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Sun Cheng's proposal was naturally not well-intentioned. If you were to ask him which clause in the comprehensive cooperation agreement he had recently reached with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry he was most satisfied with, he would definitely answer without hesitation: "The use of force in Russia is not permitted without the permission of the Russian government."

This clause was viewed by the Russian government as a good way to restrict their extraterrestrial allies, but in a sense, it also protected Sun Cheng and his team.

After all, Sun Cheng was not Megatron, and he only had a few subordinates under him. His power had just begun to rise.

On Earth, he might be able to catch his opponents off guard and even win a few battles, whether facing a human country or Autobots.

But if things got out of hand, he would definitely fail in the end.

The mortal enemies of the Decepticons, the Autobots, had also come to Earth, and their numbers were still increasing.

They had even teamed up with the United States, the most powerful force on Earth at present, and both of these forces had been offended by Sun Cheng.

At this point, the value of Russia as an ally was highlighted.

Sun Cheng could not handle the large number of Autobots, and he also feared the huge missile arsenal and nuclear weapons of the United States, but Russia was not afraid.

It possessed the most precious legacy of the terrifying red empire of the Soviet era - the nuclear arsenal.

As long as it still existed, Russia could stand up to the United States, even if it was as poor as a pauper.

Otherwise, do you think the mighty United States would dare to start a nuclear war with Russia, which is reduced to only one pair of underpants?

Although Admiral Vadrovinov was somewhat nervous because of the sudden alarm, as a senior Russian military commander, he did not disappoint Moscow's trust.

"Lord Frenzy, thank you very much for your cooperation. The Russian military will make those who try to invade us understand how terrible their opponents are!"

He pounded his chest, but it only called for a subordinate, whispered a few words, and did not take any further action.

Sun Cheng looked at him with interest. The Russians didn't completely trust him, and he knew that much.


This battle was beyond the control of the Russians. They had no choice but to fight.

"...Attention all Decepticon units, my drone has locked onto the invading targets, which are Autobots Ironhide, Sideswipe, Skids, and an unknown Autobot unit! Conceal yourselves and do not act without my command!"

With a cold smile, Sun Cheng sent out this command through the Decepticon's internal communication channel. He himself remained motionless, waiting quietly for the Autobots to come to him.

Just a dozen seconds before he gave the order, the drone he had released earlier had already caught the four Invaders - a group of Autobot farmers and a medic - who had triggered the automatic detection system.

As expected, the Invaders were not Decepticons but Autobots, and they were all old friends of his except for one Autobot with a rose-blue motorcycle form.

Sun Cheng was familiar with the other three.

Ironhide had dealt with Savage in Alaska, and Skids' twin brother Mudflap had died in his hands.

He felt a slight pain in his leg again and his blue eyes flickered.

As for Sideswipe, he would never forget his own embarrassment when he fled from the first base before he himself killed him.

Excavator gave Sun Cheng a glance without any expression, standing quietly not far from him like a guardian. He seemed to sense the presence of some conspiracy, but what did it matter to him? Watching a good show or taking the opportunity to discover Sun Cheng's true strength might be what he was most interested in.

They didn't have to wait long before a military vehicle rushed towards them with a loud roar and stopped near the general. A staff officer, wearing thick Russian Army winter clothes, quickly jumped out of the car and ran to Admiral Vadrovinov.

"General, the tower has just detected four groups of special electromagnetic waves, none of which match the data in our database. It's suspected to be Invaders..."

This was the biggest disadvantage of humans compared to Cybertronians. As mechanical beings, the Cybertronians could leave some hidden tricks in certain equipment. Even if they were not near the equipment, they could still easily access the information collected by the equipment within a certain distance.

Admiral Vadrovinov didn't completely trust Sun Cheng and his extraterrestrial allies, but he had to believe the data obtained by their equipment. With a tense face, he gave an order after glancing at Sun Cheng and his team:

"Immediately report the invasion of unknown forces in North Harbor to Moscow... Order the entire 34th fleet to identify suspicious targets and forcibly destroy or expel them from Russian territory if warnings are ignored... Notify the automatic rocket artillery battalion to prepare for combat orders and lock onto the target's precise coordinates as soon as possible... Notify that North Harbor needs to enter a state of military control at any time..."

After all, North Dovinsk was one of the most important military ports of the former Soviet Union. It used to have a complete defense system against nuclear attacks, but it had been somewhat abandoned in recent years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Coupled with the fact that their defense target was a human country like the United States, it had led to the surprise attack during Excavator's invasion last time.

This time, the general believed that they were prepared and could at least catch their opponents off guard, even if they couldn't leave any of them alive. At worst, it could still have a deterrent effect.

As for who the object of the deterrent was, what difference did it make?

Sun Cheng calmly listened to the general's arrangements and then interjected: "General, we believe in your determination and that of your country to resist the invasion. However, your opponents are likely to be Autobots, a race that has been fighting us Decepticons for millions of years... So, I suggest that you equip your fighters with the electromagnetic pulse bombs in this batch of traded goods as soon as possible."

Here, his voice paused slightly, then became like a devil's whisper, full of temptation.

"Of course, to demonstrate our friendship to your country, we will fully replenish all the electromagnetic pulse bombs that your army consumes. What do you think?"

A huge grin appeared on Sun Cheng's face, looking both pleased and sinister. He wasn't planning to participate in the battle this time, but he wanted to use the Russians to teach the Autobots a painful lesson!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 374: Battle Against Autobots IX


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