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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



Sun Cheng let out a sigh of relief and slowly withdrew his fingers from rubbing his temples. A joyful expression appeared on his face.

"Hit the jackpot!"

Because of his excitement, even his mechanical body couldn't help trembling.

This trip to Washington was truly rewarding.

The memories of a genuine Decepticon elder were extremely precious to him. After all, it allowed him to catch glimpses of the ancient past of Cybertron, which had long been buried by time.

Not to mention that this "Skyfire" was also one of the most outstanding scientists among the Decepticons.

Born during the Ancient Council era, Skyfire received the most complete education, and his memory data contained the pinnacle of Cybertron Technology during that time. It was systematic and complete, ready for him to digest and directly utilize.

It's worth noting that during the Ancient Council era, Cybertronian civilization possessed terrifying power that could easily obliterate stars and civilizations.

The legendary "Space Bridge" allowed the Cybertronian military to make strategic deployments within tens of thousands to even millions of kilometers within a planet or across star systems.

Moreover, the Cybertronian spaceships equipped with power systems similar to curvature drive engines could cross galaxies in a very short period, continuously transporting the resources discovered by exploration fleets from vast distances of hundreds of thousands of light-years back to Cybertron, utilizing super advanced technology.

Although limited by time and location, Sun Cheng had only skimmed through some of Skyfire's memories just now. However, even so, he had glimpsed many fascinating things that nearly overloaded his Spark.

Among them was the super advanced technology he had long desired— the "Space Bridge."


It was an unexpected delight. Sun Cheng never expected that Skyfire would possess the almost lost super advanced technology, the "Space Bridge," in Cybertron's legends.

Imagine, once Sun Cheng could digest and master this technology, he would truly become invincible on Earth in the future.

Though excited, Sun Cheng quickly calmed himself down, but his eyes remained hot as he looked at the black bird before him.

"Prepare to leave here..."

He ordered Forerunner, feeling grateful.

The Spherical Space that had mysteriously appeared in Sun Cheng's body earlier required energy absorption. After absorbing sufficient energy, it would undergo a transformation that he couldn't determine if it was good or bad at the moment.

Initially, he hadn't thought much about it and started to introduce a large amount of high-purity energy fluid produced by Base Two into the Spherical Space, allowing it to absorb even more energy.

The effect didn't disappoint Sun Cheng. Although he hadn't carefully studied the changes in the Spherical Space for a while, it was evident that the space had expanded from its initial state.

At present, inside the hidden Spherical Space within him, not only did it store the small spaceship he obtained from the civilization of the Hunters in the real world, but also hundreds of combat and industrial robots created by Base Two, along with some other miscellaneous items and equipment.

Although there was not much space left, it was enough to accommodate the black bird and take it away.

Of course, doing so also meant that he needed to take some risks. After all, the Spherical Space within him was the foundation of everything for Sun Cheng. Allowing a living Decepticon elder to enter the Spherical Space would undoubtedly come with risks.

However, it wasn't a big problem.

Sun Cheng had already carefully inspected Skyfire earlier, and the energy inside him was completely depleted, causing him to fall into a unique state of near-death.

This state was even more dangerous than when Sun Cheng observed Megatron underwater. Though Megatron was also in a state of pseudo-death, his consciousness retaliated shortly after Sun Cheng peeked into his memory data, revealing the strangeness of his so-called death.

But Skyfire was different. His Spark had already been completely depleted. Although the black bird reconnaissance aircraft in front of Sun Cheng looked new, it was merely an appearance.

Because the Spark had already been depleted and could no longer receive energy for maintenance, Skyfire's mechanical body was on the verge of decay, even at its internal organs.

Mechanical beings born on Cybertron were bound to rust due to the large amount of metal in their mechanical bodies, but they would not rust easily.

Although Sun Cheng had only roughly checked it, he could be sure that the alloy used in Skyfire's mechanical body was even superior to the "Sisitem-type alloy" he used to forge new mechanical bodies.

Yet, even such an excellent super alloy was now beginning to rust.

Once a mechanical body began to rust, there were only two possibilities. One was to be infected with "Cosmic Rust," which was comparable to a terminal disease for mechanical beings. This would lead to a complete corrosion and death of the entire mechanical body.

The second possibility was reaching the end of their natural lifespan.

Yes, just like humans couldn't surpass the "Hayflick limit" to obtain a longer life, mechanical beings couldn't escape the curse. Although they had a much longer lifespan than humans, there was still a limit to it.

The more powerful the mechanical being, the longer their natural lifespan. But if they couldn't complete a fundamental transformation before their natural lifespan ended, like how Sun Cheng took over Frenzy's mechanical body and evolved from a miniature Decepticon to his current form, then they would also die naturally.

When Frenzy was born, the history of the rampant "Cosmic Rust" in Cybertron had long passed.

Although Sun Cheng knew very little about it, he had some concept of it.

He knew that if Skyfire had been infected with "Cosmic Rust," it would have been impossible for him to survive for at least millions of years.

So, the only possibility left was the last one. Skyfire's natural lifespan had come to an end.

Under such circumstances, even if he wanted to awaken him, unless he had something like the Sacred artifact "All Spark," it was doubtful whether even directly infusing his Spark with high-purity energy fluid would be enough to stop the continued decay of his mechanical body.

The "All Spark" had long been shattered, and although Sun Cheng had a few fragments in his possession, they were strangers. He naturally couldn't bear to use one of the precious fragments to experiment whether they could awaken Skyfire.

After all, he was a genuine Decepticon elder. Although from Skyfire's memory data, he didn't seem to be as evil as Megatron, whose Core was deeply imprinted with destruction and conquest, Sun Cheng didn't want to take the risk. At least in his eyes, an uncontrolled Decepticon elder would bring only harm and no benefit.

Sun Cheng quickly banished countless thoughts flashing through his mind and took a deep breath. He reached out and touched the black bird in front of him once again.

With a single thought, the black bird reconnaissance aircraft, which had been quietly placed in the exhibition hall, disappeared from Sun Cheng and Forerunner's sight in an instant.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 448: Encounter


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