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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


As the nuclear power plant in the peripheral canyon of Base 2 began operating and received abundant electrical energy supply, the lighting systems installed in every corridor of Base 2 started functioning.

Just like a lazy leopard strolling around after a satisfying meal, Number 2 maintained its mechanical beast form, elegantly wandering in this base that shared its name. Its crimson electronic eyes scanned the unfamiliar base, which had undergone significant changes compared to the memories it had preserved a few months ago. The crimson light in its eyes flickered continuously.

"The changes are quite substantial!"

It had only been a few months since its last visit, but the base, originally established in the underground cavern, had now taken shape and expanded beyond its previous scale, surpassing its impression.

Not to mention the entire canyon outside the underground cavern, which had been fully utilized.

With the construction of four underground nuclear reactors, there was abundant energy supply for Base 2 and the workshops and factories relocating within the canyon. Countless fully armed combat robots strictly adhered to their patrol routes following preset programs, vigilant against any possible Invaders.

On the mountaintops surrounding the canyon, the anti-aircraft systems were rapidly increasing.

Deployed extensively near Base 2 was a series of ground-to-air missile systems called "S-300," created by human forces on Earth. It consisted of a command center, target search radar, guidance station, missiles, and quad-launch vehicles. The unit was structured based on human battalion, including 12 launch vehicles, 48 missiles, and 1 guidance station. It could simultaneously intercept 36 aerial targets (i.e., aircraft) or intercept tactical ballistic missiles with a speed of 4 kilometers per second and a range of 3500 kilometers, with a maximum of 24 incoming missiles.

Currently, three battalions of the "S-300" series anti-aircraft missile systems had been deployed within a radius of 150 kilometers around Base 2.

It was said that in the future, the master planned to increase the deployment of anti-aircraft missile systems within a radius of 350 kilometers centered around Base 2 to more than fifteen battalions.

This human-made weapon, which was not advanced but still somewhat useful, was nothing more than one of the insignificant achievements obtained by its master, Frenzy, during the past period.

Taking leisurely steps, Number 2 quickly arrived at a spacious hall in the base. This was one of the places specially designated for Decepticons to rest.

When Number 2 entered, there were already two Decepticons inside the hall.

One of them was lazily lying on the flat concrete floor, with both metallic arms serving as pillows under its head. One leg was slightly curled up, while the other dangled in the air, constantly swaying. When Number 2 walked in, it distinctly heard the Decepticon humming an unknown tune.

The other Decepticon sat against the wall in the corner of the hall, with a cold and indifferent expression. It was engrossed in manipulating a heavy revolving grenade launcher, continuously loading ammunition into it.

Perhaps hearing the footsteps, the two Decepticons glanced at Number 2 simultaneously as he entered the hall.

The difference was that the former withdrew one hand from under its head and waved slightly as a greeting.

The latter, as if not noticing Number 2's presence, continued loading ammunition.

These two Decepticons were Hysteria, who had recently completed the mechanical body transformation, and Dust Up, who had completely joined Sun Cheng.

Number 2 glanced at Dust Up, who was ignoring him, and decided not to bother approaching him for a game of Honor of Kings, lest he make a fool of himself.

Maintaining his beast form, Number 2 walked to Hysteria's side, a tinge of jealousy in his tone. "Hysteria, you've really hit the jackpot by staying in the base all this time. I heard even Forerunner is behind you. You just recently received a new mechanical body!"

Hysteria's face showed pride, but he shook his head.

Indeed, he was the first among all of Sun Cheng's warriors to undergo the new mechanical body transformation, even before Forerunner. But were the two comparable? As he thought about it, his pride quickly faded away.

He answered with a hint of jealousy, "Do you still need to envy me, Number 2... We should envy Forerunner. He has been out there, sacrificing himself for the master's plans. Even if his mechanical body replacement came later than ours, the rewards bestowed upon him by the master far exceed ours!"

Hysteria wasn't lying because there was no need to.

He and Number 2 were originally inconspicuous insect-type scouts within Sun Cheng's mechanical body. It was only through two fortuitous encounters with the peculiar energy radiation of the All Spark that they gained their own consciousness and life.

Their conversation wasn't hushed, so Dust Up, who was also in the corner of the hall, could hear everything clearly. Upon hearing their words, the hand loading ammunition involuntarily trembled, and flames of envy and jealousy flickered in his eyes.

He understood the meaning behind Hysteria's words. As Sun Cheng's influence grew, the promises he had made before were gradually being fulfilled.

For example, all of his Decepticons, from engineers to warriors, from the earliest follower Forerunner to Dust Up, who had recently joined him, received his favors and opportunities for enhancement.

However, these favors were not the same; they were calculated based on each person's loyalty and contributions to Sun Cheng.

For example, Hysteria and Number 2, based on their loyalty and contributions to Sun Cheng, were originally cannon fodder who couldn't even be considered low-level soldiers. Now, they both received the bestowed enhancement of C5-level comprehensive enhancement, and their combat power leaped to a level where they could challenge their previous selves.

It should be noted that Dust Up, although just a cannon fodder warrior mass-produced by Starscream, should not be underestimated in terms of combat ability. Even before Sun Cheng replaced his mechanical body, he couldn't suppress Dust Up without using energy weapons or other trump cards.

This shows that the cannon fodder warriors mass-produced by Starscream do possess strength.

Compared to them, Dust Up, who had recently sworn allegiance to Sun Cheng, hadn't received any missions requiring him to go out. Although the opportunity for enhancement came shortly after his fervent loyalty, it was still limited compared to Forerunner.

The Decepticon engineers under Sun Cheng, following his instructions, only made some minor modifications to their parts and equipped them with a revolving grenade launcher and an energy weapon.

Naturally, these enhancements were far from obtaining a powerful new mechanical body like Forerunner did. It was impossible for Dust Up not to feel a tinge of jealousy and envy.

Unfortunately, he no longer had any capital to betray Sun Cheng.

Now, he could only hope to quickly accomplish great deeds for his new master and, in turn, obtain a more powerful new mechanical body.

Hysteria and Number 2 were engaged in casual conversation when suddenly footsteps were heard from the corridor outside.

The three Decepticons in the hall simultaneously turned their heads towards the entrance, as if recalling something.

Soon, a robust Decepticon warrior emitting a deep gray sheen appeared within their sight.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 386: Expansion (Part 2)


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