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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Bolivia is an inland country located in the central region of South America, bordered by five countries: Brazil, Peru, Chile, Argentina, and Paraguay. Its legal capital is Sucre, and its actual government seat is in La Paz.

After many countries are established, the territorial boundaries will inevitably undergo varying degrees of expansion or contraction over time.

Undoubtedly, Bolivia belongs to the latter.

Bolivia was originally part of the Inca Empire, but during the Age of Exploration, it was conquered by Spanish colonizers along with the Inca Empire. The Spanish called it "Upper Peru" and it was part of the Spanish Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata.

In the Latin American wars of independence, the liberator of South America, Bolivar, liberated Upper Peru and the "Republic of Bolivia," named after him, was born to show gratitude to this liberator.

At that time, Bolivia was still a large South American country with a western coastline and a territory of nearly 1.3 million square kilometers.

However, unfortunately, in the subsequent "Saltpeter War" and "Chaco War," Bolivia was defeated by neighboring Chile and Paraguay, respectively, and was forced to cede its only coastal province and nearly one-third of its territory, becoming a completely landlocked country.

"...What a country with terrible transportation!"

Yuri, who had been jolted on the bus for the entire journey, got off and couldn't hide his exhaustion.

Perhaps because someone leaked information among the Bolivian soldiers he had contacted, Bolivia's intelligence agency had been like hunting dogs everywhere in recent days. Although the assassination attempt on the president two months ago was unsuccessful, it did scare Bolivia's new president.

The intelligence agency was almost completely purged and his confidants were deployed to the intelligence agency of this country.

Although Bolivia is just a small country, once the power and will of any country is activated, it can be very troublesome.

Especially for Yuri, an unidentified person who entered the country through special means, he naturally could not return to La Paz from Sucre by plane or train, which were heavily inspected. He and his dozen or so confidants, called Followers, hired a black bus and wasted two days before returning to La Paz.

The bumps along the way were a real torture for Yuri, who had enjoyed a luxurious life in Brazil for half a year.

However, he couldn't really show his dissatisfaction.

There is no other reason for Yuri's trip to Brazil this time than to carry out an important mission.

If he succeeds, everything will be fine.

He can not only gain far more money and power than he has now, but also manipulate the policies and fate of a country from behind the scenes.

Thinking of this, the discomfort and exhaustion caused by the bumps on the road disappeared from Yuri's body in an instant.

Forcing himself to perk up, he snapped his fingers, and one of his subordinates immediately came forward and handed him a premium Havana cigar that Yuri loved, along with a lighter to light it.

"Hiss... Hoo..."

He took a deep puff, held the smoke in his mouth, and savored the unique sweetness of the Bueltavaña premium tobacco. After a while, he exhaled the smoke, and his face became cold and composed again.

"Where are Colonel Numar's people? Has he been exposed too?"

One of his subordinates standing nearby walked up and answered in a low voice, "Boss, there have indeed been some problems on Colonel Numar's side. One of the senior police officials in La Paz that he had recruited was reported by his subordinates. The intelligence agency has taken control of him since early this morning..."


Yuri couldn't help but curse, and the premium Havana cigar that he had just lit and smoked two or three puffs of was thrown heavily to the ground in his anger. He even kicked it away in frustration.

"Worthless trash!"

He snorted heavily, and his eyes became more sinister. "The agreed meeting place is no longer safe. You go and quickly get two cars and find a local to take us to a hidden place to stay. I need to confirm Numar's current situation as soon as possible!"

"Yes, boss!"

Brazil was once a colony of Portugal, and Portuguese is similar to Spanish, and there are also many people of Spanish descent in Brazil. Therefore, most of the subordinates Yuri recruited in Brazil can speak some Spanish, so there is no problem with communication.

Just ten minutes after his subordinates left, a local man with a reddish-brown skin tone, clearly of indigenous descent, returned.

"Boss, the cars are ready. Tevez knows a very hidden place that won't attract attention. He's a local and also an employee of our warehouse, so it's absolutely safe!"

Yuri was still a little uneasy, but when he heard Tevez's introduction, he couldn't help but breathe a little easier, although he was not completely at ease.

The so-called warehouse is actually a series of shell companies registered in Peru, Chile, and Bolivia that are owned by the main god of the black market. They were set up to protect the materials that were brought safely from Russia and China into Brazil via the western Pacific, using extremely cumbersome means.

For more than half a year, one group after another of clever people who noticed that these companies were not normal disappeared without a trace, leaving only honest people who were not pretending to be ignorant just to get a high salary.

Many of the companies in the warehouse system have dealt with Yuri, and naturally have learned from Number 2 who the warehouse is serving.

"Tevez, do a good job, and in a few days, I'll have the warehouse send you half a year's extra salary!"

The middle-aged indigenous man with reddish-brown skin was clearly an honest man who was a little apprehensive at first, but when he heard Yuri's promise translated by his subordinates, he couldn't help but thank him gratefully, "Thank you, boss! Thank you, boss!"

Several cars soon carried Yuri and his team to a storage center near the La Paz train station.

As they got out of the car, Yuri raised his eyebrows and was about to get angry, but he didn't expect the indigenous man named Tevez to come over and explain eagerly.

"Boss, this is our company's bulk metal reserve warehouse. The government has taken care of the relationship, so no one will come looking for trouble!"

This was not a lie. In order to ensure the safety of the material transportation channel, Sun Cheng personally dealt with some unwise guys. Within a few months, hundreds of people died at his and Forerunner's hands, including high-ranking police officials and underworld bosses from Chile, Peru, and Bolivia. They used bloody means to completely suppress those who wanted to cross the border and those who tried to investigate.

Of course, sweet dates must be given.

South America is one of the most politically corrupt regions in the world, where those with power and money can really do whatever they want.

After a few rounds of beating and punching, the unwise guys were reduced to bones. The companies under the warehouse system finally became a taboo that no one dared to provoke in the three countries.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 389: Military Coup (Part 2)


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