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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Yuri had been running his business in La Paz for some time, so it only took him less than a day to confirm that Colonel Numar was not in trouble.

As a result, they met as planned.

"Colonel, you really had me worried for a while..." Yuri said as they met at a private villa in La Paz. He didn't care who the owner of the villa was; he was more concerned about the slightly bloated white man in front of him and how much power he still held.

"Oh, Yuri, my dear friend. It's so good to see you again!" Colonel Numar was a sixty-two-year-old, indigenous and overweight man who was once one of Bolivia's few active generals.

Unfortunately, he had been involved in an unsuccessful coup d'etat a year ago.

If it weren't for the current president who, seeing that they were both of indigenous descent, thought he could make an effort for him, he would have been dismissed from the military and demoted to colonel as punishment.

Otherwise, just look at the former interior minister who was also involved in the assassination of the president and was now a former politician.

Yuri didn't want to continue with the false pleasantries, so after the colonel poured him a glass of red wine and they clinked glasses and took a sip, he became more serious.

"Colonel, what's going on over there? There are intelligence agencies and internal security personnel all over La Paz. Is it because the word got out?"

Of course, he knew the answer to his own question. Colonel Numar sighed and put down his wine glass, nodding slightly. "Yuri, my friend. The situation in La Paz is even more dangerous than you can imagine. The lackeys of that madman who wants to revive communism have already arrested one of my allies. If I hadn't immediately kidnapped his family and told him that if he dared to expose me, I would send his family to hell, I would have been exposed by now!"

He looked at Yuri with frustration, his fat face trembling. "But even though the intelligence I received shows that the guy hasn't revealed anything yet, some people have started to suspect me. My phone was found to be tapped today, Yuri. The plan must be executed as soon as possible!"

Yuri narrowed his eyes and asked, "How many people can you still use?"

"A thousand... no, maybe only seven or eight hundred... but on the police side, I have a subordinate who is training reserve officers. If I try, I can probably get a few hundred more police officers!"

The control of the military in many South American and even Central American countries is quite weak.

That's why you often see news reports of military coups in Central and South America, overthrowing elected governments or governments that have also come to power through coups.

Yuri, who was a former CIA agent, looked down on Colonel Numar's power, but he also knew that if these people really launched a sudden military coup, they still had a chance to control La Paz and overthrow the current government.

After all, Bolivia's military strength had always been limited by its national power. With a territory of over one million square kilometers, there were only about forty thousand regular troops, most of which were stationed along the Chilean and Paraguayan borders where border frictions often occurred. The domestic defense was very weak.

However, what Yuri needed was not a "potentially successful" military coup, but one that was sure to succeed.

Yuri pointed out the problem without any politeness: "Colonel, I can't believe a group of reserve police officers who may not even be able to hold a gun steadily. And how many people under your command are willing to follow you? You probably can't even guarantee that yourself."

He pointed his finger rudely at the nearby coffee table, his voice cold.

"So I need to raise the stakes to ensure the plan's success... but..."

Colonel Numar's face changed slightly, and some greasy sweat beads could be seen on his forehead.

"You want to raise the price..." He sounded somewhat annoyed, but quickly recovered and shook his head, "My friend, your price was already high enough. Thirty million U.S. dollars in military expenses, plus two thousand Bolivian troops. Even if my coup is successful, I could be in charge of this country in the future!"

Although he said that, Colonel Numar didn't completely refuse.

Obviously, he also knew his current dangerous situation. Once his involvement in the coup was exposed, his indigenous identity would no longer protect him. His best outcome would be spending the rest of his life in prison.

Yuri just sneered at him, saying nothing, staring at Colonel Numar until the sweat beads on his forehead kept rolling down his cheeks.

The two of them stared at each other for a while, and Colonel Numar was the first to give in.

His throat kept moving, and he spoke again in a hoarse voice, "Okay, I agree to increase the reward... but... I can't offer more money. You guys want to get Bolivian military status, right? I can add another thousand... As a price, you promise to increase the number of mercenaries hired for the coup from the original five hundred to one thousand."

After he finished, he stared at Yuri, but what he got was a dissatisfied shake of the head.

"Military status? No need... I'm more interested in the future Minister of the Interior for the new government now..."

Ignoring Colonel Numar's ugly expression, Yuri took out a recorder from his pocket and placed it on the coffee table.

"Same old rules, just say the word. About 1,700 mercenaries who have received formal military training from two reinforced battalions will arrive in La Paz through various channels within five days... I can guarantee that these soldiers will be fully armed, from heavy machine guns to armored vehicles to tanks... they will be able to help you overthrow this government and put you in the position of the president of your country..."

"Two reinforced battalions... fully armed..."

Colonel Numar kept swallowing his saliva, his face full of excitement.

As one of the highest military commanders in the country, Colonel Numar knew better than anyone the role that two fully armed reinforced battalions could play in a military coup.

At the thought of soon becoming the most powerful person in the country, Colonel Numar felt his heart about to jump out of his throat.


The bargaining chip was the Minister of the Interior!

He suddenly felt it was difficult to decide!

Bolivia's military strength was limited to just over forty thousand personnel, with regular troops stationed mainly along the borders with Chile and Paraguay where border disputes often occurred. Only a small number were responsible for guarding important cities such as La Paz and Sucre, making the police force crucial in Bolivia. There were about thirty thousand police officers responsible for security throughout the country, and the Minister of the Interior was the highest official in charge of the police system.

It was not an exaggeration to say that the Minister of the Interior was the third most powerful person in Bolivia after the President and the Minister of Defense, and even more important due to the power struggle between the President and the Minister of Defense.

Colonel Numar's gaze stopped at the recorder on the coffee table, and he began to think hard.

He knew that once he said those words, unless he could eliminate Yuri and all his mercenaries, even the forces behind him, immediately after the coup succeeded, this would be a time bomb that could blow him up at any moment.


The highest power in the country was beckoning to him constantly, and he could not refuse the temptation of this power within his reach.

After hesitating for a long time, the Colonel finally made a decision and answered with a trembling voice, "Okay, I agree!"

Yuri immediately stood up with a smile on his face, picked up his glass of red wine and raised it slightly to Colonel Numar, "Your Excellency, you will not regret your decision today!"

This change of tone made Colonel Numar smile a little reluctantly.

He smiled and clinked his glass with Yuri's, and for a moment the sound of clinking glasses filled the air. A hint of sarcasm and indifference flashed in Yuri's eyes.

"Laugh while you can. You will soon realize that you are nothing more than a pawn pushed to the forefront by others!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 390 Military Coup (Part 2)


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