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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Since Sun Cheng had already noticed that a spaceship from Cybertron might have crashed here in ancient times, he couldn't help but ask Mora if there were any clues in the murals inside the temple.

"Master, there are only murals in this temple, no text... These murals on this wall seem to tell the story of a Decepticon who once came to Earth and was worshipped as a god by the ancient Indians who were still in the primitive era at that time. It seems that he eventually settled here..."

"This one tells the story of that Decepticon teaching humans astronomy, writing, calendars, and systems... helping them leap from the Stone Age into the Bronze Age..."

"And this one tells the story of a human born from a lake who became the new leader of that ancient Indian tribe under the protection of that Decepticon... Under the command of this young leader, they defeated and annexed countless tribes, captured many slaves, and then enslaved the defeated to build cities and temples for them... including the underground pyramid we are standing on, which was built under his command as a resting place for that Decepticon..."

Since there were only murals on three walls of the temple, Mora could only interpret three sections.

Sun Cheng was a little annoyed, but he did gain some knowledge. About three thousand years ago, a Decepticon came to America and taught the primitive ancient Indians a lot of knowledge.

The Mayan civilization on Earth was actually born through the hands of that Decepticon, which solved many of his doubts, but it was not a good answer.

Because the Mayan civilization was a slave system, and the Decepticon's attitude towards humans was basically no different from that of the cheapest labor and slaves.

So he still couldn't be sure if the other party was a Pathfinder.

But don't underestimate the word "Pathfinders". With it, the possibility of a Ark-class spaceship here will be infinitely elevated.

Although Sun Cheng has never personally contacted a spaceship made by Cybertronians, from the murals, it is not difficult to speculate that the spaceship may have been damaged.

However, the peak works of Cybertronian civilization are not so easy to break.

As long as it is not the completely undefendable cosmic rust disease, the mechanical body of an ordinary Decepticon, even if thrown into the ocean of Earth, will take hundreds of years to be completely corroded, and the stronger the Decepticon before death, the slower the corrosion after death.

So Sun Cheng was still excited after learning that there was a possibility of a crashed spaceship here.

Because he knew very well that in the short three thousand years of Earth, it was impossible to completely destroy a spaceship made during the peak period of Cybertronian civilization.

Even if he can only get some fragments and parts from the wreckage, it is still a considerable gain. If he is lucky enough to get the control computer and power system of the spaceship, then this trip will be truly worthwhile.

As for whether there is a Pathfinder's corpse buried in the underground pyramid, Sun Cheng really doesn't have much hope.

The Pathfinders are said to be the best warriors of Cybertron, and most of these proud beings rarely choose to hibernate to wait for the possible rescue of their fellow tribesmen when their lives come to an end.

Like the "Beast General" he once encountered in Lop Nur, when his life came to an end, he silently detonated his withering Spark and did not leave his corpse.

Therefore, the possibility of finding the wreckage of the spaceship here is much higher than that of finding a Pathfinder's corpse.

"It seems that there is nothing on this level..."

Sun Cheng spoke in a low voice. He had already used his detection function to touch all the mechanisms in the temple, and he had also found the passage to the next level. However, the passage was only about ten meters long and less than one and a half meters high, which even a human would have to bend down to pass through, let alone someone like him.

Moreover, there were no patterns or murals inside the passage. Sun Cheng knew that Accel must be paying attention to this place outside.

So he gave the order in a low voice: "Accel, let the robots start working immediately. I want to see the passage to the next level as soon as possible!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the twelve robots in the temple, which had been silent for a while, shook their mechanical bodies and quickly started working.

He didn't have to wait long, it took less than forty minutes.

The excavator robots dug a tunnel that he could pass through based on the passage he found.

Then Sun Cheng and his team entered the second level of the underground pyramid, but he was quickly disappointed.

"Master... this is a place for burial and sacrifice..."

The second level of the underground pyramid was different from the first level. It consisted of four separate spaces: the tomb area of the ancient Indian kings, priests, and nobles; the voluntary burial area of the ancient Indian warriors; the burial pit of slaughtered prisoners and slaves; and various sacrificial pits for livestock.

The sight of the bones made Sun Cheng feel uneasy. He ordered them to continue digging down.

To his surprise, this time he had to wait for more than three hours. The next two levels were a maze-like anti-theft area made up of various hidden passages.

As a result, the excavator robots had to dig through two levels of anti-theft areas before Sun Cheng and his team reached the bottom level of the underground pyramid.


Sun Cheng jumped down from the hole that was still dropping soil and stones and came to the bottom level of the underground pyramid, a very narrow space.

This was most likely the underground pyramid of the Maya pyramid ancestors in this world's Earth. Although it was an inverted pyramid, it had a similar structure to those Maya pyramids on the surface.

Therefore, the "temple" they were in now should be the place where the Decepticon's corpse, which was suspected to be a Pathfinder, was buried according to the murals.

He only stretched his arm halfway and touched the top of the space. He felt the soil and stones constantly falling on his mechanical body. Sun Cheng shook his head. He didn't like this feeling.

However, when his eyes swept over everything in this narrow temple, which was no more than six meters high and about fifteen meters long and wide, his expression changed instantly!

"A corpse?!"

In the center of the temple, two meters behind the hole he jumped down from, there was a huge golden ship that seemed to be made of gold, and on the ship lay a terrifying giant with various horrific wounds and rust marks all over his mechanical body.

On the giant's chest, there was a mark that Sun Cheng was familiar with, which seemed to be shining dimly in the darkness.

He couldn't believe that he could actually find a Pathfinder's corpse in this underground pyramid's temple at the bottom level!

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