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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


When the reply from Moscow reached Sun Cheng's hands, he was busy at the Northern Shipbuilding Yard.

Under his personal supervision, a huge object shaped like a mushroom was being lifted up by a struggling Excavator and slowly moved towards the direction designated by Sun Cheng.

To say that it looked like a mushroom was actually quite appropriate.

It had a huge cylindrical base with a radius of about one meter and a length of about two meters. Above it was a slender column about six meters long made of an unknown metal, with a huge circular disc shaped like a cross with a radius of more than two meters at the top of the column. Inside the disc were eight pointers of varying lengths, which looked particularly strange.

This eye-catching object was soon moved by the laboring Excavator to the designated location and erected on the ground.

A team of about seven or eight industrial robots waiting there immediately surrounded the mushroom-shaped giant object and began to work skillfully around it.

Not far away, an engineer who had not yet replaced his mechanical body stood flatteringly next to Sun Cheng. His body, which was smaller than his new mechanical body, made him look more like a pet fawning over his master.

But their conversation revealed something unusual.

"Master, as per your instructions, we have designed the final electromagnetic emitter of this set of electromagnetic devices, and it is being installed. In a few hours, the North Dovinsk military port will disappear completely from Earth..."

Sun Cheng looked past the impatient Excavator not far away and towards the mushroom-shaped giant object that had just been erected, nodding in satisfaction.

To make North Dovinsk disappear completely from Earth did not mean physically destroying the city, but rather making it disappear from sight of those who were spying on the extreme northern military port by some means.

The means used by Sun Cheng was this thing in front of him.

The mushroom-shaped giant object just erected by the Excavator was the core part of an electromagnetic device designed by Decepticon engineers - an electromagnetic emitter. Once this set of equipment was assembled and operational, each electromagnetic emitter could release a strong electromagnetic field covering a radius of up to four kilometers.

In the coverage area, all electronic devices except specially treated ones would be affected.

Of course, its primary function was to counter threats from above, such as military reconnaissance satellites from other countries, especially the United States' military satellites that almost surrounded outer space around Earth, and the new hypersonic strategic reconnaissance aircraft - Dawn Goddess - that the US military was likely to have equipped after the SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft.

This electromagnetic device designed and manufactured by the engineers was not just for defense, it was also an electromagnetic weapon.

When a high-altitude target was detected spying on the Decepticons, the electromagnetic emitter could interfere with or even destroy the opponent's electronic devices by emitting a strong electromagnetic pulse.

"Good job. After the next batch of replacement engineers arrive, you can return to Base 2 with the fleet to replace your new mechanical body!"

Sun Cheng was very satisfied that the engineers stationed at the Northern Shipbuilding Yard had designed and manufactured such a set of electromagnetic barriers according to his requirements in just a few days.

Electromagnetic weapons are a very practical technology. Many countries on Earth have realized its terrible potential and have invested heavily in its development since the last century, with the United States, China, and Russia being the most deeply involved. However, they are still in the stage of theoretical verification and experimentation.

But for the Cybertronian civilization, electromagnetic weapons are very mature.

Both Decepticons and Autobots are mechanical life forms and are extremely susceptible to electromagnetic interference.

During the two civil wars, scientists from both Decepticons and Autobots created one electromagnetic weapon after another and put them into the war. They not only destroyed countless enemy soldiers on the battlefield, but many battlefields even became areas of strong electromagnetic interference that Cybertronians could no longer approach after the war.

Sun Cheng's second base in Brazil also had similar equipment deployed, which was obviously more advanced than the one in North Dovinsk. It could even prevent Decepticons like Dust Up from transmitting communication information.

However, this was not their own territory, and many things had to be kept secret. Therefore, this equipment was mainly used to defend against the electromagnetic devices of Earth's local forces, which was already enough.

The engineer heard his praise and suddenly his face, which resembled that of a wild beast, broke into a grin.

Just as he was about to thank him, there was suddenly a sound of footsteps. Sun Cheng turned his head, and the engineer had to close his mouth because of the angle of his standing position. He had already seen who the person was.

"Master... the cargo has been loaded, and the Ghost is ready to return to base at any time... I came to ask if there are any further orders?"

The person who came was Forerunner. Compared to his bleak appearance a week ago, the engineer and the medical spider had already repaired his original damaged mechanical body.

Seeing Excavator looking at him not far away, Sun Cheng frowned slightly, but did not make any further expressions.

After thinking for a moment, he gave Forerunner two instructions: "There is a batch of highly enriched uranium delivered by Russia in this shipment, which is very important for our development. So, you must be careful on the way and notify me immediately in case of any emergency. Follow the same route as before... By the way, after you return to base, tell Atlas to manufacture a new mechanical body for you and Hysteria according to B1 standards... Also, let him know that I need a batch of more powerful combat robots, and they should speed up their research..."

Starscream unexpectedly discovered his layout in Russia, and even left an informant beside him.

Excavator was now only twenty-four hours away from him. Although Sun Cheng was very unhappy about this, he still had some fear of Starscream and had not completely given up his hard-won situation in Russia.

Moreover, except for following him closely, Excavator was obedient in other respects. Even if he was reluctant, as long as Sun Cheng ordered him to do something, he would do it.

In summary, he reluctantly accepted Excavator's temporary presence beside him.

However, with this informant by his side, Sun Cheng could no longer move as freely as before for the time being.

In the future, he would stay in Russia for a period of time, or more precisely, in North Dovinsk, to promote more comprehensive cooperation with Russia as soon as possible.

After hearing his instructions, Forerunner quickly agreed.

Finally, he suddenly remembered something and whispered to Sun Cheng, "By the way, Master, the reply from Moscow regarding your proposal last time has arrived."

As he spoke, Forerunner suddenly reached out and pressed his head, instantly transmitting an encrypted message to Sun Cheng.

A blue light flashed in his eyes, and after quickly reading the message that had been transmitted to him, Sun Cheng narrowed his eyes.

"Finally approved..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 363, Autobots Attack (Part 2)


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