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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng was not unfamiliar with the "Devastator Team."

He had stolen part of Megatron's memories before, and those memories included the entire process of the "Devastator Team's" creation.

This special team, consisting of six Decepticons – Hook, Scrapper, Constructions, Bonecrusher, Long Haul, and Scavenger, was born as part of a grand war machine called the "Devastator Plan," devised by Shockwave.

Individually, their combat capabilities were not strong, at best slightly stronger than the cannon fodder Decepticon warriors mass-produced by Starscream.

But when the six Decepticons were together, they could combine into a powerful war machine called "Hercules," a giant combiner Decepticon that brought countless death and destruction to the Autobots during the Cybertronian Civil War.

Therefore, to ensure the combat effectiveness of "Hercules," Shockwave collaborated with Starscream, who was also skilled at producing Decepticon cannon fodder. Although the "Trencher Team" initially had only six fixed members for each squad, they were mass-produced with more than one member for each position of the "Devastator Team."

Due to the imperfect technology used in "Hercules," once the Constructions combined, the process couldn't be reversed. Therefore, under normal circumstances, no Decepticon commander who knew about the special nature of the "Trencher Team" would allow them to appear together in one area or mission.

Not to mention, Forerunner had recently taken care of the Constructions.

Now Sun Cheng had seen two members of the "Devastator Team" appear on Earth. In an instant, a blue light flashed in his eyes.

"At least one team of 'Devastator' has come to Earth... Starscream and the others are likely to make big moves soon!"

Except for when necessary, the six members of the "Devastator Team" rarely appeared together in one area or mission.

But there was an exception, which was when the Decepticon army was about to make significant moves.

Calculating that, including the Constructions, whom he had recently killed himself, Sun Cheng had already seen half of the "Devastator Team" come to Earth. Extrapolating from this, he could easily glimpse at least a small part of what was happening.

Long Haul and the others silently hid on the cargo ship, looking just like four ordinary construction vehicles.

Sun Cheng didn't figure out what they were planning to do, so he naturally wouldn't act rashly. He decided to stay in Lazaro Cardenas Port and patiently wait for their next move.

But waiting took a whole day.

Forerunner had already returned to Base 2, but Sun Cheng still hadn't seen any actions from Long Haul and the others. Instead, he became impatient first.

Calculating the time, it had been a while since he suddenly left North Dovinsk and disappeared from Starscream's surveillance.

During this period, the other side still hadn't made any moves. Obviously, there was still some tacit understanding between the two sides, and they were both wary of each other.

However, Sun Cheng was also aware that his strength was not as strong as he pretended, and he didn't have as many aces up his sleeve as the other side speculated.

So, the one who had to give in first had to be him. He needed to return to North Dovinsk as soon as possible and reappear in Starscream's sight.

That's why he couldn't delay any longer in Lazaro Cardenas Port.

Although he felt unwilling, Sun Cheng had decided to leave Lazaro Cardenas Port.

However, at this moment, he received a satellite call.

His expression slightly stunned, Sun Cheng quickly pressed a finger against his temple.

The next moment, he personally dialed the satellite call, and it was successfully connected.

"... It's me. I've found what you wanted..."

From the other end of the call came a deep male voice, speaking in distinctly emphasized Spanish.

Sun Cheng wasn't surprised. In fact, in the past day, he hadn't been idly waiting in Lazaro Cardenas Port.

Considering that he had recently learned from Rewind that Soundwave had already come out of hibernation, Sun Cheng seriously suspected that most of Earth's communication systems, including the internet, and even the reconnaissance satellites sent into outer space by various human countries, had been infiltrated and monitored by Soundwave.

Due to this fear, he was cautious and didn't directly check the information he needed by linking up to the internet on Earth. Instead, he used his developed human insider intelligence network, established through various means such as coercion and persuasion over the past year, to find a controlled member of the Mexican Senate. With a payment of $300,000, he obtained all the information about the cargo ship "Windsor Wife," including its owner and future voyage arrangements, from the Mexican Maritime Commission.

The encrypted satellite call he was making now was connected through a satellite under Sun Cheng's control. Although he spent a little money, the efficiency of the other party wasn't entirely satisfactory. However, considering that the other party wasn't a specialized intelligence officer, Sun Cheng suppressed his dissatisfaction with their efficiency and simulated a tone of Spanish full of electronic intonation as he instructed, "The money has been sent to your lover's account as you requested. Now, follow the procedure I told you earlier. Make an electronic copy of all the data you've collected and transmit it to the secure mailbox!"

There was a murmur from the other end, as if someone was whispering softly in his ear.

Although the other party had taken the encrypted satellite communicator that Sun Cheng had specially configured for him a bit farther away, Sun Cheng still clearly heard a young woman's voice, "Done, darling!"

Immediately, the deep male voice also softened a bit, "I got it. I'll send you the data right away!"

About two minutes later, blue light flashed in Sun Cheng's eyes.

The detailed information that had been uploaded to the communication satellite's backend had been transmitted to him. Despite the risk of exposure and the added complexity of the process, it was much safer now.

When facing someone like Soundwave, who was skilled in stealing information and could easily infiltrate Earth's satellite communication systems, he had to be extra cautious.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 451: Disturbing the Snake (Part 2)


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