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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



Sun Cheng looked at Mora in disbelief, and in the next moment, a surge of excitement rushed to his heart.

On the wall of the hall in front of them, there was a group of murals, just like the one he had seen before.

And what they were looking at now was a mural from that group on the wall, which was drawn with rough and exaggerated lines.

In the mural, a group of small people were constantly kneeling and praying to a giant who looked exceptionally burly.

Mora pointed to the burly giant in the mural. The Native American painters had done an exceptionally diligent job, and although the kneeling small people looked like stick figures, the giant in the middle of them was depicted very carefully.

So much so that Mora recognized the giant in the mural at a glance, without a doubt, it was a Cybertronian, and a Decepticon at that.

The Decepticon emblem on the giant's chest was too conspicuous, just like many of Megatron's leaders, it was obviously a Pathfinder of Leader level.

Sun Cheng naturally recognized the other's identity at a glance, but unlike Mora, he was not shocked by the other's identity.

Instead, he saw a flat oval object in the background of the mural that could easily be overlooked if one wasn't paying attention.

It appeared in a corner of the mural, far away from where the people were worshiping the giant. It looked inconspicuous, but the painter had drawn it meticulously, so much so that the five jet-like things behind the flat oval object were clearly visible, and it seemed to be emitting smoke from around it.

The moment his gaze caught it, Sun Cheng felt something uncontrollable from the memory data of Frenzy and Megatron in his mind.

The Ark spaceship!

It was too similar!

It was really too similar!

This object in the mural was too similar to the flagship of Autobots Leader-Optimus Prime, the spaceship named "Ark".

There were many descriptions of the Ark in the memories of Frenzy and Megatron.

Powerful, beautiful, huge, and incredible, it seemed to have been designed by Autobots' top scientist "Jack" and built by Autobots' best engineering builders "Reckless" and "Crane".

In the first civil war, the reason why Autobots were able to reach a ceasefire agreement with Decepticon, in addition to the invasion of cosmic rust, which caused a large number of personnel from both sides to be infected, was also due to a key battle that Autobots won against Decepticon.

In that battle, which Megatron did not personally participate in, Optimus Prime, who was still only a disciple of "Sentinel Prime" and had not yet taken over as Autobots Leader, personally led more than 300 elite Autobots warriors, driving the Ark spaceship, and suddenly flanked Decepticon's rear in a long-distance raid. They used ship cannons to destroy three Decepticon military fortresses, wiped out multiple elite troops in Shockwave's hands in one battle, and forced the undefeated Decepticon commander to accept a painful defeat.

Because they didn't have enough countermeasures, Decepticon had to swallow the bitter fruit and eventually reached a temporary ceasefire agreement with Autobots, ending the first civil war that had lasted for millions of years.

It was this stimulation that prompted Megatron to order Shockwave to personally lead the design and manufacture of his flagship, the "Retribution Number", after the war ended.

During the second civil war, the "Retribution Number" played a significant role in Decepticon's victory.

This spaceship, which perfectly embodied Megatron's philosophy of violence supremacy, was born specifically for war.

It had armor protection capabilities similar to that of the "Ark" during Optimus Prime's time, was about 4,000 kilometers long, 2,000 kilometers high, and had a wingspan of over 2,800 meters. Not only did it have the ability to warp through space, but the number of weapons on the entire ship was dozens of times that of the "Ark". The power of the two pulse energy main guns was enough to shatter the energy shield of the "Ark" with just two shots.

"...It seems that the legend is true..."

Muttering softly in his mouth, Sun Cheng's eyes were fixed on the flat oval-shaped spacecraft in the mural, and the blue light in his eyes was violently fluctuating.

The fact that Decepticon and Autobots both possessed the technology to build spaceships was not a secret, at least Frenzy, an intelligence officer, knew about it, although he didn't know much about it.

But he had also peeked into Megatron's memory data, so he knew some inside information, such as the fact that whether it was the "Ark" made by Autobots or the "Retribution Number", they were both imitations of the spaceships made by Cybertronians during the Ancient Council period, the only difference being that one was a high imitation and the other was a violent modification.

During the Ancient Council period, Cybertronian civilization reached an unprecedented peak. It was said that the space technology mastered by Cybertronians before the ancient times came from the Quintessa people who had invaded Cybertron. After they defeated the Quintessa people's colony, they also learned many advanced technologies from the other party, and building spaceships was one of them.

During the peak of the Ancient Council, Cybertronians built tens of thousands of spaceships. They sent out one group of warriors after another in the name of Pathfinders, flying to various parts of the universe. During the peak period, the entire Milky Way was full of Cybertronian colonies, and countless resources and energy pillars flowed into Cybertron continuously.

It was precisely by relying on the opening up of the interstellar space that Cybertronians had become so powerful during the Ancient Council period.

Although that strong foundation had already been almost exhausted by the revolution, civil war, and the invasion of cosmic rust.

Sun Cheng had once obtained a special operations spaceship from an extraterrestrial civilization called the Predator civilization in the real world. It could carry three Predators for short-distance travel between planets in a star system.

All along, he and his subordinates had been trying to digest that spaceship and trying to modify it, or rather, to create a medium-sized spaceship that could truly travel between star systems based on it.

Sun Cheng knew a truth very well. The resources on Earth were limited, and there were so many forces eyeing Earth, whether in the "Transformers Universe" or in the real world. He could only have the ability to break free from the quagmire to gradually get rid of the identity of a pawn in the game.

Unfortunately, the one he obtained was only a small spaceship, and neither the manufacturing process nor the technology could be considered advanced.

And his engineers had no experience or technical accumulation in the manufacture of spaceships, so although they had been studying that spaceship for the past year, the things they could study or learn were very limited.

Now, it seemed that heaven had finally favored him.

"...A Pathfinder had once landed here, and there was likely to be a spaceship that came with him..."

Thinking of this, Sun Cheng's heart couldn't help but become hot.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 427: Corpses


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