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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"… Accompanied by those murals, there are three sections of Mayan script that can be deciphered in the passage. They are 'The omniscient and omnipotent god is about to return to the kingdom of gods. He left his body here to protect his people forever and will return again someday in the future…'"

"… 'King' obeyed the command of the god and built this resting place for him…"

"… Accompanied by the devil, rest in peace! Those who disturb the god's rest will be kissed by the devil!"

Due to the load calculation of the Core, a large amount of steam caused by high temperature eventually accumulated and burst out of a long and hideous crack in Mora's neck.

Sun Cheng frowned as he listened to him interpreting, but his gaze always involuntarily looked at his mechanical skeleton that began to shrink and reveal itself after the artificial skin on his body ruptured, and he sighed slightly in his heart.

The artificial skin used in the base was purchased through Russian channels from Europe and is an imperfect product produced by humans in this world. Not only is its heat dissipation extremely poor, but it is also very easy to damage.

He had already seen it when he read Mora's memory before. Mora had to replace all the skin on his body almost every few days.

This is also inevitable. Cybertronians are a mechanical civilization, and Sun Cheng is not sure whether the past aggressive cybertron civilization has encountered carbon-based life that cannot be conquered and researched biological genetic technology.

At least the engineers under him are seriously lacking in the field of biology and genetics, and all the knowledge they have mastered and accumulated comes from Earth, and they are not even as good as some human countries in this world.

"Is that all?"

Sun Cheng asked.

Mora nodded, and his expression looked awkward and strange due to the stretching and shrinking of the artificial skin on his face. "There are not many words left in the passage. Several sections seem to have been damaged by crustal movement a long time ago. I can only interpret these!"

"Okay, good job!"

After praising him indifferently, Sun Cheng ignored him and turned his body slightly more vigilant, continuing to walk down the not-so-spacious tunnel.

Mora received very little information, and he could only speculate based on the existing information.

A Pathfinder should have visited Bolivia a long time ago. With the size of the Cybertronians, let alone the ancient Indians, even in today's society, some superstitious people may regard them as gods and demons.

Therefore, his trip to Bolivia may get some unexpected gains.

For example, the remains of a Pathfinder who has been dead for many years.

Pathfinders are the warriors of the Cybertronians who left Cybertron Planet before and went to various places in the universe to find a habitable place for the Cybertronians. This is recognized by both Decepticons and Autobots.

Although Sun Cheng has not personally contacted Pathfinders, he does not know what level of existence the other party is.

However, the technological level of Cybertron Planet reached its peak during the Ancient Council period. After that, with the overthrow of the corrupt parliament and aristocracy through revolution, and the independence of the Decepticons and Autobots, Cybertron civilization experienced two civil wars and a cosmic rust disease that almost destroyed it.

It can be said that the technology currently possessed by the Cybertron civilization, whether it is the victorious Decepticons in the civil war or the self-proclaimed orthodox Autobots, is far inferior to that of the Prime Parliament period.

By extension, if he really met a Pathfinder on Earth and found his remains, even if the other party was far inferior to the Beast General, it would not be in vain.

As for warnings like "Accompanied by the devil, rest in peace," he really didn't care.

In order to prevent tomb robbers from invading tombs, ancient civilizations often set up many mechanisms and traps, which are nothing more than organs and so-called curses.

Few mechanisms can withstand the test of time and continue to perform their duties after thousands of years. Therefore, most tomb robbers die from greed and black eating black among their peers, and only a few die under curses.

This curse is nothing more than the swamp gas and poisonous fog artificially created in the tomb by the wizards and sacrificial offerings who have some medical and pharmacological skills in ancient civilizations, combined with some highly toxic insects and snakes, and crowned with the name of "curse" to deter unlucky thieves.

In his opinion, the so-called "devil" in this underground pyramid is probably something similar.

Cybertronians strictly belong to silicon-based life, which is fundamentally different from carbon-based life like humans.

Therefore, Sun Cheng believes that even if there really is a devil and a curse in this tunnel, it will not affect him.

The tunnel excavated by the excavator robot is not very long and slopes downward.

Bending over and walking forward for about two minutes, Sun Cheng suddenly heard a crisp sound of cracking, knowing that he had stepped on something.

The mechanical life form's vision is not affected by the darkness, so he instinctively looked down and saw clearly that the broken white arm bone on the ground was just crushed by himself.

Looking around carefully, his face twitched slightly.

This piece of tunnel that the excavator robots just dug through seems to have been a place for sacrifice in the past. White bones can be seen from time to time in the soft walls around the tunnel. Obviously, the ancient Indians had held very bloody life sacrifices here in the past.

Although he has also had blood on his hands in the Transformers Universe and the real world, Sun Cheng still feels a bit uneasy in this kind of place.

Without staying too long, he continued to walk forward and soon the two of them came to the end of the tunnel.


Jumping down from the tunnel, the mechanical body landed on the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

Sun Cheng looked around with interest at where he was now, and found that it was a very spacious hall.

A simple estimate showed that the length and width of this hall were both about fifty meters, and the height was eleven meters, forming a relatively standard square.

Twelve thick and long stone pillars were arranged neatly, firmly supporting the soil layer above ten meters, showing extremely high construction technology.

Like the tunnel, it may also have been affected by frequent earthquakes in South America in the past.

There are obvious cracks on the walls, floors, and even the top of the hall. There are many places on the ground and near the walls where the soil and stones have dried up and condensed together, which obviously did not seep in when the excavator robots just dug through, but existed much earlier.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 425: Ark



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