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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Moscow, the former Kremlin Senate, now the residence of the President of the Russian Federation.

After finishing the complicated work of dealing with political affairs in the morning and having a simple lunch, President Vladimir took off his formal attire and changed into casual clothing before calling for his aide: "Norin, I need an hour of private time."

"Understood, Your Excellency!" The aide knew that President Vladimir had no other arrangements before 4 pm, so he immediately bowed and responded, "I will inform everyone that no one will disturb you during this time, unless it is an emergency situation!"


Vladimir nodded in satisfaction and walked calmly to the door of his private office located in a corner of the presidential palace. The aide immediately helped him push open the door, and after he entered, he closed the door behind him and quietly waited outside the office after giving a few simple instructions on the intercom.

However, he did not know that after the office door closed, Vladimir walked leisurely to a corner of the room and played with an antique phonograph he owned for a while. Afterwards, he put on a black vinyl record with many classic songs from the former Soviet Union era, and the beautiful red melody soon echoed throughout the office.

Humming along with the melody, Vladimir poured himself a cup of Darjeeling tea presented by the Indian Prime Minister during his visit to Russia, and sat down at his desk with the cup in hand.

In fact, he did not like drinking tea. In fact, Vladimir was a very disciplined politician, and coffee and liquor rarely appeared on his dining table. Western dishes were mostly oily meat, so drinking tea to cleanse the digestive system was a decent choice.

Carrying his teacup to his desk, his fingers gently touched a certain part of the brand new desk that had just been replaced. Soon, a nine-inch keyboard filled with various Russian language control buttons emerged from underneath the desk surface.

Vladimir skillfully pressed a button on the keyboard, and a huge LCD screen of at least a hundred inches descended from above the desk, landing perfectly in front of him.

As another button was pressed, the LCD screen immediately lit up. After a snowflake-like scene floated by, several frames appeared on the screen one after another, and the figures of several top military and political officials in Russia, including the Chairman of the Russian State Duma, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal Government, the Minister of Defense, the Director of the Federal Security Bureau, the Commander of the Moscow Military District, the Commander of the Northern Fleet, and the Commander of the Strategic Rocket Forces, appeared on the screen one after another.

"Now that everyone is here, I declare that the fourth official meeting of the Great Russia Revival Committee is beginning!"

The Great Russia Revival Committee, as the name suggests, is a special internal group, and indeed it is.

A long time ago, Vladimir had facilitated the establishment of the "United Russia Party," attempting to use the power of the party to extend his political life as much as possible to ensure his control over Russia.

However, when he tried to extend his presidential term by amending the constitution last year, he realized that what he needed was not the support of a group of politicians with their own agendas, but a powerful force completely under his control. After that, he began to selectively recruit some people to enter his inner circle.

Finally, after the brief turmoil caused by Frenzy's visit to Moscow, the Great Russia Revival Committee was born.

This is a secret society completely controlled by Vladimir. By mastering it, Vladimir can finally ensure that even if he temporarily leaves the political arena, he can continue to maintain control over Russia.

After scanning everyone on the screen one by one and seeing that everyone was waiting for him to speak, Vladimir nodded in satisfaction.

Pushing the red tea to the corner of the table, he picked up a document on his left and waved it, "This is the cooperation proposal put forward by Frenzy, an extraterrestrial life form, after I contacted those Cybertronians in North Dovinsk yesterday. You should have all received a backup of it. Let's discuss your thoughts on it..."

Vice President Dmitry has basically confirmed that he will receive Vladimir's support in the presidential election this year, so he was the first to answer, "Mr. President, I have read the document. Although I still have doubts about why those extraterrestrial creatures chose to cooperate with us Russians, the cooperation in the past period has been very beneficial and significant for us. I believe that except for the nuclear warheads that they hoped to purchase from us not being approved, other things, including the large-scale purchase of our missiles and weapons equipment, are acceptable."

Although he had only stayed in North Dovinsk for a short day, he still had a conversation with Frenzy.

Although Vladimir was skeptical of Megatron and his Decepticon army, he saw the benefits that cooperation with the Cybertronians could bring to Russia. He nodded in agreement with Dmitry's opinion and said, "I agree with your assessment. The cooperation with these extraterrestrial beings has been beneficial to our country, and we should continue to maintain this relationship. However, we also need to be cautious and not let them have too much influence over our national security."

