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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The tunnel where Sun Cheng and the others are currently located partially consists of artificial passages left by ancient people.

Although the excavating robots had caused some destructive digging earlier, remnants of the previously excavated human-made passages can still be faintly seen in the current tunnel where Sun Cheng and the others are.

The most obvious evidence of this is the scattered fragments of broken wall paintings that can be seen throughout the tunnel.

After hearing Mora's words, Sun Cheng couldn't help but feel a stir in his heart.

Sun Cheng has a serious collecting habit, and even though he knows that many of the things he collects will not be useful in the future, he relies on the uniqueness of mechanical life. He often transforms into a hacker and connects to the internet created by humans, collecting everything he can find on the internet of this world. From various academic papers to electronic libraries of prestigious universities, he can easily bypass various restrictions and copy everything that has been deliberately kept away or set with barriers.

He may not know much about the ancient Native Americans and their civilizations, but he has a basic understanding.

The ancient Native Americans who lived on the American continent once created magnificent civilizations, with the Mayan civilization, Aztec civilization, and Inca civilization being the most famous among them.

Sun Cheng vaguely remembers that among these three civilizations, the Mayan civilization, which originated in Central and South America, seems to be the earliest, while the Aztec civilization and Inca civilization came a bit later.

From Central America to Bolivia, the distance is not far, so it seems plausible to find Mayan civilization's writings in an underground site here, although it is strange.

With this in mind, his thoughts suddenly became active.

When it comes to ancient Cybertronian writings, apart from some Leaders who existed before the first civil war, only the legendary Pathfinders might know how to interpret them.

Sun Cheng and his Decepticon subordinates, in any case, do not have the ability to decipher them.

But if it were Mayan script, it would be different. The Mayan civilization has been studied by the Western academic community for hundreds of years since modern times. Although the Mayan script has not been completely deciphered, and even the interpretations made by humans cannot be guaranteed to be correct, it is still a shortcut!

Sun Cheng believes that if the ancient Native Americans had truly come into contact with a Pathfinder, then perhaps he could learn something from the wall paintings in this underground pyramid.

Unable to resist, he looked at the scattered fragments of broken wall paintings in the tunnel. Although these things had been damaged by the excavating robots not long ago, it didn't pose a challenge for Sun Cheng.

Previously, Accel had scanned the artificial tunnel where they fell using the excavating robots, and he had a complete visual record of it.

Thinking of this, he immediately contacted Accel, who was guarding outside the tunnel, "Accel, send me a copy of the recorded images of the underground passage taken by the excavating robots just now!"

"Yes, my master!"

Although Accel didn't know what Sun Cheng needed it for, he still immediately sent it over.

After receiving the recorded footage, Sun Cheng quickly browsed through it and then looked at Mora, asking, "Can you decipher Mayan script?"

"I can!"

Mora answered decisively, even eagerly.

"All the information about the ancient Native Americans that the base has collected is stored in my core, including Mayan script!"

Deciphering ancient texts has always been a major challenge for humanity. Modern humans attempting to interpret ancient writings, especially those that have been lost, primarily rely on collecting a large number of wall paintings, stone tablets, inscriptions, and other artifacts with ancient texts, and then make educated guesses.

The advantage of this approach is that there is a reasonable chance of getting close to the meaning, but the disadvantage is that the probability of errors is also very high.

Sun Cheng can even assert that there is no completely accurate interpretation of ancient texts currently known to researchers and archaeologists in any country on Earth. However, he is not a scholar, nor does he seek a completely correct answer.

He only needs a relatively close hint, and Mora can provide that. As Decepticons, their Cores are information processors that operate at speeds far surpassing all the supercomputers in the current world. With enough information, Mora can use his supercomputing capabilities to compare and arrange data, increasing the chances of obtaining a relatively accurate answer.

With a definite answer from Mora, Sun Cheng no longer hesitates.

He adjusts his body in the narrow tunnel and then points his finger at Mora's head after turning to face him.

Mora doesn't resist. A stream of information quickly shoots out from Sun Cheng's fingertip and forcefully enters his Core.

In an instant, the red light in Mora's eyes dims, as if he has been struck by a blunt object, causing him to instinctively shake his head.

After a while, he responds, "There are many wall paintings, some of which have been damaged... But I should be able to attempt deciphering... Master, please wait a moment..."


The wait lasts for several minutes.

Perhaps due to the Core's overloaded calculations to deduce the meaning of the wall paintings and the Mayan script found in this underground relic, white mist quickly appears around Mora's head.

That is a sign of the Core overheating!

Sun Cheng patiently waits. Although he doesn't have much time, he still has some.

This time, he has found an opportunity to temporarily escape the surveillance of the Excavator by pretending to be angry.

But it doesn't mean that Sun Cheng is ready to confront Starscream. He can only stay outside for a few days at most before he has to return to Russia.

This is also a test for him, using his operations in North Dovinsk to challenge Starscream.

If Starscream was also just testing the waters and hasn't figured out his cards, then his operations in North Dovinsk should be safe for at least a few days.

With Starscream's cunning and suspicion, he should understand how complex the current situation on Earth is. He probably wants to hide behind Lord Fallen and watch others fight first.

But if his efforts in North Dovinsk are destroyed by Starscream, Sun Cheng won't be too heartbroken.

Because if it comes to that point, there is no doubt that Starscream will be out for blood, and with his treachery, Sun Cheng, who is currently hiding in the shadows, will be exposed immediately.

By then, even if Megatron doesn't make a move, Soundwave will probably be eager to have a chat with him!

A sound resembling the deflation of leather suddenly grabs Sun Cheng's attention and brings him back to the present.

He follows the sound and sees Mora with a large crack in his artificial skin on his neck, for some unknown reason. His expression is somewhat distorted as he excitedly looks at Sun Cheng and says, "Master, I did it!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 424: Entering the Hall


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