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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Was the proposal to purchase tactical nuclear warheads from Russia and cooperate in building the God of the North-class strategic nuclear submarine rejected?"

Sun Cheng was not surprised that Russia ultimately rejected his comprehensive cooperation proposal. In his spare time, he had studied the history of almost all human countries on Earth, and naturally knew that as the largest inheritor of the former Red Empire that once threatened the entire Western world, the Russian Federation had been regarded as an imaginary enemy by the largest military and political group in Europe and America, NATO, since its inception.

This hostile attitude, even if Russia's two former presidents had tried their best to show their friendliness towards Western countries, was of no use. Russia has always been a target of exclusion and blockade by NATO and other European and American powers.

Under this almost comprehensive blockade and strike, Russia, which was already seriously weakened due to the disintegration of the Soviet Union, has even dropped out of the world's top-class heavy industry and military industry in recent years. It can only barely maintain surface glamour by relying on its old assets.

But how long can this glamour last? Outsiders may be confused, but the insiders know best.

Take nuclear submarines as an example. During its peak period, the Soviet Union could simultaneously build up to eighteen submarines, of which more than seven were nuclear submarines.

And now, in Russia, an Yasen-class attack nuclear submarine has been in technical verification for more than ten years. If it were not for Sun Cheng's intervention, the Russian Navy would have to wait several more years to see the first Yasen-class submarine launched.

It was not intentional for Sun Cheng to belittle Russia's military manufacturing industry, because this was the conclusion reached by his engineers. Most of the equipment at the Northern Shipbuilding Yard has not been updated since the 1980s. It is true that top-class nuclear submarines can be built with these devices, as the old Soviet Union's heritage is still there, but it is difficult to say how long it will take.

Looking across the entire Earth, Sun Cheng was probably the only force capable and willing to cooperate with Russia.

So as long as the decision-makers in Moscow still had ambitions, they could only choose to cooperate.

Forerunner and his team waited respectfully on the side, quietly waiting for his orders after he finished thinking.

Their power was largely built on Sun Cheng's layout.

Although the Decepticons were violent and fond of fighting, it did not mean that they were brainless. The "scheming and cunning" Decepticons had caused heavy losses to the Autobots in the millions of years of civil war on Cybertron.

Because Sun Cheng's rise also allowed the Decepticons who followed him to benefit, and his strength has been continuously increasing, he was able to maintain the loyalty of his Decepticons.

Even though this loyalty was not absolute, it would continue as long as he was not defeated and destroyed by a stronger force.

After reviewing the information transmitted from Moscow word by word, Sun Cheng's blue light gradually recovered.

After thinking for a moment, he turned his head to Forerunner and asked, "Has what I asked for been sent from the base?"

"Yes, Master. I have retrieved it and stored it in the warehouse of the dockyard!" Forerunner replied.

"Very good!"

Satisfied, he commanded Forerunner, "Go and get them!"

Then, he turned to Excavator, who was trying to eavesdrop on their conversation, and his eyes flickered with blue light. "It's time to give him some medicine!"

He suddenly lowered his voice and spoke in Chinese, so except for himself, no one else heard the crucial words.

"Yes!" Forerunner, curious but obedient, looked at Excavator enviously and then left to retrieve the requested items.

"Speed up the construction of the submarine. I want to see it launched within half a month!" Sun Cheng waved his hand and let the engineers go to work.

He saw Forerunner carrying an alloy box and four industrial robots carrying a long and heavy box back, and then walked towards Excavator.

Seeing him approaching, Excavator's face, which was already fierce, became even more alert and anxious.

In fact, since the night of the invasion, when his four-person team was easily wiped out by Sun Cheng, Excavator had already understood his strength.

Therefore, he naturally knew that the surveillance task assigned by his master was like a tiger seeking its prey. He was in danger at any time.

Not every Decepticon was a fearless, fanatical warrior. Excavator was able to gain Starscream's trust not only because he was the strongest member of the four-person team sent out initially, but also because of his greater intelligence than other cannon fodder.

"You seem to be afraid of me...Excavator..." Sun Cheng came to his side slowly and looked at the bigDecepticon with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Excavator's body stiffened, but he quickly regained his composure and replied, "I am not afraid of you, Master. I am just... cautious."

Sun Cheng chuckled, "Good, caution is necessary. But sometimes, one must take risks to achieve great things."

With that, he handed over the alloy box to Excavator and said, "Here, take this and put it in the control room. It will help you with your surveillance task."

Excavator took the box and opened it, revealing a small device with a screen and a few buttons.

"What is this?" he asked, puzzled.

"It's a miniaturized version of my neural interface system. It will allow you to connect directly to the submarine's computer system and control it remotely. With this, you will have complete access to all the cameras and sensors on board, and you will be able to monitor everything that happens on the submarine," Sun Cheng explained.

Excavator's eyes widened in surprise. "This is amazing! With this, I will be able to complete my mission without even stepping onto the submarine!"

Sun Cheng nodded. "Exactly. And it's not just for surveillance. You can also use it to control the submarine's systems and sabotage them if necessary."

Excavator looked at Sun Cheng with a mixture of admiration and fear. "You truly are a genius, Master."

Sun Cheng smiled. "I know. Now, go and do your job. And remember, don't get caught."

Excavator nodded and quickly left to install the device.

Sun Cheng watched him go, his eyes glowing with satisfaction. He knew that with the new submarine and Excavator's surveillance skills, he would be able to launch a devastating attack on the Autobots and finally achieve his ultimate goal - the domination of Earth.

Excavator hesitated for a moment, looked down at the box, and after feeling no threat, he bent over and picked up the box.

"It's heavy!"

At the moment when the box was opened, he felt the weight and quickly estimated that the thing must weigh nearly two tons.

