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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Is this the new robot design by Atlas?"

Sun Cheng looked on with great interest as the robot in front of him suddenly became busy, his eyes full of curiosity.

Robots like this, which were looked down upon by engineers like Atlas, were originally proposed and designed by him.

Although for a considerable period of time, Atlas and his engineers did not pay much attention to them, which led to the first generation of industrial robots exposing various flaws and shortcomings during that time.

But it was those inferior products that completed nearly 90% of the construction work at Base 2.

At first, the Decepticon engineers were very dissatisfied with this, and some even felt that their work was being taken away by these machines.

However, these ridiculous ideas disappeared naturally as the base continued to expand and the Decepticons under Sun Cheng's command were severely lacking.

Although the engineers were also an exploited class within the Decepticon army, they were still members of the Decepticons, true mechanical life forms.

These clever and cunning guys soon realized that with these robots, they were no longer at the bottom of the hierarchy, but had become the exploiting class.

As a result, the enthusiasm of the engineers to modify the robots increased greatly.

One after another, robots that were professionally strengthened on the basis of the first generation of robots emerged.

For example, the two robots in front of Sun Cheng now, with a height of only about 2.2 meters, look very similar to the first generation of industrial robots, but one mechanical arm is designed to have the ability to almost instantly drill through all non-Cybertron alloys on Earth, while the other mechanical arm is designed as a small shovel made of the same specification alloy, and is a new type of excavation robot designed by the base.

This little guy may not look conspicuous, but it is a professional robot specially made by Atlas after summarizing various problems encountered in the underground excavation operations of the first generation of industrial robots, for excavating underground caves and permanent works.

Don't underestimate these excavation robots, falling rocks, water and mud have no effect on their work, and the strong energy core inside their bodies allows each excavator to have the ability to clear thousands of cubic meters of soil and stone per hour and perform precise operations.

The transport robots, on the other hand, are called engineering soil and stone transport robots, which were developed at the same time as the excavation robots and are special robots designed to work in conjunction with them.

Unlike the excavation robots, which still look somewhat humanoid, these engineering soil and stone transport robots look more like giant spiders.

Their upper bodies are barely humanoid, but the part from the chest down is like an elliptical giant spider, coupled with eight mechanical legs that can move quickly in any terrain, making them look more like spider monsters.

However, despite their fierce and ugly appearance, the transport robots are a very diligent group.

Sun Cheng looked over and saw the excavation robots that had already started working at the ruins, easily crushing the heavy bricks and stones on the ground and starting to dig down.

Nearby, transport robots that looked like spiders were also working diligently.

They flexibly surrounded the excavation robots, extending things like suction cups from their elliptical bellies, constantly sucking up the soil and crushed stones excavated by the excavation robots into their bodies. When they were full, they ran to the area marked dozens of meters away and then the suction cups appeared again, spitting out the soil and stones that had been sucked into their bodies.

In terms of efficiency, they were not slower than the excavation robots at all, except for occasionally hesitating for a moment when faced with large and hard rocks before pushing them aside or giving up on suctioning them in. The efficiency of cleaning up the soil and stones excavated from the ruins was unexpectedly high.

Accel didn't know if he was satisfied or not, but he still responded, "Yes, master. These robots were newly sent by the base. Since they arrived, the La Paz sub-base has quickly taken shape!"

After a pause, he added, "The base has sent more than just these. There are also a large number of mining robots in Mora's company. Their mining efficiency is very high, and they can now steadily transport minerals to the base!"

Although he inherited the Decepticons' hierarchical view, Accel couldn't help but look down on the engineers whose combat power was only mediocre. However, he also admitted that Atlas and his team had created a lot of very practical machines.

"Yes, master. The miners sent by Lord Atlas are indeed very useful!"

Mora didn't know when she had finished explaining things to those human officers and returned to Sun Cheng's side. Upon hearing this, she also added a sentence.

Sun Cheng nodded and didn't say much. Including himself and the newly formed Decepticons, his current mechanical life forms added up to only about forty to fifty people.

Among them, those with combat capabilities were still in the single digits.

Because of the severe shortage of manpower, the base had to manufacture various robots to make up for the shortage of personnel.

He hadn't tracked the specific number for a while, but he conservatively estimated that the total number of combat robots under his command had exceeded 500, and the number of other types of industrial robots was even more, at least one or two thousand.

After all, there were already 200 robots operating in North Dovinsk alone.

And at the Long Han hydropower station, there were already over a hundred industrial robots sent over in the first two batches, and there were definitely more to come.


The efficiency of the robots was indeed very high, and they didn't keep Sun Cheng and the others bored for long. Soon, good news came.

"Master, one of the excavation robots fell into a pit... It should have dug a passage to the underground ruins..."

Accel controlled all the robots during their work, so he was the first to know when something happened and reported it to his master.


Sun Cheng couldn't stand still and hurried towards the already dug hole.

There was a hypothesis proposed by anthropologists that there were underground ruins beneath the Tiwanaku city.

Several years ago, archaeologists from Europe used geological radar equipment to discover something strange beneath the Tiwanaku city ruins.

Subsequently, archaeologists from the United States deciphered from the inscriptions on a temple monument of the Inca Empire in Ecuador that the ancestors of the Inca people had built a huge palace for the gods by the shores of Lake Titicaca, and the Tiwanaku city on the south bank of Lake Titicaca was the site of that palace, as speculated by the archaeologists from the United States. They had applied to the Bolivian government for research qualifications, but after waiting for three years in Tiwanaku city, they once again denied their own speculation and recognized the views of their European counterparts.

All signs indicated that there was something underground in Tiwanaku city.

However, human archaeologists dared not dig easily. This place was adjacent to the border between Bolivia and Peru and was a sacred place in the legends of the indigenous people of South America.

But Sun Cheng and his team had no such concerns. In fact, after Forerunner took control of Bolivia, an engineer carrying a large amount of professional equipment arrived here from the base and conducted a detailed exploration.

The conclusion they reached greatly excited Sun Cheng, who had been looking forward to this place for a long time!

"There is an underground building 17 meters below the southeast of Tiwanaku city, which looks like an inverted pyramid according to the survey!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 422: Underground Pyramid Four


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