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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Several people walked quickly towards the commotion and soon arrived in front of an irregular circular pit!

The circular pit was slightly elliptical with a radius of no less than seven or eight meters. The distance from the top to the deepest part of the pit was no less than ten meters.

It was evident that the work efficiency of the excavator robots was very high, as they were able to dig such a large pit in less than an hour.

Sun Cheng did not rush to go in. Cybertronian texts had appeared on the ruins of the Tiwanaku city before, and given his previous experience in Lop Nur, he felt that he could not be too careful when it came to anything related to the Pathfinders.

The worst-case scenario here was that a Pathfinders had visited here a long time ago and had contact with the ancient Indians, which was why the Cybertronian texts were imprinted on the ruins of the Tiwanaku city.

But if the other party had done more than just visit here, the result would be completely different.

Especially in his current situation where he was almost universally hated, he needed to take a gamble!

Sun Cheng did not go down into the pit. He was a cautious person and did not urge Accel, who was still contacting the excavator robot that had fallen into the pit just now.

Soon, more detailed information was fed back.

"Master, please take a look!"

Accel lightly touched his temple, and the next moment, two beams of light shot out from his eyes. The environment around the two of them suddenly seemed to change, and they found themselves in a slightly blue passage.

This was virtual imaging technology, which Sun Cheng was not unfamiliar with.

The image projected by Accel was clearly taken from the perspective of the excavator robot.

Upon closer inspection, it was not difficult to see that this passage was not a naturally formed underground passage. It was a relatively regular square shape with obvious artificial traces.

Judging by the size of the excavator robot, the width of the passage should not be more than two meters, and the height should be around three meters. There were some patterns engraved on the top of the wall and on the wall itself.

However, perhaps due to the frequent earthquakes of magnitude seven or above in South America in modern times, there were cracks of various sizes all over the walls of the passage, which had severely damaged those patterns.

After trying to distinguish them for a while, Sun Cheng quickly gave up.

"Master, do we need to continue digging?"

All the excavator robots in the pit had stopped working, and only the six transport robots were still working hard, carrying the soil and stones that were piled up everywhere in the pit to the designated construction site.

Sun Cheng did not need to think about it and nodded heavily. His voice was cold and without any fluctuations, "Dig, continue to dig down towards the target location!"

He did not care about destroying a cultural treasure passed down from the Inca civilization, because compared to that, Sun Cheng was more concerned about what kind of secret was buried in this deliberately hidden underground building!

"Yes, sir!"

If his own master did not care, then Accel, a standard Decepticon, was even less likely to have any mercy towards things created by humans!

With his command, the excavator robot that had fallen into the passage, as well as the five remaining outside, once again transformed into diligent excavators, and the shattered bricks, stones, and soil piled up again in the pit.

As the sound of excavation roared, the sky gradually brightened.

Although Mora had arranged security personnel to pull out a cordon outside, which was enough to prevent humans from approaching.

But Sun Cheng did not trust the spy satellites of various countries that were scattered all over Earth, monitoring every corner of this planet.

Especially after learning from the two Decepticons who had just been dealt with that Soundwave had already awakened, the unease of being watched by others had been bothering him all the time.

Therefore, he could only endure his inner restlessness and wait for the robots to finish their work.

This wait lasted for nearly two hours.

Until the sun had risen and Bolivia welcomed a brand new day, the impulse to shake off the water droplets that covered the surface of the mechanical body finally surged, and it reported to him with a slightly joyful voice.

"Master, the excavator robots have dug up the main underground temple as indicated by the scans. We can go in now!"

Finally, they had reached it!

Sun Cheng couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. He nodded, and a few water droplets that had formed above his head fell.

Without paying any attention to them, he jumped straight into the pit and arrived at the hole where the excavator robot had fallen just now.

The hole had expanded by two or three circles compared to two hours ago. The radius was now at least two meters, enough for him and Accel, a Decepticon of such a large size, to pass through.

Accel had been busy controlling the excavator robots and was obviously more aware of the situation below. So after Sun Cheng jumped down, he didn't rush to follow but stayed outside, waiting.

Sun Cheng wasn't surprised. As soon as he jumped into the pit, he felt a sense of discomfort.

It was a not-so-spacious passage, no more than four meters high and about three meters wide. With his mechanical body, he had to bend over to barely walk through.

Bending down and heading downwards, although it looked very dark, the mechanical eyes were different from human eyes. Even in the darkness, they could clearly distinguish the surrounding terrain. So even without any illumination, it didn't affect their movements.

Sand and soil kept falling on him from above, indicating that the violent methods of the excavator robots a while ago had already destabilized the layers here.

Sun Cheng lifted his feet, which had sunk into the soft soil when he landed, and furrowed his brows slightly.

"The passage is unstable. Mora, come with me. Accel, you stay outside and don't come in."


Accel's voice was clearly disappointed, but he didn't disobey the order. He retreated from the pit and returned to the outside, vigilantly looking around.

Sun Cheng took a few steps forward, and Mora quickly jumped down as well. After briefly examining the tunnel, he exclaimed in surprise and quickly came to Sun Cheng's side.

"Master, something strange is here!"


Sun Cheng stopped in his tracks, barely turned his body to look at him, and asked, "What did you discover?"

Mora's size was no different from that of a human, so this passage that Sun Cheng had to bend over to pass through appeared very spacious to him.

Mora's spirits visibly lifted at the words, and he quickly went to the side of the pit, pointing to a wall painting that had already been shattered beyond recognition. He was excited, "There are writings on the broken wall paintings in this passage!"


Sun Cheng was slightly taken aback, but quickly realized, "Writings!"

"Yes, writings!" Mora nodded emphatically. "Although the Inca civilization is considered the most glorious civilization left by ancient humans in South America, it is well known that the Inca civilization, from its birth to its demise, never developed a unique writing system of its own and passed it down. Lord Atlas left a lot of information about the ancient Indians in my Core when they were nurturing me. If I'm not mistaken, the characters on these wall paintings are indeed writings, and these writings happen to be stored in my Core. They are called the 'Mayan script'!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 423: Underground Pyramid Five


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