After glancing at Sun Cheng in surprise and seeing him gesture for him to open it, Excavator also became interested and opened the box.

The next moment, a nearly three-meter-long wide-faced double-edged sword appeared in his sight.

"...The Zantac alloy forged warship-cutting sword, a close combat weapon that can easily tear apart warriors of your level's mechanical body... I just replaced my new mechanical body not long ago and I'm not very used to this new body yet... You take this weapon, and from today on, you will train with me for several hours of close combat every day..."

"Give it to me!"

As soon as Sun Cheng finished speaking, Excavator froze. Seeing him nod, his eyes were full of greed. He immediately took the Zantac alloy sword out of the alloy box and held it in his hand, feeling its data carefully. He then eagerly replied, "As you wish, Lord Frenzy!"

After taking in Excavator's greedy appearance, Sun Cheng's mouth curved slightly.

Despite having intelligence, Decepticons were still lacking in some shrewdness compared to humans.

Seeing him fiddling with the new Zantac alloy sword, looking like he couldn't wait to try it out, Sun Cheng signaled Forerunner to step forward and open the alloy box he had brought. Inside, to Excavator's surprise, was an energy weapon designed and manufactured by the engineers from Base 2 according to Excavator's size, a plasma cannon.

As Forerunner walked over, part of Sun Cheng's gaze fell on him.

After seeing what was revealed when he opened the box, Excavator's eyes widened. He almost reached out to grab it but, being intelligent, he managed to hold back at the last moment and turned to Sun Cheng, stuttering, "Lord Frenzy, this is also for me..."

Sun Cheng looked at him expressionlessly and said calmly, "Starscream has allowed you to stay by my side for the time being. You are now my soldier. Since you are working for me, I will reward you. Earth is very unstable lately, and our arch-enemies, the Autobots, have come to Earth as well. Take it, you will need it!"

Without giving him any chance to react, Sun Cheng immediately changed the action instruction of a nearby robot, "Take him to the Russian Army's weapons testing ground and test the new weapon!"

The robot immediately turned around and headed towards the weapon testing ground several kilometers away.

Excavator looked at the robot with some hesitation, then glanced at Sun Cheng and finally set his gaze on his two newly acquired weapons.

After hesitating for a while and seeing the robot getting farther away, he nodded to Sun Cheng and hurried to catch up.

Forerunner, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke up and asked him, "Master, Excavator is Starscream's subordinate. He cannot be trusted!"

Sun Cheng didn't answer and reached out to lightly grab a bug scout that fell into his hand. After crushing it expressionlessly, he spoke calmly.

"I know!"

From the beginning, he never intended to use just two weapons to defect Excavator.

Decepticons' shrewdness may not be as good as humans', but their intelligence is not to be underestimated.

Looking up at the direction of the moon, where it was currently located, Sun Cheng whispered, "Just two weapons, I only need to plant a seed!"

Sun Cheng never relied on others, especially not on cunning villains like Starscream.

It is an undeniable fact that Starscream has discovered his secret layout in Russia.

Since the situation has already happened, efforts must be made to salvage it as much as possible.

Excavator may be a good breakthrough. Recently, Sun Cheng has found through repeated probing that although Excavator's strength is not as good as that of senior warriors, he is still stronger than Dust Up and even Bonecrusher, who had a significant decrease in strength after their cooperation during the invasion of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base.

Excavator must have been trained by Starscream as an elite from among the senior cannon fodder, otherwise he could not have such strength and intelligence.

However, Starscream was still careless to leave him by his side to monitor him.

Keeping such a decent combat power by his side is too wasteful. Sun Cheng wants to use him to practice his own poor close combat ability, and this is just the beginning.

Even if Starscream detects his blatant attempts to win over Excavator, can Excavator refuse?

Even if he can refuse, will Starscream still trust him as before?

Don't be kidding, the sinister and cunning Starscream, except for himself, will not easily believe in anyone.

That's enough!

Wasn't Excavator's performance just now very clear? He knew that after sending him away, Sun Cheng must have something to explain to Forerunner, but in the end he still left.

Greedy and ambitious, Sun Cheng likes this kind of Decepticon.

After lowering Excavator's threat level in his heart, Sun Cheng quickly withdrew his gaze and looked at Le Forerunner again: "Don't envy him, prepare to return to Base 2 as soon as possible to receive your new mechanical body transformation. What he has, you will also have, and it will only be better! I will personally stay here in Russia temporarily. After Hysteria's new mechanical body transformation is completed, I want you to go to China..."


Diego Garcia Island, a former United States Navy base in the Indian Ocean, is the new headquarters of the Nest team.

A CH-53 "Sea Stallion" transport helicopter slowly landed on a parking lot inside the base. William Major, who had received the notice earlier, was waiting nearby with a slightly cold expression.

"I heard it's a special envoy from Washington!"

Black Captain Robert rubbed the newly received medal on his cheek with his right thumb, his tone somewhat gloomy.

William Major's facial muscles twitched, and he didn't say much.

Politicians are a bunch of old men who never feel secure, especially those in Washington, who are suspicious to the extreme.

The destructive power caused by the war between the Nest team and the Decepticons in the United States a few months ago was almost like a bucket of cold water poured on the heads of the United States high-level officials.

They thought the damage in Las Vegas was already terrible enough, but they didn't expect that the first joint siege of the Decepticons by humans and Autobots after the establishment of the Nest team would be even more devastating than the Battle of Las Vegas.

For a while, all kinds of rumors and gossip came.

William Major almost lost his rank and was handed over to a military court. Even the Pentagon openly put "Nest team" on the agenda to discuss whether it was still necessary.

Although he did not want to think about it again, he had to admit that the past three months were a nightmare for himself and all the "Nest" soldiers.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 364: Autobots Attack (Part 2)


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