The other officials also expressed their opinions, and after a brief discussion, they reached a consensus on the terms of cooperation with the Cybertronians. After the meeting ended, Vladimir sat alone in his office, lost in thought.

He had always been an ambitious person, and his ultimate goal was to restore Russia's glory and become the most powerful nation in the world. The cooperation with the Cybertronians was just one step towards achieving this goal.

However, he also knew that he had to be careful and not let his ambitions blind him. The Cybertronians were powerful beings with their own agenda, and he had to tread carefully to ensure that Russia was not just a pawn in their game.

As he sipped his tea and listened to the soothing melody of the Soviet-era songs, Vladimir knew that he had a long way to go to achieve his goals. But he was determined to do whatever it takes to make Russia great again, even if it meant making difficult and unpopular decisions.

With that thought in mind, he got up from his desk and walked towards the door, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The benefits of working with Frenzy are now being felt by the senior officials in Russia. It is well known that the United States-led NATO countries once created a "Paris Coordinating Committee" to control the export of advanced technology and equipment to socialist countries. The former Soviet Union and present-day Russia have always been the main targets of the committee.

The red empire that once made the whole of Europe and America tremble still has a considerable technological and industrial gap compared to the West, not to mention the now-strong Russia.

Frenzy's provision of a large amount of cutting-edge equipment is now serving many pillar industries in Russia, such as military, heavy industry, and even nuclear energy. The evaluation materials from various departments and expert groups all reveal the same message: "Very good, very advanced, and we need more!"

These evaluation materials are not a secret in Russia's senior officials, especially within the "Great Russia Renaissance Committee." Therefore, almost everyone supports continuing to cooperate with extraterrestrial mechanical organisms, but most people also have concerns.

Several military leaders, such as the Moscow Military District Commander, Northern Fleet Commander, and Strategic Rocket Forces Commander, who know their identities, remained silent.

Military intervention in politics is not only taboo in East Asia but also a sensitive issue in Europe and America. Their appearance here is more symbolic, and everyone knows it.

However, Defense Minister Konashenkov is clearly qualified to speak on behalf of the military. He quickly raised the document and said, "I also support further cooperation with those mechanical lives, but they are asking for too much. From basic rifles to tanks, anti-tank weapons, anti-aircraft missiles, and even the Su-35 series fighter jets and nuclear weapons that we are still verifying, they want everything we purchased, including land, air, and sea weapons. The Defense Ministry has made a statistical list, and the conservative estimate is that the total value exceeds 8 trillion rubles (about 110 billion US dollars), which is enough to arm a medium-sized country. The only thing that I'm curious about is why those mechanical lives don't make these weapons themselves with their technology and manufacturing capabilities. What are they going to do with so many weapons they buy?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the office fell silent.

For a while, Federal Security Bureau Director Poladanovich slowly spoke up, "Minister, perhaps I can answer your question."

Poladanovich, with no expression on his face, looked forward on the screen and said, "Our intelligence personnel have traced the previously traded materials all the way to South America. Although we lost the trail afterwards, we can now be sure that those mechanical lives that we have contacted are likely to be hiding in South America. It's very chaotic there!"

He emphasized the last few words, and everyone understood the meaning of his words.

"Are you suggesting that they are likely to support a puppet regime in South America?" Vladimir asked with a slight frown.

"Yes, Mr. President. This possibility cannot be ruled out!"

Poladanovich nodded slowly in reply.

The office fell silent again for a short time. After a while, Vladimir spoke again, "If that's the case, we have to re-evaluate their intelligence and the purpose of their coming to Earth. Director, we need more intelligence!"

"Yes, I have arranged for intelligence personnel to go to South America to investigate further. However, the Security Bureau needs additional special funds. As you know, the United States has recently sent many intelligence personnel to our country, which has already involved too many resources of the Security Bureau!"

"I understand, Dmitry. You need to talk to Mikhail (Russian Prime Minister) about this!"


After the meeting ended and the list of weapons and equipment that could be sold was finalized, the secret meeting, which relied on video, was finally coming to an end.

After the meeting ended, the LCD screen in front of Vladimir turned back on.

He picked up his slightly cold cup of tea, took a sip, and let the coolness of the tea flow down his throat to his brain.

He sat quietly in his office, thinking about many things in his mind. "Is the big arms deal just to support a puppet force in South America? And why did Frenzy, who has reappeared, change his transformation form into the Su-30 series that we exported to China?"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 362 Autobots Strike (Part 1)


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