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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


It seemed like they had received news of his arrival in advance. When Sun Cheng finally passed through the increasingly stringent security measures and entered the deep underground precision factory area in the base, he found Atlas and a group of engineers, who had been chased away by him not long ago, waiting near the entrance. They stood there, showing respect.

"You're here, my master!"

As if the previous incident had never happened, Atlas's face was now filled with excitement and enthusiasm.

As the Decepticon engineer who had followed Sun Cheng for the longest time, no one understood the importance of the "Awakening Plan" better than him.


With a heavy response, one could sense the excitement in Sun Cheng's heart.

Just like Atlas, only those who had experienced it would understand the significance of the "Awakening Plan."

"Let's go in!"

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes, master. Please follow us..."

Sun Cheng was not unfamiliar with the precision factory area.

It was the earliest industrial zone planned in Base 2, and for a long time, all types of Transformers in the base, as well as precision equipment and weapons, were manufactured here. This included Sun Cheng, Forerunner, and the new mechanical bodies for the engineers.

Originally, the precision factory area was built inside a large underground cave purely because they had not expected the base's rapid development. As the base's influence expanded and the situation in Brazil became chaotic, the base had now firmly controlled thousands of square kilometers of land. If they weren't worried about provoking a full-scale confrontation between mechanical lifeforms and the humans on Earth, Base 2 could have easily annexed the entire Brazil in the past year or so.

The speed of expansion exceeded expectations, and the original plans and strategies had to be adjusted accordingly.

As a result, the production lines that were originally placed in the precision factory area were gradually moved out and scattered into the surrounding valleys. Nevertheless, the precision factory area remained and now lived up to its name.

It was specially used for manufacturing and storing Decepticon mechanical bodies!

Yes, storing!

With an owner who had a severe lack of security, Base 2 had been running at full capacity since its inception. Sun Cheng never once let his guard down against the Decepticons, the Autobots, or even the Earthlings in this world. He was always worried that his enemies might come knocking at his door.

As a result, all production tasks at Base 2 were operating at full capacity.

Thirty sets of nuclear power units were enough?

Make some more, just in case.

Too many industrial/war robots?

Open two more mines, and add a few more patrol routes.

Weapon warehouse filled up?

Seal half, and throw the other half to Bolivia to test their performance.

"Why store Decepticon mechanical bodies as well?" one might wonder.

Well, what if the secret of the All Spark fragments were fully deciphered one day?

With the mindset of "hoarding resources, some of which might be for enemies," "being prepared early, with no room for error," and "waiting for guns is better than waiting for people," driven by a severe lack of security, Sun Cheng managed Base 2 using a wartime system.

It was a good thing that all of his subordinates were Decepticons and robots; otherwise, they would have revolted long ago.

Atlas and his team led Sun Cheng into the cave where the precision factory area was located. It had been a while since he was here, and Sun Cheng couldn't help but be astonished by the changes in this once-familiar area.

The uneven ground of the cave had been polished and covered with metal plates. Even the surrounding walls had been replaced by specially-made alloy pillars, replacing the stone columns that had been present on his last visit.

"Base 2 is becoming more in line with the Decepticons' aesthetics..."

Sun Cheng secretly observed the changes but showed no sign of surprise.

Perhaps because Cybertron was a huge metallic planet, or because the primary component of mechanical lifeforms' bodies was metal, Sun Cheng had noticed for a long time that his team of Decepticon engineers would prefer to have the ground and walls of an underground cave made of metal, even when constructing a base.

Fortunately, he also emphasized practicality. The special metal forged by the engineers had much better toughness and hardness than ordinary carbon steel. While using it for walls and floors might be a bit of a waste, it significantly enhanced seismic resistance and safety, creating a sci-fi atmosphere that was inevitable after long exposure.

After moving the production lines that were once placed inside the precision factory area to the valleys outside, the area had become noticeably more spacious.

The factory area was now divided into two parts. The area near the entrance was used to produce new Decepticon mechanical bodies, while the area deeper inside the factory was used to manufacture even more powerful Decepticon mechanical bodies, although they were only occasionally used.

Therefore, this place had become the perfect execution site for the "Awakening Plan."

The "Awakening Plan"!

"Master, as per your request, these three mechanical bodies have already been completed. They only need their Cores to be loaded and activated to awaken them!"

In his sight, three massive machines, each over ten meters tall, stood beneath the three platforms, with their robust mechanical bodies fixed to the supports. They stood proudly before Sun Cheng.

These were three different-sized and equipped machines. The one in the middle was the largest, standing about seven meters tall, slightly taller than Sun Cheng's current mechanical body. Its body was silver-gray, and its appearance was more ferocious.

On each side of the silver-gray mechanical giant stood two other mechanical bodies—one blue and white, and the other all red. They were noticeably shorter than the one in the middle, with bodies measuring less than five meters.

However, anyone who saw them would know that they were not opponents to be trifled with, given their arsenal of weapons.

As Sun Cheng's gaze swept over the three mechanical giants before him, he eventually fixed his eyes on the ferocious mechanical warrior in the middle, his expression excited but tinged with hesitation.

The "Awakening Plan" had been proposed by Sun Cheng shortly after the completion of Base 2. Although it was not a top priority, as the power of the base continued to grow, it eventually received enough resources.

These mechanical bodies used highly mature advanced technology, some of which came from the experience gained by the engineers from transforming Forerunner's mechanical bodies. Some Cores were even directly copied from Sun Cheng's new mechanical body, making their combat capabilities beyond doubt.


If they were still not awakened until now, there must be a reason.

Because the "Awakening" plan naturally required a target to awaken.

The target Sun Cheng was attempting to awaken was someone he still feared to some extent.


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 458: Awakening Plan (Part 2)


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