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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Atlas told me you received the master's new orders, Number Two... Did something happen in Brazil?"

A familiar voice came from the imposing mechanical body of the unfamiliar Decepticon in front of him.

The electromagnetic spectrum unique to Decepticons on his body appeared dim and unfamiliar.

However, there were only a few true Decepticons stationed at Base Number Two, and recently, only one "Forerunner" had been assigned to change into a new mechanical body. He was able to come to this hall in the Core area of Base Number Two without triggering the base's alarm system.

Combining his previous words, Number Two and Hysteria instantly confirmed his identity.


Dust Up's hand, playing with the wheeled grenade launcher, froze for a moment. Greed filled his eyes as he gazed at Forerunner. Jealousy added a touch of ferocity to his already somewhat ugly face.


Forerunner, who had recently changed into a new mechanical body, instantly caught the fiery gaze with his enhanced sensory abilities. Following the line of sight, he met the jealous and subtly hostile gaze of Dust Up. In an instant, he captured all of the other's emotional changes, but he merely snorted and did not speak.

Although Forerunner had been sent by Sun Cheng to Russia before, spending several months in Beigang, he was aware that his master had subjugated a Decepticon warrior similar to Excavator.

If it were in the past, he might have been wary of Dust Up, as this individual's presence would directly affect his position in the master's eyes.

However, he didn't need to worry now.

With the progress of cooperation between China and Russia, more and more scarce resources were continuously being sent. Sun Cheng also fulfilled his promise to the Decepticon engineers and a few warriors who followed him, starting to replace their old mechanical bodies with new ones.

Although Forerunner was not the first warrior under Sun Cheng to return to the base for a mechanical body replacement, it was evident that Sun Cheng was highly satisfied with his performance on the night of Excavator's invasion of North Dovinsk Naval Port. The alloy used in his new mechanical body was no weaker than Dust Up's. Once he passed the adaptation period and fully mastered his current form, his overall strength would surpass Dust Up by at least one level, and he would even be able to contend with Excavator.

Therefore, he paid no attention to Dust Up's hostility.

Decepticons were a race that valued strength above all else, and his combat capabilities were currently superior to Dust Up's. If Dust Up dared to provoke him verbally, he could simply knock him down.

Number Two had just returned from Rio de Janeiro to the base not long ago, and this time he received a notice to come back for a mechanical body replacement.

Staring enviously at Forerunner's brand new mechanical body, he answered, "Your Excellency, I received a notification from the base to come back for a mechanical body replacement... There are no new orders from the master, but a few days ago, I reported the situation in Brazil to him and received his permission!"

Speaking of which, Number Two had a significant responsibility for the current chaos in Brazil.

Not long ago, Sun Cheng's earliest human associate in Rio de Janeiro, Rivella, had caught the attention of the Brazilian authorities, suspected of involvement in "arms smuggling," "corruption," "hiring hitmen," and so on. In the end, the Rio de Janeiro police launched an operation to arrest him.

Rivella was somewhat clever. Before being caught, he activated the special communication wristwatch that the base had equipped him with, signaling to Number Two that he was in trouble.

Initially, Number Two was indeed prepared to rescue him according to the normal procedure, but he was stopped by Yuri, who had already joined Sun Cheng and changed his name.

Yuri had completely taken over Rivella's connections. This former senior CIA agent believed that Rivella was of no use anymore. Ambitious as he was, he clearly understood the extraterrestrial lifeforms he had aligned himself with and their ambitions to control Brazil. So, he managed to convince Number Two and, during the escort of Rivella, he shot him dead on the spot.

And Yuri truly lived up to his CIA background.

He had already fully assimilated Rivella's connections. Using Rio de Janeiro as the center, he initially established an organization called the "Card Association," which had infiltrated the upper echelons of Brazilian state-owned enterprises and some military units. At the same time, leveraging Brazil's relatively lax policies, he controlled several private security companies through various means such as legal and illegal activities. Under his command, he recruited thousands of former soldiers, and with support from the base, his security forces were far from ordinary, boasting a wide range of light and heavy weaponry, including aircraft and main battle tanks.

Behind the scenes, Yuri used cheap goods and arms to support, control, and instigate various gangs and major drug cartels throughout Brazil. At his request, Number Two had also repeatedly assassinated high-ranking officials in the Rio de Janeiro police, government, and military.

Under his continuous instigation, the Brazilian drug cartels and gang forces, who had already dared to challenge the government, became even more fearless after obtaining large quantities of weapons and goods at low prices from him.

With a slight push from Yuri behind the scenes, several major drug cartels and gang forces took advantage of the chaos within the Rio de Janeiro police and military. They launched attacks on multiple prisons and police stations. After hundreds of criminals successfully escaped, a riot erupted that shook Brazil and even half of the world.

Rio de Janeiro, once the most prosperous tourist destination in Brazil, had turned into a hellish nightmare. The thugs who received covert assistance from Yuri wielded AK rifles, RPGs, and various anti-tank missiles, inflicting devastating blows on the Brazilian police helicopters and armored vehicles in the urban warfare. Within a little over a month, hundreds of Brazilian soldiers and police officers lost their lives in the turmoil, while the number of civilian casualties among tourists was immeasurable.

The city of God had turned into hell!

The Brazilian government had to mobilize over 60,000 military and police personnel, including 2,600 paratroopers and 1,200 marines, to suppress the riots.

Unfortunately, their opponents this time were no longer the thugs armed with semi-automatic rifles, submachine guns, and handguns, but ruthless criminals who were even more vicious than the armed drug traffickers in Mexico.

The suppression faced stubborn resistance, as most of the gang members and drug dealers, while not match for the military and police, fought fiercely, often catching the suppression forces off guard in urban skirmishes and dealing heavy blows.

In the end, it took the Brazilian government nearly two months to fully regain control over the urban areas of Rio de Janeiro. However, there were still several slums in the outskirts where numerous armed gang members might be hiding, and many drug traffickers had withdrawn their forces from the city and shifted to other cities within the state.

During the nearly two months, Yuri and his group took advantage of the terrifying expansion of the riot forces in Rio de Janeiro. Their private security company, which operated openly, had already expanded to more than 3,000 former soldiers. They obtained special approval from the Brazilian government to use a police and military training base for their daily training.

In the shadows, Yuri reaped even greater gains.

Brazil was currently in a state of chaos, to the extent that calls for the impeachment of the sitting president were incessant nationwide. In Rio de Janeiro, the most economically prosperous state, the turmoil was ongoing, providing the perfect opportunity for opportunistic actions.

At the same time, whether influenced by the chaos in Brazil or not, its neighboring country Bolivia also showed some negative signs, which caught Yuri's attention.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 387: Expansion (End)


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