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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the grand hall, the command of Accel was lost.

The few excavator robots and transport robots that had been digging here before were now quietly waiting inside the hall, as if guarding it.

Of course, that is if one ignores the sharp bronze arrows that pierced the ground, which the robots were guarding against.

Due to concerns that directly excavating would affect the load-bearing structure of the pyramid, Accel had controlled the excavator robots to bypass the top layer and create a hole in the side wall, taking a detour before entering.

Therefore, Sun Cheng knew that the hall they were currently in was not the lowest level of the underground inverted pyramid that had been detected earlier, but rather the largest hall at the top.

However, he didn't immediately order the excavator robots to continue digging downwards. After surveying the surroundings, Sun Cheng noticed numerous murals on the walls of the hall.

Without needing his command, Mora had already walked briskly towards one of the walls to study it.

Sun Cheng also became somewhat interested and approached one of the walls in the hall to take a look.

Although he didn't have much knowledge of ancient art, at this moment, he had to admit that despite the murals on the walls not being as colorful as those in the ancient Egyptian pyramids or as delicate and full as the murals in ancient China, the murals left by the bold lines and well-coordinated pigments were indeed artistic treasures!

He wasn't someone who appreciated art, but he couldn't help but be drawn to the stories depicted in the murals after glancing at them for a moment.

The mural in front of Sun Cheng told the story of a clearly mythical figure.

The leftmost mural showed a baby floating on a lake; the second mural depicted a person resembling a priest holding a sun-branded seal, seemingly presiding over some kind of ceremony by the lake; then everyone bowed to the baby. The baby was brought to a palace and quickly grew up to become a strong warrior capable of hunting lions and leopards, a great conqueror. He commanded his own army, wielding a spear and shield, wearing armor, and riding a tall steed, conquering one tribe and power after another...

Sun Cheng didn't finish looking at all the murals. He lost interest and knew that even if he didn't study them, his subordinate Mora would carefully examine the murals in the hall to see if there was any hidden information.

He walked away from the wall he had been standing in front of and approached the nearby robots. He bent down and picked up an arrow from the ground, carefully inspecting it.

In this grand and magnificent hall, it was evident that it wasn't as safe as it appeared.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many arrows here with the excavator robots. It seemed that someone had accidentally triggered something before.

However, these traps that were extremely dangerous for tomb raiders posed no threat to him and Mora, both Decepticons.

Even the mass-produced robots in the base had mechanical bodies made of a special steel developed by Decepticon engineers. Ordinary 7.62mm rifle bullets made by humans would only leave shallow dents on them, let alone these arrows that had been decaying underground for too long.

So, the traps in the hall naturally couldn't harm them!

Sun Cheng held up a slender arrow between his thumb and index finger and a blue light shot out from his left eye, scanning the arrow.

"...Lead-copper alloy... Manufactured over three thousand one hundred years ago... A product of the Maya Pre-Classical period..."

The exploration function of Core slightly activated, and in an instant, Sun Cheng confirmed that his previous guess was correct.

This was an arrow made of lead-copper alloy, also known as bronze. Although the smelting technique was rough, the technology was very mature. What surprised him the most was that the manufacturing history of this thing had actually spanned three thousand years.

According to the Western calendar, it was manufactured around 1000 BC.

Although he had noticed before that in the "Transformers Universe," due to the presence of Cybertronians, the course of history seemed to be roughly similar to the real world he was born in, there were fundamental differences.

The Maya, who should have belonged to the Stone Age civilization, unexpectedly had the ability to manufacture bronze during the Pre-Classical period around 1000 BC. Moreover, the technology was remarkably advanced, and the arrows still possessed lethal power to this day.


He quickly threw the arrow aside and glanced at Mora. He noticed that Mora had already walked to another wall without him realizing it. At this moment, his entire body was emitting a lot of heat, as if he had just finished a sauna. Sun Cheng didn't rush to ask if he had discovered anything.

Instead, he leisurely wandered around the relatively spacious hall, activating the scanning mode in the process, instantly revealing a passage leading downwards.

"Snap! Snap! Snap!"

One trap after another was triggered by him indifferently. Countless bronze arrows, as dense as cow hair, rained down, constantly clattering against his mechanical body. They couldn't even leave a mark before breaking and falling in the hall.


Suddenly, the ground sank, but it couldn't accommodate his massive mechanical body. Sun Cheng simply crushed the bronze spikes with his feet and climbed out of the trap.

He waved away the unknown gas that sprayed out and punched the nozzle that poured sand into the hall, shattering it. Behind the false door that had been activated by his attack, a huge stone ball suddenly emerged but was also shattered.

Under the scanning of his eyes, all the peculiarities in the hall were quickly destroyed or deciphered. Sun Cheng finally found a correct passage leading downwards.

However, when he forcefully lifted the several-ton stone and violently opened the passage to the next level, he furrowed his brow.

As far as his sight could reach, it was just a passage that was no more than ten meters long. However, it was a passage that only humans could pass through.

Yes, it appeared to be less than one and a half meters in height, even a human would have to bend down to walk through, let alone someone of his size.

Within his line of sight, there were no patterns or murals in the passage. Sun Cheng immediately had a hunch.

Just as he was about to command Accel to continue directing the excavator robots to quickly dig a passage that he could pass through...

At that moment, Mora, who had been studying the murals in the hall for a while, suddenly shouted excitedly.

"Master, come and see what I've discovered!"


Sun Cheng walked over in surprise and followed the finger of Mora, whose artificial skin on his arm had started to wrinkle, to look at the mural in front of him.

The moment his eyes focused on the mural, his right fist clenched tightly, and he exclaimed, "The Ark?!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 426: The Crashed Spaceship


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