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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Skyfire, you are the most talented young scholar I have ever seen... I knew your father a long time ago, but unfortunately, he was always pessimistic about the future and overly obsessed with peace. You are still young, and I hope you can stay and help me. Zelas Academy needs you..."

"Are you Skyfire? Shockwave's capable assistant? The most outstanding scientist of Zelas Academy... I am Sentinel Prime, your king... I hope you can come and help me, to save this decaying planet..."

"Armor strength increased by twice, speed nearly doubled... Your name is Skyfire, right? Very well, tell Shockwave that I am very satisfied with the modifications to these warriors... Perhaps we should take a new name to distinguish ourselves from those incompetent beings... I've got it! From now on, we shall be called Decepticons..."

"Haha, laughable nobles, royalty... Decepticons don't need an inept king; they need an invincible leader who can lead them to victory..."

"...Is this little guy Skyfire? You seem to fear me; it appears you have already guessed who I am... Yes, I am one of the Thirteen Primes, Megatronus Prime... Oh, almost forgot, my current name is Lord Fallen..."

"Go... to the corner of the Milky Way, to that barren planet... You are his descendant; you will surely find what he's after..."

"I want the Leadership Module... Find it and bring it to me..."


Sun Cheng abruptly opened his eyes, a hint of astonishment flashed in them, but more than that, he felt excitement and joy!

When he was still weak, he once peeked into Megatron's memories.

The memory data of the Decepticon leader was chaotic and disorderly, seemingly without any pattern.

As a result, he only obtained limited information during that exploration. Although he learned about Megatron's past, he didn't get any information that could truly enhance his strength.

However, this time was completely different!

Sun Cheng wasn't sure if it was because he was much stronger now than back then or if the Pathfinder named Skyfire was weaker than Megatron.

There was no resistance at all. He easily found Skyfire's memory chip and stole his memories.

"Master, it's almost dawn!" Forerunner reminded him in a hushed voice when he saw Sun Cheng open his eyes.

There was a pool of thick blood on the floor not far away, and two guards were lying motionless.

Not long ago, the guards remembered their duty and came out of the security room to patrol. Although they hadn't noticed anything strange when they came to this exhibition hall, Forerunner, who had a personality similar to his master's, couldn't allow any unforeseen circumstances to happen. Thus, he promptly took care of them.

Forerunner already had a faint idea of what his master was doing just now. However, it had been almost three hours since then, and dawn was approaching, so he decided to remind Sun Cheng.

"Just give me a little more time... I'll be quick..." Sun Cheng lightly rubbed his temples, a habit from his human days whenever he was deep in thought or had a headache.

However, this action was obviously futile for a mechanical life like Decepticons. After reading so much of Skyfire's memories, Sun Cheng felt like his head was about to explode. In a few short hours, he had experienced the entire life of a Pathfinder who had lived for over a million years.

Despite Skyfire, like most of the mechanical life on Cybertron Planet, entering a deep sleep lasting millions of years due to the civil war and cosmic rust plague, all of his life experiences flooded into Sun Cheng's head within a very short time, nearly causing his Core, the greedy device, to crash.

However, the gains were undoubtedly immense!

When he previously stole a portion of Megatron's memory data, he had offended the Decepticon Leader, but he also benefited significantly from it. As a result, he had developed some ideas.

This world was completely different from his reality before he transmigrated. Although there seemed to be some chaotic changes happening there, it was relatively safe, and he had enough time and space to build his own influence.

But "Transformers Universe" was different. In this world, he was assigned the identity of a Decepticon, and not a particularly powerful one at that.

To the humans on Earth, he was no different from other Autobots and Decepticons, despite his friendly demeanor. In the eyes of some radicals, he was one of the extraterrestrial invaders coming to Earth.

Moreover, he had the additional burden of being Frenzy, which made him an eternal enemy of the Autobots from the start.

Later, he even unwittingly got involved in a scheme by Starscream and ended up betraying Soundwave, which brought him serious trouble, making it difficult for him to establish his own foothold.

One could say that in "Transformers Universe," he had started on Hell Mode from the beginning.

Naturally, he couldn't gain as many resources and time to develop, especially considering the situation on Earth where it could turn into a battlefield between Autobots and Decepticons at any time.

So, he had fantasized more than once about having the same opportunity he had before.

But now, his wish had come true!

Originally, he was merely curious about what secrets those coordinates, seemingly hidden in the feedback data from the All Spark fragment, held. Unexpectedly, following the trail led him to discover a treasure trove, far beyond what Sun Cheng had imagined.

The Decepticon before him, who had transformed into a Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft, was actually a being that had existed since the Ancient Council period of Cybertron's civilization, and he was a genuine Decepticon elder.

Skyfire had once studied at the "Zelas Advanced Technical Academy" established by Shockwave and was both a disciple and a friend of Shockwave. In his younger days, he was a powerful warrior at the Leader level and one of the most outstanding scientists in the history of Cybertron Planet.

Now, it was likely that not many people still remembered that the current "Decepticon army," which dominated the entire Milky Way and defeated the Autobots in two internal wars, was originally the military defense force of Cybertron Planet—The Global Defense Force.

Perhaps they also knew that Skyfire had once assisted Shockwave in transforming the millions of soldiers of the Global Defense Force into more violent, stronger, and more belligerent Decepticons, and that he had even designed new mechanical bodies and weapons for elite warriors and commanders.

Now, Sun Cheng was one of the few who knew all this.

Even luckier, he had stolen all of Skyfire's memories, the former Decepticon elder!

In short, he had hit the jackpot!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 447: Taking Away


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