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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



Sun Cheng stopped again.

Not long ago, he and Forerunner had just detected the electromagnetic spectrum of four Autobots in Louisiana. To avoid conflict, the two Decepticons had taken a detour to the west of Texas before entering Mexican airspace.

Unexpectedly, they gave up the original route and flew along the west coast of Mexico, and to their surprise, not long after they entered the airspace near Lazaro Cardenas Port, Sun Cheng's reconnaissance system once again detected faint electromagnetic spectrum fluctuations. Judging from the situation, there were four Decepticons nearby.

Coincidence, or something else, someone would have to believe it.

"... Master, I sense the frequency of our kind. There are Decepticons nearby," Forerunner quickly felt it too. Decepticons had a special signal receiving system when approaching each other. When within a certain distance, they could sense the presence of companions or enemies.

This ability was not innate; Autobots also had it. It seemed that during the civil war, both factions crazily modified Decepticons and Autobots, giving them this special ability.

The more powerful a mechanical life form was, the earlier they could detect the presence of their own kind or enemies.


Sun Cheng responded. Forerunner's Spark was not yet fully mature, so he couldn't handle the consumption of flying while also activating his optical stealth device at the same time. That's why he hadn't activated the reconnaissance system like Sun Cheng had, resulting in him noticing the anomaly much later, which wasn't surprising.

Thinking about it, Sun Cheng ordered, "There's a high chance of exposing ourselves if we get too close. Continue on the previous flight route towards Base 2, and I'll catch up with you soon..."

Encountering two groups of Autobots and Decepticons in a row, and both showing up in small teams, made this the first time since the Battle of Las Vegas that Sun Cheng was facing such a situation.

At this moment, Sun Cheng wasn't sure if his overly suspicious nature was acting up again.

In any case, he felt very uneasy now, a palpable sense of foreboding that made him feel like even his Spark was about to freeze.

This was bad!

Sun Cheng had a strong suspicion that something very unfavorable to him was about to happen!

"Damn... Wasn't it just my imagination before? The United States is obviously on high alert... and those Autobots in Louisiana too, they must be tracking someone or something..."

Realizing the potential danger, Sun Cheng couldn't help but start thinking seriously.

Soon, various pieces of information that he had previously ignored or never considered were quickly connected.

And he quickly arrived at an increasingly ominous conclusion, "There must be something harmful to me happening somewhere I haven't noticed... What could it be? Could it be that the United States' nuclear arsenal has been stolen again?"

It wasn't surprising that Sun Cheng would think this way, as ordinary Earth weapons were indeed difficult to harm Decepticons and Autobots.

However, nuclear weapons, a kind of doomsday weapon created by Earthlings' diversion from the path of nuclear energy, had the ability to destroy mechanical life forms, and even civilizations that hadn't advanced to the interstellar age.

In the "Transformers Universe," Earth had enjoyed peace for too long. After the end of the Cold War and the loss of the ability to destroy itself with the Soviet Union as an opponent, the arrogant United States had inevitably relaxed its military preparedness.

The specifics were reflected not only in the fact that they retired various advanced weapons and equipment from the 1990s onwards but also in the countless delayed, frozen, or even terminated military research projects.

At the same time, this laxity spread domestically and internationally.

Some hallucinogens even became drugs, and highly alcoholic beverages and other indulgences that were restricted by the military were rampant in the U.S. military.

Last year, Sun Cheng and his group were able to easily steal several nuclear warheads from a heavily guarded U.S. military base, revealing just a glimpse of the issue.

What were nuclear weapons?

The treasures of a nation!

Even such precious things could be easily stolen. It was important to note that at that time, only a few Decepticons were involved, and they didn't even exert much effort.

If the United States were really serious, the end result might still be uncertain, but Sun Cheng and his group would undoubtedly have paid a heavy price.

If there was a first time, it was hard to say there wouldn't be a second time.

That's why Sun Cheng suspected this, but the available information was still too scarce, and those fragmented pieces of information couldn't be connected.

"Yes, Master!"

Forerunner heard Sun Cheng tell him to go ahead and simply agreed before flying straight towards Base 2.

He knew his master was extraordinary. The four ordinary Decepticons they had discovered earlier were only a small problem for Forerunner, who was now brimming with confidence after his recent battles with the Constructions and Sideways. Naturally, he didn't think that his master, who was far more powerful, would be afraid of a few ordinary Decepticon warriors.

Finding a concealed spot near the port, Sun Cheng didn't deactivate his optical stealth device. He only withdrew some of his attention from his capable subordinate, whom he had carefully trained, after he was sure Forerunner had flown hundreds of kilometers away. He then locked onto the four Decepticons he had discovered.

The four Decepticons looked like ordinary construction vehicles on the cargo ship named the "Windsor Wife."

It seemed to be a cargo ship specializing in long-distance shipping, with a capacity of around 10,000 tons.

Sun Cheng noticed that they were quietly parked on the cargo ship, motionless. If it weren't for the fluctuations constantly emitted from their Sparks, it would be hard to tell anything from their appearances alone.

It was evident that these were four Decepticons he had never seen before.

However, when he saw their current construction vehicle forms, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Devastator?"

Yes, Sun Cheng recognized two of the four Decepticons hiding on the cargo ship. One was the Excavator from the "Devastator Team," which transformed into a green dump truck, and the other was the blue and white cement mixer, who looked very much like Scavenger from the "Devastator Team."

After confirming their identities, he let out a sigh of relief, but his mood became even heavier.

Sun Cheng was certain that he hadn't been recognized.

Not long after Forerunner handed over the head of the Constructions containing their Core to him, Sun Cheng had immediately read the memory data of the Constructions and thus gained information about all the members of the "Devastator Team."

Without a doubt, the two Decepticons among the four he had just discovered were from the "Devastator Team."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 450: Disturbing the Snake (Part 1)



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