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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Here we go again!"

Sam picked up the brand-new phone, almost identical to the recently released Nokia N78, and looked up at Michaela.

Michaela's face had returned to calmness, and she nodded helplessly without saying anything.

Since last year, when the self-proclaimed Decepticon first gave them each a phone, they had been receiving a new phone every 17th of the month, without fail. Sometimes the phones were delivered directly to their homes, while other times they were placed inside their lockers at school.

At first, both Sam and Michaela, along with Bumblebee, who protected the United States boy, were cautious about this mysterious gift.

They even investigated the source of the phones together, but the results were less than satisfactory.

It was as if there were invisible hands behind all this. Even with Bumblebee enlisting the help of an electronics expert among the Autobots, they couldn't continue the investigation after infiltrating the federal express and local transportation monitoring systems.

Eventually, an electronics expert among the Autobots carefully inspected each phone they received and confirmed that there were no security risks. Only then did Sam and the others breathe a sigh of relief.

Nevertheless, they followed Bumblebee's advice and handed over all the suspicious phones to him for destruction.

But despite their efforts, every 17th of the month, they would still receive two phones with Decepticon logos, without fail.

It had to be admitted that the phones made by Decepticons were very appealing in appearance alone.

The phone's body was made entirely of an unknown alloy, giving it a solid and stylish feel. Combined with the classic Nokia aesthetics of the N78, it instantly captured Michaela's attention, even though she usually had little resistance to fashion and trends.

As if sensing the joy on Michaela's face, Sam opened his mouth, hesitated, and then reminded her, "I don't know what the Decepticons are up to, but we can't keep these things. Let's leave them to Bumblebee and the others to handle."

While playing with the phone, Michaela's face stiffened for a moment as she handed the phone to him, and her good mood disappeared completely.

She took a step forward to her locker, intending to put away some books she didn't need and retrieve her phone and personal belongings to go home.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she reached her locker and was about to put the books inside, Michaela noticed something that didn't belong to her.

She was slightly surprised, then quickly took it out.

"What's this..."

It was a flat metal hard disk, about the size of an adult's palm. It wasn't too heavy when she weighed it in her hand. After a brief moment of inspection, Michaela quickly recognized a familiar logo on the back of the disk.

She wasn't interested in this thing, so she threw it over to Sam who was already watching curiously. "Take it!"

"What is it?"

"I don't know!"

Michaela had no interest in it, so she couldn't be bothered to spend more time on it.

Quickly taking out her old phone and personal items she needed to take home, she put the unused books back into the locker and locked it.

The locker's lock had been replaced several times before, but no matter how they changed it, the Decepticons always found countless ways to put things in without damaging the lock. At this point, they had given up resisting. After all, the Autobots had also checked it and confirmed that there was no problem.

Michaela's lack of interest didn't mean that the curious boy, Sam, felt the same.

Seemingly completely unaware of his girlfriend's complex emotions, he took out his phone, dialed a number, and as the call connected instantly, he spoke into the phone in a hushed tone, "Listen, buddy. You have to come to my place quickly. Michaela and I received something from the Decepticons again today. Besides the phones, there's also something that looks like a Portable hard drive. I think you should come and take a look!"


From the other end of the phone came an electronic noise that sounded like static, followed by the roar of an engine and a middle-aged man's low growl.

Sam sighed with relief and hung up the phone. He knew that the electronic noise was caused by Bumblebee, the Autobot warrior who had been transformed into a yellow Chevrolet parked nearby. His vocal system had been damaged during the Cybertron civil war over a century ago, and it seemed that Ratchet had been too busy to repair it.

Knowing that Bumblebee was on his way, Sam finally relaxed.

He hurriedly caught up to his girlfriend who was walking away from the school, trying to apologize to her.

"Hey, Michaela... don't be angry. I've already notified Bumblebee, and he'll be here to pick us up soon!"

Michaela continued walking, seemingly ignoring him completely.

Sam was helpless. Even with his low emotional intelligence, he could sense that his girlfriend was annoyed with him. However, he couldn't figure out what the problem was.

He could only continue to apologize and try to explain himself as they walked a few hundred meters away from the school. Finally, a yellow Chevrolet appeared from a distance, pulled up beside them, and came to a steady stop.

Bumblebee had arrived!

Seeing the open door blocking their way, Michaela, who had remained silent for a while, finally let go of her annoyance. She smiled and greeted Bumblebee, who was still in vehicle mode, "Hey, Bumblebee."

Then she went straight to the passenger seat and got in.

Sam quickly sat in the driver's seat, closed the door, and took a glance at the slightly dirty interior of the car. He couldn't help but complain, "Bumblebee, I don't think you need to make the car's interior look so shabby, really!"

The car's speakers suddenly played a rap song by a black singer named Jason, which seemed to fit the situation perfectly: "...I think she's a troublesome girl... She likes my big bird and money... but she's always unhappy that I don't know those brand names..."


Michaela couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Okay, okay, buddy... just pretend I didn't say that..." Sam's face turned a little red, and he knew what Bumblebee meant.

When they first met, he was so dissatisfied with Bumblebee transforming into this shabby car that he didn't even want to buy it.

Later, when Bumblebee transformed into a brand-new Chevrolet, he was very happy. Unfortunately, not long after, in order to avoid drawing the attention of other countries and factions due to his impressive performance in the battle of Las Vegas, Bumblebee turned back into the old, inconspicuous Chevrolet.

Sam had always had some objections to this, after all, he was only 18 years old now and eager to stand out and attract the opposite sex's attention.

He almost knew that Bumblebee was a chatterbox, and he could also understand why Ratchet was in no hurry to fix his voice system.

Scratching his head, he noticed that Michaela, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was no longer sulking at him. She was looking at him affectionately.

The unease in his heart disappeared instantly.

It just showed that many times, whether they were men or boys, they were easily fooled and won over by a few sweet words.

The car started again and quickly left the school and the city, heading towards a remote area in the outskirts.

Neither Sam nor Michaela felt anything wrong with this.

After a few minutes, the car arrived at a scrap storage station in the outskirts. After making sure there was no one around, the two quickly got out of the car. Bumblebee transformed back into his Autobot form and looked at Sam.

Sam understood and handed the suspicious Portable hard drive to him. "This is it, we just received it from the Decepticons. I think it's a Portable hard drive used to store data!"

Bumblebee took it, then pointed seriously at both of them, motioning for them to stay away.

Sam and Michaela did as instructed, moving to hide behind a pile of discarded metal, peeking out curiously to watch him.

After making sure they were safe, Bumblebee held the alloy disk that looked like a Portable hard drive with two fingers and carefully inspected it inside and out. Once he was sure it was safe, he nodded at Sam and Michaela.

They knew it was safe, so they came out from their hiding spot and returned to Bumblebee's side.

"Indeed... it is... used to store... data... let me... take a look..."

Using lines from broadcasts, old movies, popular TV shows, and song lyrics, Bumblebee created a positive response. He manipulated the Portable hard drive for a while, and soon some data appeared on the screen.

Then, his expression changed dramatically.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 400 - Sun Strategy+


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