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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



Upon seeing the corpse of the Pathfinders on the golden ship, which was even more terrifying than his own mechanical body, Sun Cheng's face lit up with joy. He quickly pushed aside the robots blocking his way and rushed towards the corpse.

In just two or three steps, he arrived at the side of the golden ship and his eyes shot out two beams of light towards the seemingly sleeping Pathfinders. The joy that had just appeared on his face disappeared in an instant.


Mora also noticed the commotion and walked over, about to speak, but saw Sun Cheng suddenly reach out his arm and press it against the head of the Pathfinders.

After more than ten seconds, he shook his head disappointedly.

"He's dead!"

Although it was expected, Sun Cheng sighed. This Pathfinders died in hibernation because the energy in his Spark was completely depleted. This is a death that Decepticons generally consider cowardly. Although mechanical life forms have a lifespan far beyond that of humans, they are not immortal.

The more powerful the mechanical body, the more terrifying the daily energy consumption. Once the Spark is not replenished with energy for a long time, the components, bones, and even the armor on the surface of the Mechanical Life Form will not receive effective maintenance, and will begin to decay and eventually be completely corroded.

The Pathfinders on the golden ship had obviously suffered heavy injuries. He may have tamed the still-uncivilized Native Americans, controlled them to build this underground hiding place for himself, and then entered hibernation, waiting for possible rescue. Unfortunately, the remaining energy in his Spark was obviously not enough to allow him to survive thousands of years of hibernation.

He died, more than two thousand years ago.

Now lying on the golden ship is just a completely decayed body. Sun Cheng just scanned it and found that this corpse is no different from completely decayed scrap metal.

"Master, what should we do with him?"

Mora also noticed the state of the corpse and asked respectfully.

"Just leave him here!"

It's just a completely decayed corpse, with the Core and Spark inside rusted. Apart from recycling and refining to obtain some valuable metals, it is of no use.

Sun Cheng doesn't lack that bit of metal ore, so he decided to leave it here. Seeing Mora's eyes staring at the golden ship under the corpse that looks like a Pathfinders, he smiled.

"Do you want this golden ship? Let the robots move it later..."

The golden ship under the Pathfinders is not pure gold, but the gold content is quite high. He just scanned it while checking the corpse. The purity is more than 80%, and it contains some silver and other metal elements.

The golden ship cast by the Native Americans is not the kind of large sailing ship that became popular worldwide after the Age of Discovery, but a simple boat-shaped raft made up of eight wide, nearly 27-centimeter-thick, and less than eight-centimeter-thick long columnar gold pillars, and five smaller circular gold pillars passing through them.

However, South America is truly one of the most resource-rich regions on Earth, so it is unlikely that this place was not full of gold mines more than three thousand years ago. Otherwise, the Native Americans would not have been able to produce several tons of gold in a short period of time to make this golden ship.

Mora heard his words and didn't feel embarrassed. He quickly nodded and responded, "Yes, master. Bolivia is currently in need of money everywhere. Humans treat my Ministry of the Interior as an ATM. The new government has dumped all the financial problems on me!"

A flicker of blue light flashed in Sun Cheng's eyes, as if he hadn't heard Mora's complaints.

For now, Numar is still useful as long as he doesn't do anything foolish. Sun Cheng isn't the type of person with a strong inclination for killing, so it's fine to spare his life in the end.

The technology for cultivating humanoid Decepticons in the base is still not perfect. That's why Sun Cheng temporarily refrains from interrupting the large-scale deployment of humanoid Decepticon spies infiltrating various countries in South America. It's an important reason.

However, after giving it some thought, he relaxed a bit and said, "Accel has already briefed me on the situation in Bolivia. Numar is still useful to us for now. As long as he doesn't go too far, it's fine to give him money and weapons. Let Yuri handle the negotiations. We should strive to obtain the mineral resources, military forces, and the power of the new government. He is better at this than us... I will have the base dispatch another batch of humanoid Decepticons to assist you in quickly digesting Bolivia... Remember, time is running out for us..."


Naturally, Mora didn't understand the meaning of the last sentence, but as a low-level Decepticon bred in the base, he had an inherent loyalty to his master. Even if he didn't understand, he wouldn't question it.

After speaking, Sun Cheng ignored him and looked around the not-so-spacious temple. Soon, he felt disappointed.

Apart from the golden ship that housed the corpse of the Pathfinders, the temple was bare and empty.

The scanning function also didn't detect any hidden compartments, which left Sun Cheng feeling somewhat disappointed.

"What about the spaceship..."

He looked disappointedly at the corpse on the golden ship for a while. Suddenly, something seemed to click in his mind, and he quickly walked back to the corpse that resembled a Pathfinders.

"...Gold may be considered a precious metal for humans, but it is almost useless for mechanical life forms... So why was it smelted? With this physique, it's obvious that it couldn't have been easily transported by humans over three thousand years ago... So the golden ship must have been prepared in advance, and then the Pathfinders lay on it..."

"...So the question is, why was this heavy and impractical thing made with a metal that is useless to mechanical life forms? Was it really just for his own hibernation... or was it to conceal something..."

The more Sun Cheng thought about it, the more he felt like he had grasped something. His gaze fell on the corpse of the Pathfinders on the golden ship, and he inwardly muttered, "I've offended you."

Then, he forcefully lifted the corpse and threw it aside.

The Spark inside the corpse had completely depleted more than two thousand years ago, and the mechanical body had been completely corroded.

As it was forcefully lifted and fell to the ground, accompanied by the sound of metal collision and friction, large pieces of armor scattered all over the place.

Sun Cheng paid no attention to them and focused his gaze on the golden ship where the corpse had originally lain. Seeing that there was still no sign of anything unusual, he didn't mind. Instead, he grabbed one side of the golden ship with each hand and forcefully lifted and pushed it aside.


The several-ton golden ship crashed heavily onto the ground, instantly collapsing a section of the floor and raising a cloud of dust, enveloping Sun Cheng and Mora, who were closest to it.

However, Sun Cheng didn't mind at all. He calmly looked at the densely written lines of text on the ground beneath the golden ship, as well as a metal sphere the size of a soccer ball embedded in the ground. A long smile formed at the corner of his mouth.

"Found it!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 429: The Ignition


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