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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Bumblebee, what's wrong?"

Sam had been keeping a close eye on Bumblebee. As a curious boy, now that he knew the metal disk might contain information left by Decepticons, how could he not be interested in it?

For most of the time since earlier, his gaze had been fixed on the alloy disk that Bumblebee held between his fingertips.

"Hey, buddy..."


After Bumblebee started reading the information from the disk, his face quickly changed, but it seemed as though he hadn't heard Sam's question. He stood there motionless, and he exchanged a glance with Michaela, who was also getting anxious. Sam swallowed nervously, feeling a bit uneasy himself.

Just as they were hesitating whether to contact Optimus, Bumblebee's voice, intermittently using the broadcast system, sounded again, "I... I'm fine... just... contemplating."

"What kind of information did Decepticons leave inside?"

Seeing that his friend was okay, Sam breathed a sigh of relief, but his curiosity couldn't be contained. He came out of his hiding spot again, strolling over to Bumblebee's side and anxiously asked.

Bumblebee hesitated a little. He knew the content of the information inside, and if it was true, it would cause trouble for the Autobots.

After a moment of contemplation, he decided that Sam and Michaela were not strangers. They had not only experienced the battle in Las Vegas together but also built a deep friendship and trust over the past half year.

Besides, this matter also involved humans. Bumblebee thought for a moment, then raised a hand and lightly tapped his temple, emitting two beams of bright blue light from his eyes.

Instantly, Sam and Michaela felt a change in their surroundings. They were no longer in a junkyard filled with abandoned metal and debris. Instead, they seemed to be standing in a valley, surrounded by rugged mountains and swirling mist.

"...Whether Sam or Michaela receives this data disk, please immediately hand it over to your Autobot friends to ensure that it can be seen by Optimus, the leader of the Autobots, as soon as possible..."

With a low but magnetic mechanical voice, Sam and Michaela were suddenly startled, as if they sensed something. At some unknown time, they saw a mechanical warrior, just as tall as Bumblebee, appear beside them.


Michaela couldn't react for a moment and covered her mouth in a low exclamation.

Sam was also taken aback, but having spent so much time with Bumblebee, he knew what kind of personality his old buddy had. It was clear that Bumblebee was very hostile to Decepticons and wouldn't allow a dangerous Decepticons to appear by their side.

"It's a projection..."

He glanced deeply at the unfamiliar dark grey Decepticons warrior projected by Bumblebee and pulled Michaela's sleeve to remind her.

Meanwhile, the projected dark grey Decepticons didn't stop either.

He passed through Sam and Michaela and caused ripples in the projection, but his voice continued, "...Let me introduce myself. I am Forerunner, a warrior under the command of Leader Onslaught and Leader Frenzy. This time, at the command of our leader, I bring you several crucial pieces of information, hoping that your Autobots can avoid a dead end..."

"The first piece of information is that Starscream has infiltrated the US system and learned about the information regarding Megatron's remains hidden in the Mariana Trench... Leader Frenzy asked me to remind you that Decepticons already knows how to resurrect Megatron, and they are searching for a crucial item hidden on Earth, just like us, originating from the Cybertron Planet. However, we are unsure what that item is..."

"The second piece of information reveals that before the incident, Megatron had already transmitted a command to Cybertron. Soundwave and Shockwave have set off, and a large number of Decepticons soldiers will arrive on Earth soon... Therefore, if you don't want Earth to become the second Cybertron, you must prepare for battle!"

"Lastly, Decepticons has a base on the moon. Starscream and many other Decepticons warriors who have already arrived in the Solar System are currently stationed there... According to Megatron's teacher, a super leader who existed even before the Cybertron Elders' Parliament, has also appeared in the Decepticons base on the moon... He has given all Decepticons, including us, an order to search for the 'Leadership Module'..."

"...Just as there have been Decepticons like Megatron among your Autobots, and many cars have been stained with the souls of Decepticons, not all Decepticons are fond of war and death... Our supreme Leaders, Onslaught and Frenzy, are tired of the endless Cybertron Civil War... Just as we approached you with goodwill and reconciliation before, we do the same this time... If you continue to treat our advice with hostility, you may regret it in the future..."

"Please make sure to report this information to your leader, Optimus!"

The voice of the dark grey mechanical body Decepticons warrior - Forerunner, soon stopped, and the virtual projection disappeared.

Sam's mouth was slightly agape, his eyes wide open, as if he couldn't accept the information mentioned in the previous scene.

"This might be a trap..." He looked at Bumblebee and his voice couldn't help but stutter, "Yes, I mean, they might be trying to target Optimus!"


Michaela tugged at him and, seeing her boyfriend's somewhat blank expression, she shook her head and gestured toward Bumblebee.

Though her academic achievements might not be as good as her bookworm-like boyfriend, when it came to emotional intelligence and the ability to read between the lines, Sam wouldn't be the only one taking a hint or two from her.

Bumblebee, who had always been hostile to Decepticons, destroying anything bearing their mark on sight, this time, after reading the disk sent by the Decepticons, he didn't destroy it like before.

Seeing the conflicted and contemplative look on his face, Michaela quickly figured out some things.

Sam wasn't a fool, although his ability to read emotions and expressions was indeed poor. But now, with his girlfriend's hint and carefully thinking about Bumblebee's behavior, his eyes widened, and his face turned pale, as if he had seen a ghost. He stammered, "H-hey, Bumblebee... you guys didn't... really destroy Megatron's body, did you?"

Upon being asked this, Bumblebee, who had been deep in thought, trembled slightly. It seemed he had made a decision. He rapidly transformed back into his car form, leaving behind a parting message before speeding away from the junkyard.

"...You guys... go back yourselves... I need to go see the Leader immediately... and deliver the information to him!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 401 - Coordinates


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