of Frenzy's was coming to North Dovinsk, the implications were clear.

Frenzy was in danger!

North Dovinsk was in danger!

Excavator didn't know what Frenzy had done during his absence that caused Starscream's attitude towards him to make a complete one-eighty.

Unfortunately, try as he might, he couldn't contact Frenzy.

In other words, the quiet life he had grown accustomed to was about to come to an end.

With an unceremonious kick, Excavator forcefully opened a large warehouse door at General Harbor and walked in with a gloomy face.

As soon as he entered, he saw a peculiar Decepticon who claimed to be an engineer, directing dozens of industrial robots to continuously move and weld various machine parts in the warehouse.

Perhaps startled by the door-kicking sound, the engineer turned around and looked at him, immediately putting on a flattering smile and walking towards him: "Lord Excavator, are you here to inquire about when the master will return?"

Despite the ingratiating smile, it only irritated Excavator, who said nothing. He walked expressionlessly to the engineer's side and, with a sudden kick, sent the Decepticon engineer flying dozens of meters away, crashing heavily into a pile of metal ingots and other materials in the warehouse, causing a cacophony of noise.

With a cold snort, Excavator's voice turned chilling, "Don't play dumb with me, you despicable reptile... Lord Starscream is losing patience, and this place will soon become a sea of fire. You will all be reduced to piles of scrap parts... If you want to blame someone, blame your master!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 462: vs. Soundwave (Part 1)


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