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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Prepare to awaken him!"

The Core was fine; he was just being overly suspicious of his subordinates.

However, Sun Cheng wouldn't feel guilty for doubting his subordinates. In this unfamiliar world, if he relaxed his vigilance even slightly, he might lose the power he had worked so hard to establish.

The engineers were very efficient. Upon receiving his final command, two of them approached and stood on either side of the machine holding "Blackout's" new mechanical body, which was over ten meters tall.

Soon, the silver-gray mechanical giant suspended on the machine went from hanging in the air to standing firmly on the ground.

During the process, the alloy armor on its back and chest slowly wriggled and split into two different-sized holes.

Atlas stepped forward, holding the dark green crystal, and quickly came before the mechanical giant.

Without any further actions, he extended three slender tentacles with a metallic luster from the palm of his right hand, tightly gripping the crystal, and quickly climbed upward. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the back of the silver-gray mechanical giant.


The tentacles were retracted shortly after. Atlas gave a command to the two engineers operating the machine nearby, and the armor on the back of the silver-gray giant once again wriggled slowly, concealing the bowl-sized holes that had just appeared.

After completing these steps, the engineer responsible for operating the machine began the final step of the "awakening."

A thick column, about the size of a bowl, entirely made of anti-radiation crystals, slowly extended out from the side of the machine. It moved in the air like a human arm, made a bend, and slowly stabbed toward the chest of the suspended silver-gray mechanical giant.

The speed was not fast, showing that the engineers were extremely cautious.

Sun Cheng knew the reason. It was because the tip of that special anti-radiation crystal column was an "All Spark" fragment.

The radiation from the fragment could be used to activate any Decepticon, and it could also transform any machine containing semiconductor components into a berserk and aggressive Decepticon.

For safety reasons, once the fragment started to charge, it had to be kept in a specially designed anti-radiation device.

It was very dangerous.

One engineer was carefully controlling the fragment. Although he had done this operation many times, he was still very cautious.

He needed to carefully control the "All Spark" fragment to touch the Spark of "Blackout's" new mechanical body and use the powerful radiation energy activated by the fragment's long-term charging to give "Blackout" a second life.

The entire process allowed no room for error. Fortunately, the engineers had accumulated a lot of experience when they replaced new mechanical bodies for the Decepticons in the base before. They even concluded that the probability of successfully activating a new mechanical body by touching the Spark with the fragment was several times higher than other methods.

That was why they were now doing it this way!

The engineer carefully controlled the fragment, slowly approaching the faintly visible Spark in the chest cavity of "Blackout's" new mechanical body through the hole that had cracked open earlier.

Although it seemed slow, the whole process didn't take long.

After about forty seconds, the fragment successfully entered the chest cavity of "Blackout's" new mechanical body.

Interestingly, during the movement, the "All Spark" fragment, which was embedded in the front of the anti-radiation crystal, did not show any abnormality.

But the moment it entered the chest of the silver-gray mechanical giant, it suddenly transformed as if it had been placed in flames for a long time. It instantly turned crimson.

Then, an astonishing radiation burst forth from the fragment and directly entered the dim Spark in the chest cavity of "Blackout's" new mechanical body.

With a low rumble, the dim Spark in "Blackout's" new mechanical body began to glow with a blood-red light as if it were starting to burn.

"Retrieve the fragment immediately!"

Sun Cheng ordered in a stern voice!

When activating a new mechanical body's Spark with the "All Spark" fragment, for some reason, the fragment would always be attracted to the Spark and uncontrollably merge with it.

This phenomenon occurred quite frequently, and Sun Cheng and the others had encountered it many times before, nearly losing several pieces of the fragments.

Although according to Atlas, Teletraan, and their speculations, if the fragment truly merged with the Spark, it would bring unexpected benefits to the mergee.

However, Sun Cheng was not that generous. The "All Spark" was shattered by "Megatron's" Spark during the battle in Las Vegas. The five pieces of the fragments that had fallen into his hands might be the last few "All Spark" fragments in existence. He didn't even use them himself, let alone give them to other Decepticons.

Without needing his command, the experienced engineer quickly controlled the machine, making the anti-radiation crystal surrounding the fragment extend forward, forcefully cutting off the attraction between it and "Blackout's" new mechanical body's Spark.

Seeing that the fragment had been successfully retrieved into the anti-radiation crystal apparatus, Sun Cheng let out a sigh of relief and refocused his attention on the silver-gray mechanical giant not far away.

The unique radiation energy contained in the fragment caused some incredible changes to his mechanical body the moment the Spark was activated.

At the same time, with the successful activation of the Spark, changes began to occur on the silver-gray mechanical giant's body.

A surging energy continuously flowed out from his Spark and poured into every part of the new mechanical body. This power was immense, and in a short time, it formed an arcing space of electricity around his mechanical body.

The mechanical giant's limbs began to twitch unnaturally, and his brain first twitched along with it. Then, his eyes suddenly opened, and a pair of blood-red electronic eyes emitted dazzling red light.


Everyone noticed that on the forehead of the silver-gray mechanical giant, a symbol exclusive to the Decepticons automatically appeared.

Then, the twitching frequency of his mechanical body slowed down, and the red light emanating from his eyes gradually dimmed.

"Engineers, step back... Atlas, take over. Teletraan, protect him!"

"Blackout's" new mechanical body was successfully activated, and the fierce warrior from the past was about to return. Sun Cheng couldn't be sure if the control measures he had left earlier could successfully control this warrior, who was not much weaker than himself.

So, he needed to be prepared in advance, and having the engineers step back was just the first step; Teletraan cooperating with him to subdue the potentially berserk "Blackout" would be the next step.

Even though, upon Sun Cheng's request, Atlas and the others had already designed a matching combat system for "Blackout's" new mechanical body, they hadn't manufactured it yet.

It could be said that they were fully prepared in advance.

Teletraan and Atlas received the orders. The former took over the work of the two engineers who were operating the machine in front, while the latter fearlessly approached the machine to protect Sun Cheng's safety.

The other engineers obeyed the command, and the workers retreated to a safe area.

However, Sun Cheng soon realized that he seemed to have overthought the situation.

After reading the Core for a long time, about ten minutes later, the twitching of "Blackout's" mechanical body finally stopped.

With a slight shake of his head, two cold gazes swept across the entire factory area.

Finally, when he saw Sun Cheng, his eyes became hot and determined for the first time.

"Commander, 'Blackout' has returned from his slumber. I will fight for you once again!"

"The control measures are effective!"

Sun Cheng was delighted. This was a false memory he created in "Blackout's" memory chip. He successfully replaced "Megatron" with his image, making this warrior, who was loyal to "Megatron," believe that he was the one he had been loyal to all along.

Without hesitation, he said to him, "Welcome back, my most loyal warrior. A new life awaits you. From today on, I bestow upon you a new name—'Thunder.' You will fight for me once again!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 461: Return to North Dovinsk


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