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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



Forerunner's blue eyes flickered for a moment, then he turned to look in another direction and continued to be vigilant as if he hadn't seen anything.

All the Decepticons under Sun Cheng's command knew that their master carried a lot of hidden secrets.

However, if the master didn't speak, no one would dare to ask.

Megatron had spent millions of years successfully imprinting the "Supremacy of the Strong" doctrine into the very essence of every Decepticon, granting him supreme power but also sowing the seeds of unrest.

Including the cunning Decepticon conspirators like Starscream, they all knew that if they could defeat Megatron, they could seize his position within the Decepticon army.

Sun Cheng hadn't thought that far ahead yet, but he was generally satisfied with Forerunner's attitude. At the same time, he reminded himself internally that mastering the super advanced technology, the "Space Bridge," which Skyfire had, would be his most urgent task in the near future.

His suspicious nature soon got the best of him after temporarily transferring the black bird into his Spherical Space.

Various terrifying consequences of his secrets being discovered kept popping up in his mind, and Sun Cheng was clearly frightened by his own scary imagination, causing his teeth to grind like thorns.

However, he forced himself to suppress those dreadful yet ridiculous thoughts and said, "Let's go!"

With a deep voice, Sun Cheng commanded, then turned without looking back and walked toward the heavily damaged entrance of the exhibition hall not far away.

Forerunner followed closely behind, and the two Decepticons quickly left the exhibition hall. At this moment, the eastern horizon was showing signs of dawn, but it would take another half an hour or so before complete daybreak.

Once outside in the open-air exhibition area, without Sun Cheng needing to give further orders, the two Decepticons transformed back into their jet forms and activated their optical stealth devices. They swiftly flew away from Washington D.C.

Just like when they came, they carefully avoided any conflicts with the Autobots or United States forces along the way. Instead, they flew southwards.

After seven or eight hours, they arrived in Louisiana.

Not long after crossing the border, Sun Cheng, who had been silent all along, suddenly stopped flying.

"... Master, did you find something?" Forerunner's speed was slightly slower than his, but they were not flying at a fast pace. The distance between the two Decepticons was only a hundred meters or so.

Realizing that the master had stopped flying, Forerunner was aware that there was a problem and immediately asked.

"About 74 kilometers away in the direction of 36 degrees south, I've detected four groups of Autobots' frequencies!"

Sun Cheng replied in a deep voice, with a hint of puzzlement in his tone.

Forerunner tensed up; he didn't doubt his master's discovery because he knew that Sun Cheng had activated the reconnaissance system while flying.

In fact, Forerunner's body was also equipped with a powerful reconnaissance system, but he hadn't activated it just now.

After all, his Spark was far from comparable to Sun Cheng's. Even just maintaining a separate optical stealth device during flight had already put a strain on his Spark.

"Four Autobots?" Forerunner questioned, "Could it be because of the battle with the Constructions and Sideways in Mexico a few days ago that we were exposed?"

Sun Cheng didn't answer, but that's exactly what he was thinking.

Neither of the two Decepticons doubted that it was related to the incident in Washington D.C., where they recently stole the black bird reconnaissance aircraft stored in the United States National Air and Space Museum.

Although the loss of an internally intact former U.S. military high-end aircraft would undoubtedly cause a huge commotion among the higher-ups of the United States, it was ultimately just a retired reconnaissance aircraft.

United States wouldn't think that it was a Decepticon elder rather than something they had created.

After all, Sun Cheng and the others wouldn't have found Skyfire if they hadn't accidentally decrypted the coordinates from the information transmitted by the All Spark fragments.

Of course, the theft of Skyfire could still be exposed.

The special research organization, Sector Seven, established by the United States, had secretly studied Megatron for nearly a hundred years, and thus possessed some technology for detecting Cybertronians.

Although after the Battle of Las Vegas, all the intelligence Sun Cheng obtained showed that Sector Seven had been disbanded, and surviving researchers were dispersed to various research institutions within the United States, Sun Cheng also received some not-so-good news.

Through one of his CIA informants, he paid a high price of two million U.S. dollars for some crucial intelligence.

Some bigwigs in the U.S. military seemed to have manipulated things behind the scenes, forcing the Autobots to hand over the remains of several Decepticons. These remains were then sold to several major arms companies in the United States at low prices, in an attempt to obtain more useful military technology.

Military corporations were different from national research institutions like Sector Seven, and Sun Cheng was truly worried that they might discover something from those lower-level Decepticons. The technology used in their mechanical bodies was of a lower level, and the difficulty of deciphering it for United States researchers would be relatively low. When Megatron dared to let the United States researchers study him openly for over a hundred years, he suspected that the arrogant guy must have taken into account the fact that with Earth's technology, they wouldn't be able to glimpse much from him.

Besides, Sun Cheng didn't believe that the technology the United States had obtained from Megatron's research for nearly a hundred years would be abandoned just because Sector Seven had disbanded.

Therefore, it was possible for them to be suspected after the incident at the United States National Air and Space Museum. However, their efficiency seemed too high.


Although the United States had always regarded the Americas as their backyard, they did have great influence in the region, especially on neighboring countries like Canada and Mexico. Moreover, they were currently receiving assistance from the Autobots.

But it was unreasonable for Forerunner, Sideways, and the Constructions to have fought a great battle in a remote mountainous area in Mexico just a few days ago, and then for a few Autobots to show up in Louisiana looking for something.

Unless... Sideways, who escaped, was being tracked by the Autobots?

Sun Cheng was intrigued, but considering that getting Skyfire back to Base 2 was more important, he had to forcibly interrupt his thoughts of going to investigate further.

After explaining a few things to Forerunner, the two carefully avoided the Autobots and continued to fly towards South America.

However, they didn't expect that shortly after they flew over the port of Lazaro Cardenas in Mexico, Sun Cheng's reconnaissance system issued another alert.

It once again detected the complex electromagnetic spectrum unique to mechanical life forms, but this time, the targets detected were unmistakably Decepticons!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 449: An Uneasy Premonition


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