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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



Chromia was stunned, her expression grave. She may not have the combat talent of Arcee or Elita-1, but the reason she became one of the female Autobots' leaders and earned the recognition of many elite warriors and leaders was not only because of her never-say-die attitude, but also because she was one of the best scientists among the Autobots.

Yes, from the small laser defense cannon, engine beam gun, optical reconnaissance system she equipped herself with, to the weapons of many Autobot warriors, they were all made by Chromia.

In order to make up for her Spark not being as powerful as male Autobot warriors, she modified her own mechanical body. She implanted a set of microwave sensors she designed herself into her head, which could sensitively detect slight vibrations and sounds within several kilometers.

Just now, it was this set of microwave sensors that allowed her to detect the drone in the sky.

But also because of her trust in the weapons she equipped herself with, she only fired one shot after locking onto the target.

At first, she thought that the drone they found was a reconnaissance drone made by humans, but she missed and immediately realized her mistake.

"Is it the terrain detector of the Decepticon's elite warriors...troublesome..."

Under normal circumstances, it was impossible for the drone-like reconnaissance device to escape the beam gun of her engine, unless the opponent immediately made an avoidance reaction when she raised her hand to shoot.

But the efficiency and reaction of such handling could not be achieved by human control.

As a scientist, Chromia was rigorous and she checked out the United States as soon as she arrived on Earth.

Ironhide and the others had already reacted and held their weapons cautiously.

"Chromia...report the position..."

Ironhide, holding a grenade launcher in both hands, asked fiercely.

"It's gone..." Chromia shook her head and looked gravely at the disappearing drone in the sky. "It looks like the terrain detector of the Decepticons...it seems we came to the right place..."


Ironhide snorted, corrected his direction according to her gaze, and turned back into a car form. "It's enough to confirm that those disgusting bugs are hiding here. Let's go!"

After speaking, his engine roared like a beast, and he took the lead in chasing in the direction where the drone disappeared.

Sideswipe waved his triangular blade in the air, which was one of his favorite actions.

But just as he had just performed it, he had to remember his triangular blade that was lost in "Savage County".

His face darkened and he coolly retrieved the remaining triangular blade back into his mechanical body. He then turned back into a sports car and quickly caught up with and surpassed Ironhide, charging ahead.

"Hey..." Chromia reminded them, but these two hot-tempered guys had already run far away.

But she also knew that Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons, had died in Las Vegas not long ago, and there might only be a few Decepticons left on Earth. She couldn't help but relax her vigilance.

Looking at Skids, who was still scratching his head and looking at her, Chromia shrugged. "Let's catch up, Skids!"

"Okay, big sister!"

The twin brothers had provoked female Autobots before, but they were all dealt with by Chromia alone. They were even forced to cooperate with her to study mechanical body modification for a period of time.

It was estimated that they had suffered enough during that period of time. After that, even though they were very talkative in front of elite warriors like Ironhide and Sideswipe, they were very quiet in front of Chromia.

Chromia smiled slightly, leaped into the air, and turned into a rose-blue motorcycle, quickly catching up with Ironhide and the others.

The terrain in the Arctic was very complex, and the endless white covered up too many things, such as rocks, stakes, and rivers. Even the speed of the Autobots was greatly affected on the snow.

Along the way, they could occasionally see human buildings, roads, and railways, which made Ironhide and the others confirm that they were not chasing in the wrong direction.

After traveling for around hundred kilometers, the Autobot scout Chromia suddenly skidded to a stop on the snow-covered road, leaving a perfect arc behind her. She quickly transformed and looked up to the sky with a serious expression.

In the distance, twenty or so Russian military planes were approaching in a standard combat formation, leaving long white trails in the sky.

As a weapon specialist, Chromia recognized the models of the planes with ease. However, the Autobots had strict orders not to engage in conflicts with humans, especially after their leader Optimus Prime had forbidden them from doing so.

Chromia and the other Autobots remained hidden in the forest beside the road, trying to avoid detection by the Russian planes. They knew that any conflict could not only expose their existence but also jeopardize their fragile alliance with the United States.

