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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the Battle of Las Vegas one year ago, although Sun Cheng couldn't claim to be the biggest winner in that chaotic battle, half of his current power came from that event.

In that large-scale battle involving Decepticons, Autobots, and humans from the United States, Sun Cheng got a big piece of the pie.

Not to mention the four All Spark fragments—without them, Base 2 wouldn't exist as it did today.

Besides, Sun Cheng gained other benefits as well.

For example, the half-remains of the Autobots elite warrior Jazz, torn apart by Megatron himself, and the head of Blackout, cut off by Sun Cheng.

In some ways, the importance of these two spoils was no less than the four All Spark fragments.

Including Sun Cheng himself, all the Decepticon mechanical bodies under his command had adopted some designs and technology from Jazz's mechanical body.

Not to mention the memory chips of Jazz and Blackout, which revealed many secrets about the Autobots and Decepticons.

Although he later traded Jazz's memory chip to "Onslaught" to gain his loyalty, Sun Cheng was well aware that "Onslaught" would also use Jazz's memory chip to cultivate an underling loyal to him, and he couldn't help but think the same way.

Blackout became the best subject for experimentation.

The "Awakening Plan" was about reviving an elite warrior of the Decepticons from the past.

Sun Cheng stood quietly before the three mechanical bodies, feeling a mix of dread, fanaticism, and anxiety swirling in his mind.

Although Cybertron's civilization experienced a noticeable gap in its technological inheritance due to "Cosmic Rust" and two internal wars, some technologies were not affected.

For instance, the medical technology focusing on the military field!

Both Starscream and Shockwave were skilled in this area. The former excelled in various technologies for nurturing new Decepticons. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that over half of the cannon fodder soldiers in the Decepticon army were bred by him. Not only were his technologies more advanced than those of Atlas and his team, but the success rate was also higher.

As for Shockwave, look up "Triple Changers" and "Giant Decepticon" for more information.

Sun Cheng had once glimpsed into Megatron's and Skyfire's memories, so he understood how terrifying Shockwave was!

But it was also thanks to them that the medical technology focused on the military field did not suffer significant gaps and was passed down to the present.

Among Cybertron's medical technologies, "Awakening" was one of the most cutting-edge.

In simple terms, "Awakening" was a technology that allowed a mechanical lifeform to regain a second life after death due to various reasons, such as the extinguishing of their Spark or severe damage to their mechanical body.

This technology was only held by a few scientists in both the Decepticon army and the Autobots.

When Base 2 was established, the group of Decepticon workers under Sun Cheng's command did not have this technology.

Reviving a mechanical lifeform that had already died involved numerous difficult challenges.

Atlas and his team were originally Decepticon workers, and as the lowest level of Decepticon army members responsible for almost all miscellaneous tasks, they were not well-versed in medical matters. Fortunately, Sun Cheng had obtained some "Medical Spiders" from "Onslaught."

These miniature Decepticons were different from workers and were said to have been cultivated by Shockwave. They were special Decepticons that provided medical support to the Decepticon army on the battlefield, and almost all of them were top-notch doctors.

Although it might not be fair to the "Medical Spiders," Sun Cheng did disassemble quite a few of them to research Decepticon medical technology.

The results were remarkable. Although the "Medical Spiders" did not possess the "Awakening" technology, their reserves of other medical technologies were extensive.

After a series of lengthy experiments, such as various tests in cultivating new Decepticons and replacing mechanical bodies, along with Sun Cheng's possession of several All Spark fragments as insurance, they finally managed to grasp the "Awakening" technology through clever means.

"...Is it right or wrong to awaken Blackout..."

Even Sun Cheng found it difficult to answer this question himself.

"Frenzy," the unfortunate soul he had taken over, was an example.

Frenzy died in the second Cybertronian civil war. Although his memory chip was intact, he was given a second life through Soundwave's use of the "Awakening" technology.

However, after Sun Cheng had Soundwave unlock the seal on Frenzy's Core memories, the two could only head towards confrontation after what remained between them was hatred.

From his perspective, the word "annoying" was no longer enough to describe the emotions he felt about others controlling his fate. If he had to find a word to describe it, "hatred" might be more appropriate.

Therefore, Sun Cheng was well aware of the danger of trying to revive Blackout using the "Awakening" technology.

However, he had no choice but to push forward with it. Although Base 2 had developed rapidly, the expansion of his influence was still not catching up with the situation on Earth.

In the current "Transformers Universe," Earth had already attracted Megatron and his Decepticon army, Optimus Prime and his Autobots, as well as Lord Fallen, one of the Cybertron Thirteen Primes.

Added to that were the five rogue nations on Earth, and a fierce battle could break out at any moment, whether tomorrow or today.

Unfortunately, Sun Cheng had been dragged into the whirlpool from the very beginning and couldn't break free.

Therefore, what he needed most now was to use any means necessary to increase his own strength and influence.

His strength had temporarily reached its upper limit. Sun Cheng had recently just replaced his new mechanical body and was currently in the period of adaptation. Commanding the engineers to design a more powerful new mechanical body for himself wouldn't result in a significant improvement in strength; on the contrary, it would lead to obvious drawbacks and require a much longer time for him to adapt to the new mechanical body.

Time happened to be the one thing Sun Cheng was currently lacking.

Therefore, if his personal strength couldn't be greatly improved in a short time, he could only consider it from the perspective of enhancing his own influence.

Thus, there was no more powerful means of enhancement than resurrecting an elite Decepticon warrior like Blackout.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 459: From Today On, Your Name is "Thunder" (Part 1)


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