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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


As the fastest female Autobot, Cromia was equipped with an optical reconnaissance system and was one of the best scouts among the Autobots.

During the Cybertronian civil war, she had once led an all-female Autobot squad to fight bravely alongside the Autobots' guerrilla forces against the Decepticon army. She earned the title of "Shrew" after using her own handcrafted engine beam gun to destroy a Decepticon stronghold.

Although she had only recently arrived on Earth from the Centaurus constellation, Cromia, who was tough and meticulous, had already earned the respect of many Autobots.

Due to the sensitive nature of the mission, Optimus Prime, who couldn't move out easily because of his identity, handed over command to the brave warrior Ironhide for this operation.

However, considering his temper was too hot-headed and also worried about another situation like the one in Savage County, he specially added Cromia, who had a close relationship with Ironhide, to the team before deciding on this rapid operation, hoping that she could serve as Ironhide's deputy and better ensure the success of the mission.

Obviously, Optimus Prime's caution was justified.

In fact, just as the four-person team had just landed on the extreme north ice field of Russia, Cromia, who was leading the way, became restless and stopped.

"Something's not quite right!"

She tried to report the situation to Ironhide, who had been thrown nearly two kilometers away. Although at Sound Nest Base, the Autobots had already learned the destination of their mission from the US military - the North Dovinsk area was strange.

Many experienced Autobot warriors had even speculated that a high-power electromagnetic interference device had likely been installed there.

However, once they entered the electromagnetic interference zone, Cromia quickly sensed that something was wrong.

"The electromagnetic interference is too strong. Not only can we not receive any external signals, we can't even send messages... I seem to be locked in by some very regular electromagnetic waves... This is definitely not the technology that Earth has... Damn Decepticons, it must be their strong electromagnetic interference device!"

After several attempts, Cromia found that there was no way to contact Ironhide and the others behind her, so she turned her head and quickly drove back.

Ironhide and the others soon saw Cromia turning back and couldn't help but raise their guard.

"Cromia, did you find anything?" Ironhide quickly stopped on the ice field and transformed into battle mode, holding his weapon and cautiously asking her.

Without him reminding her, Skids and Sideswipe also transformed into battle mode at the same time, standing guard.

Cromia didn't transform into battle mode. The rose-blue motorcycle stopped in front of the three of them, and her gentle yet serious voice rang out.

"...The situation is not good. I feel like we've been locked in by some very regular electromagnetic waves... Just now when I was contacting the satellite to calibrate our coordinates, I found that I couldn't receive any signals from the satellite. I can't even transmit messages to you!"

Ironhide pulled a cigar out of somewhere on his body and put it in his mouth. He looked at Sideswipe, who frowned slightly, but placed a finger on his temple and looked up at the sky, constantly adjusting his gaze.

Sideswipe was once a member of the Decepticons, just like Barricade, who once belonged to the Autobots. He also defected to the other side due to different beliefs, so in a sense, Sideswipe still had many similarities with the Decepticons.

Sideswipe tried to use his long-unused Decepticon electromagnetic field to break through the disgusting strong electromagnetic interference and contact the US military satellite in outer space.

But soon he put down his finger, frowned, and looked at Ironhide with a low voice, "It's not working!"

"This is a military-grade electromagnetic interference device... Shockwave's factory used to produce a large number of them... If I remember correctly, this type of electromagnetic interference device consumes a lot of energy... Have humans already abandoned this place? How can they let the Decepticons occupy it..."

Sideswipe patiently explained a few things, but his face didn't look good.

During the civil war, the Autobots and Decepticons both mass-produced this type of electromagnetic interference device, especially the latter, who had more resources, and used it to deal heavy blows to the Autobots on the battlefield.

The vast majority of Cybertronians were extremely vulnerable to electromagnetic interference, which was one of their innate weaknesses.

This annoying strong electromagnetic field was very domineering. If they couldn't control its interference frequency, the only ones who could remove the interference were the intelligent strategists, spies, and scouts who were skilled in electronic warfare, or the pyrotechnics masters, Rhinoceros, or even Optimus Prime, who had undergone specialized electromagnetic shielding. Otherwise, they could only destroy the source of interference or its power supply facility.

Ironhide flicked his cigar ash and felt extremely annoyed. He was equipped with a radar wave detection system, but under strong electromagnetic interference, he was almost no different from a blind person.

And because he was strongly opposed to the practice of enhancing strength by modifying the mechanical body, he was known as "old clunker" within the Autobots and could be said to be one of the most stubborn conservatives.

For this reason, Ironhide had indeed paid a heavy price.

For example, his mobility was the slowest among all senior Autobot warriors, and his internal organs and mechanical body were covered in rust or parts that were about to reach the end of their lifespan. At the same time, his ability to resist electromagnetic interference was almost zero and inferior to anyone in the world.

Obviously, Optimus Prime and the others had not anticipated that the situation in North Dovinsk would be so bad, otherwise Optimus Prime would never have sent him on this mission.

"Be on high alert..."

After taking a puff of his cigar, Ironhide, who never refused a challenge and had no fear, pondered for a moment before giving the follow-up orders, "Cromia, I need your help... Take this seriously, Lieutenant. This will be another war between Autobots and Decepticons!"

Cromia was stunned, and then let out a gentle laugh, "Okay, Lieutenant. As long as you..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she suddenly leaped up and transformed into her battle mode, looking seriously at a small aircraft of unknown model in the southeast sky.

At the same time, a cold and stern voice, in sharp contrast to her previous gentleness, rang out, "...Direction 37 degrees southeast, deviation 1.2, altitude 12,407 feet (about 3,782 meters), unidentified small aircraft detected..."

As soon as the voice fell, a rose-blue light wave appeared in her left hand, followed by a sci-fi explosion of a delicate short gun in her hand.

Without any hesitation, Cromia raised the muzzle and pulled the trigger at the small aircraft that was rapidly approaching.


A dazzling beam of light pierced the sky!

Cromia, who had thought it would be easy to shoot it down, suddenly froze her eyes after firing!

Above the sky, the small aircraft that should have been hit by her engine beam gun suddenly accelerated and flew out of a strange 90-degree upward arc in the sky, quickly disappearing from her sight.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 375: Battle with Autobots Again


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