Chromia sensed that something was wrong as the planes kept changing their formation and flying at an unusually low altitude. Soon, she received an unencrypted radio transmission with a stern warning in Russian: "Warning, unknown Invader, this is Russian territory. Leave immediately, or we will use force to expel you."

Ironhide, Sideswipe, and Skids joined Chromia as they realized they had been discovered by the Russian military planes. Although Skids managed to avoid being detected by using his small size, Ironhide and Sideswipe were not as lucky.

As they watched the planes circling above them, Ironhide became increasingly agitated and raised his weapon, ready to fire. However, Chromia reminded him of their orders to avoid conflicts with humans.

Ironhide eventually realized that they might have fallen into a trap set by the Decepticons, and he cursed their enemies for collaborating with humans.

Skids tried to interject but wisely held his tongue when he saw Chromia's disapproving gaze.

"Captain... what should we do now?" Sideswipe asked in a low voice.

Even though they had been exposed, they were not afraid of the Russian fighter jets flying above them. The Autobots had trained with the US military before, and most human weapons posed no threat to them. Only weapons like high explosive bombs, large-caliber rockets, powerful missiles, or nuclear weapons could harm them. Even their ally, the United States, would hesitate to use them.

Their confidence made Sideswipe, who was still angry about losing his triangular blade earlier, eager to fight. They hadn't detected any Decepticon activity in a while, and he was itching for a battle.

Chromia tried to calm down the hot-headed Ironhide and Sideswipe, reminding them of Leader's orders to retreat immediately if discovered by human forces, and to plan again later.

However, she neglected to consider their opponent this time, the same hot-headed Russian soldiers who had encountered the Decepticons before.

"Last warning, Invaders. You have thirty seconds to evacuate Russian territory to the north. Repeat, if we don't see you leaving within thirty seconds, we will use force to expel you!" The Russian fighter jets warned them through the radio.

The warning was filled with impatience and frustration. When they saw the Invaders still not leaving Russian territory after the warning expired, the Russian soldiers stationed in North Dovinsk, who had experienced a Decepticon invasion before, became furious.

They closed their radio frequency and switched to encrypted communication channels, issuing precise combat orders.

"Attention all members of Team 4072, two rounds of ground-to-ground missiles for firepower suppression..."

"Approve Team 1326 to lower flying altitude and try to launch ten incendiary bombs to see if these metal monsters can handle them..."

"I have entered the designated position, fire control radar has locked the target, ready to launch rockets... Wingman, be on the lookout for me..."

After experiencing the pains of the Soviet Union's collapse for more than a decade, the massive military machine of the once world-dominating red empire had regained its strength under the iron-fisted President Vladimir.

The Russian naval aviation soldiers were well-trained and quickly organized themselves and their tasks. The battle began.

The first shot was fired by six Su-25 attack planes. Although this aircraft was designed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau as a high subsonic close air support attack aircraft, it was still highly valued by many countries due to its ability to mount various missiles to increase its air-to-air and ground attack capabilities. Its simple structure made it easy to operate and maintain, making it ideal for low-altitude support and bombing operations in various harsh environments.

The Russians seemed to want to test the weaknesses of these self-proclaimed mechanical life forms from the Cybertron planet. Instead of using electromagnetic pulse bombs, they used twelve 500-kilogram incendiary bombs dropped by the six Su-25 planes.


The incendiary bombs exploded as soon as they hit the ground, quickly turning the snow-covered forest below them into a sea of flames.

Cheers soon erupted from a young Su-25 pilot, slightly easing the tension of the others.

However, they were soon to be disappointed.

"This is... war..."

With a roar, a tall, black mechanical warrior in the fire below pushed down a tree in front of him and raised his laser cannon, aiming it at a low-flying Su-25 plane with a cold smile.

In the next moment, a dazzling ball of light shot out of his cannon, almost instantly arriving in front of the plane.


The laser beam seemed to pierce through the Su-25's armor and hit the ammunition depot, resulting in a deafening explosion. The plane disintegrated in the air, and debris flew everywhere.

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Next Chapter >>  Chapter 376 - Battle with the Autobots XI


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