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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Blackout" was undeniably powerful.

As one of the aerial commanders of the Decepticon army and the most loyal supporter of "Megatron," he willingly underwent modifications by "Shockwave" and could combine with another Decepticon, "Starscream," to form a powerful bomber.

Even if we put aside that form, solely considering "Blackout's" combat power, he clearly outclassed Decepticon warriors like "Starscream," "Shockwave," "Onslaught," and "Soundwave."

However, when facing advanced warriors like "Barricade," "Noisy," and "Bonecrusher," "Blackout" could easily crush them, and it would only be a matter of time before they were dealt with together.

In fact, Sun Cheng never understood why such a powerful Decepticon warrior died in Las Vegas.

Reviving "Blackout" was not a difficult task. With the experience of his Decepticon engineers in cultivating new Decepticons over the past year, it should be almost certain.

But the problem came afterward!

How to ensure that the resurrected "Blackout" would remain one hundred percent loyal to him, just like he was to "Megatron" in the past, was a big challenge.

Sun Cheng had thought of many ways to solve this uncertainty, including extensively deleting "Blackout's" original memories and adding false memory data.

For now, it wasn't too difficult for the base to perform such operations, but the risk was uncontrollable.

Although Sun Cheng was almost involved in the entire process of handling "Blackout's" memory data, this was the memory chip of an elite warrior, not comparable to the beginning-of-life Forerunners.

Unless he chose to directly seal "Blackout's" memories as "Soundwave" did to the original "Frenzy" and then replace "Blackout" with a new mechanical body that would be easier to control.

But doing that would be putting the cart before the horse.

After all, the purpose of the "Awakening" project was because Sun Cheng urgently needed more powerful warriors to make up for the lack of high-end combat power in the base.


Unconsciously, Sun Cheng had been standing there in silence for quite a while.

His engineers looked at each other for a moment, unsure of what was going on with him.

In the end, Atlas stepped forward and asked, "... The brand-new Core is ready, and it can be loaded at any time... Do you need a final inspection before installation?"

For Cybertronians, two parts were crucial and could endanger their lives if damaged.

These two parts were the Core and the Spark.

The importance of the Spark was self-evident. It was the energy and life source of Cybertronians, equivalent to the sum of all the internal organs of a human.

The massive metal bodies of Cybertronians weighed several tons, or even dozens of tons. Even humans knew that the consumption of a person weighing a hundred pounds and a person weighing two hundred pounds during daily activities would differ, not to mention Cybertronians.

So, once the Spark was damaged, Cybertronians would be seriously affected.

The Core was no less important than the Spark. It served as the calculation center, information processing center, and data storage of a Cybertronian, equivalent to the human brain system.

Unlike humans, many Cybertronians, especially low-level ones, had various templates implanted in their Cores during the incubation stage, giving them different professional abilities like doctors, workers, soldiers, etc., right from birth. These templates indeed provided great convenience for Cybertronians, but they also solidified their class consciousness.

Especially within the Decepticon army, there were few low-level Decepticon workers or spiders who could be promoted to higher positions. Soldiers, especially powerful warriors, always remained in the upper ruling class of the Decepticon army.

Atlas' words immediately awakened Sun Cheng, who had suddenly hesitated.

He pondered for a moment, and his gaze once again fell on the silver-gray giant among the three mechanical warriors in front of him before he nodded slowly. "Bring the Core over; I need to do one final check."

"Blackout's" memory chip had long been removed from his original Core during the past experiments.

What Atlas and his team had designed for him now was a completely new Core.

"Blackout's" new Core had been manufactured half a year ago.

Although his mechanical body was a little later than Sun Cheng, Forerunner, and the others' new mechanical bodies, it had also been manufactured a month ago.

However, considering that "Blackout's" new mechanical body already had a Spark installed, once the Core was put into his head, it could be activated at any time.

Therefore, without Sun Cheng's consent, "Blackout's" new Core had been kept in an experimental laboratory in the base.

In this dangerous world, Sun Cheng never fully trusted anyone other than himself, including his group of Decepticons.

It had been some time since Sun Cheng had left the base, and it had been some time since he last checked "Blackout's" new Core. Naturally, he was worried that someone might tamper with it while he was away.


The engineers were accustomed to obeying orders. Atlas didn't hesitate to follow his command and immediately called a new Decepticon worker who was waiting on the side to go to the laboratory and fetch "Blackout's" new Core.

Meanwhile, the other engineers also started to busy themselves.

Two Decepticon engineers approached two other machines on the left and right sides. After some operations, the two machines, each holding a blue-white and fiery red mechanical body over ten meters tall, slowly moved along the tracks laid on the ground to both sides, making room for the machine in the middle that was holding "Blackout's" new mechanical body.

These two other mechanical bodies, which hadn't had their Cores activated yet, were also part of the "Awakening" plan.

Sun Cheng didn't have only "Blackout's" memory chip in his hands. In the conflicts over the past year, he had had many opportunities to obtain the remains of Autobots and Decepticons that fell under his hands.

At first, for research purposes, he had hardly left behind any corpses. All the Autobots and Decepticons who died at his hands were brought back to the base for research.

As a result, he had now accumulated some complete Cores of mechanical lifeforms!

It was worth noting that Cores were not ordinary items. Even though Sun Cheng had several All Spark fragments, he still hadn't mastered the technology to manufacture Sparks. Whether he could possess them depended purely on luck.

The same went for Cores. This stuff couldn't be temporarily produced by the base. Instead, they could only be induced and cultivated from new Decepticons through the special radiation energy of the All Spark fragments. Then, the Cores generated from them could be modified and used.

This manufacturing technology was only mastered by a few top figures in the Decepticon army, such as "Starscream" and "Shockwave."

Otherwise, why would Sun Cheng go to so much trouble with the "Awakening" plan!

The worker quickly fetched "Blackout's" new Core and respectfully handed it over to him.

It was a dark green crystal, roughly the size of a human adult fist.

Sun Cheng took it and held it in his palm, inspecting it carefully in front of him.

Two blue lights shot out from his eyes and lasted for nearly a minute before dissipating.

He nodded slightly and handed it back to Atlas.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 460: From Today On, Your Name is "Thunder" (Part 2)



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