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Number Two briefly explained the current situation in Brazil, and Forerunner nodded repeatedly as he listened.

He was one of the earliest Decepticons to follow Sun Cheng. He knew why his master chose to establish Base Number Two in Brazil. After all, Sun Cheng's ambition to control Brazil, even the entire South America with its abundant mineral resources, was never concealed.

"...I understand. The master's intention is that although Brazil is currently chaotic, it's not the best time to intervene... so the plan is to first take Bolivia, right?"


Number Two nodded slightly, his face showing some reluctance.

If possible, he really wanted to personally take charge of this matter.

The situation in Brazil is currently very chaotic, but it's only the beginning.

It can be said that this human country beneath their feet is the hegemon of South America and one of the BRICS countries. It still has its roots.

Although the turmoil in the state of Rio de Janeiro has already begun to affect the political situation and overall economy of Brazil, the chaos in Brazil as a whole has not yet surfaced. Unless Sun Cheng personally orders the base to intervene with full force, it will take at most three to five months for the Brazilian government to completely suppress the chaos in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

Of course, the base will never allow such a situation to occur.

Even after the Brazilian authorities start mobilizing their troops and police to quell the violence in Rio de Janeiro, various channels are still supplying weapons to the state and even the entire country.

Yuri is already impatient to become the 'King of Brazil'. As a former senior CIA operative responsible for drug trafficking, he knows very well that this world's second-largest consumer of narcotics is nothing short of a ticking time bomb.

All he needs to do is give it a little push from behind and provide some cheap weapons, and it will be enough to turn it into another Mexico.

Of course, in the case of Sun Cheng not allowing Base Number Two to be exposed, this will take some time, possibly half a year or even more than a year.

Coincidentally, news of an unsuccessful coup in Bolivia, Brazil's neighboring country, reached Yuri, and he was ecstatic upon learning this information.

Bolivia, located in the central part of South America, is a landlocked country with a predominantly highland terrain. With an average elevation of over 3000 meters, it is the country with the highest average elevation in the world.

Although Bolivia's economy is far smaller than Brazil's, it still possesses abundant natural resources. The country is home to the second-largest natural gas field in South America, second only to Venezuela. Therefore, it is often referred to as the "donkey sitting on a gold mine."

Like most South American countries, Bolivia experienced a prolonged period of military governments and frequent military coups after gaining independence from colonizers. Although the political situation remained turbulent, it eventually developed into a bourgeois-pluralistic political system with South American characteristics.

However, with the ascent of an indigenous president a year ago, the indigenous socialist policies he implemented unsettled the majority of interest groups and foreign investors in the country. Within a short year and a half, at least four assassination attempts against him and two coup attempts were conspiratorially orchestrated.

Yuri keenly sensed the scent of the CIA behind all this, so he boldly proposed to Number Two, hoping to gain his support. He suggested that they take advantage of the unstable position of Bolivia's indigenous president and plan a coup behind the scenes, fully seizing control of this resource-rich country whose military power paled in comparison to Brazil.

It must be said that this was a bold yet very practical proposal.

Although Yuri was aware of the existence of the base, he didn't know its exact location. However, Number Two knew. The straight-line distance from their base to the Brazil-Bolivia border was not more than 110 kilometers. It was highly likely that the master would be delighted to have a delightful little treat before taking control of Brazil.

As expected, Number Two directly contacted Sun Cheng through long-range communication and reported his and Yuri's plan.

Sun Cheng was indeed very interested. After a brief inquiry about the specifics of the plan's implementation, he gave his approval to take over Bolivia.


What Number Two never expected was that although Yuri would still be the executor of the plan, Forerunner would transition from being his partner to becoming the overseer behind the scenes. It was necessary for strategic reasons.

Sun Cheng needed the impending coup in Bolivia to be successful, so he required a powerful warrior to hold dominion over Bolivia, ensuring the elimination of all potential variables.

Even Hysteria couldn't guarantee this, so Sun Cheng could only rely on Dust Up and Forerunner, who had just switched to a new mechanical body, to ensure success.

As for Dust Up, a typical Decepticon, it was evident that he was not as rational as Forerunner, who had followed Sun Cheng for the longest time. What Sun Cheng needed was someone who could invisibly manipulate everything from behind the scenes, not a front-line enforcer.

Of course, despite feeling somewhat reluctant, Number Two dared not express any dissatisfaction with his master's decision.

Sun Cheng had become increasingly adept at handling his subordinates, and although Number Two lost the opportunity to participate in the coup in Bolivia, Sun Cheng advanced the plan to replace Number Two's mechanical body after gaining control of Brazil. UU Read www.uukanshu.com

No Decepticon could resist such a sweet reward.

Therefore, although Number Two was somewhat unwilling to be replaced by Forerunner, he harbored no resentment. He immediately explained in detail the coup plan that he had formulated with Yuri.

"...Yuri has already made contact with some military personnel within Bolivia. He is responsible for providing weapons for the coup... and even some reliable subordinates gathered by Yuri will change into Bolivian military uniforms and directly participate in the coup... After the coup, Yuri and his team will take control of the television station, government institutions, parliament, and airport in La Paz. Your Excellency, Forerunner, you only need to take action once and assassinate the human president... After that, as long as there are no airstrikes or interference from enemy countries, you just need to stay hidden... Yuri and his team will handle everything..."

Forerunner listened carefully. Although he noticed the dissatisfaction on Number Two's face, he did not show it.

As someone who had been by Sun Cheng's side the longest, he had begun to learn, or rather imitate, his master in a very human-like manner.

As a result, his way of thinking often resembled Sun Cheng's, leaning more toward human thought processes rather than those of a Decepticon who only cared about fighting, plundering, and conspiring.

After carefully listening to Number Two's plan, Forerunner lowered his head slightly and pondered for a moment before nodding slowly.

"I understand. The plan is very detailed, and I can tell that you have put a lot of effort into it..."

He moved his slightly unfamiliar limbs and clenched his fist, making a cracking sound. "Controlling this resource-rich human country is very important to the master, and I will personally take responsibility for it!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 388 Military Coup (Part 1)


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