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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


From light snow to heavy snow, and then to a blizzard, the snowfall in North Dovinsk lasted for three days and four nights, gradually turning into scattered snowflakes in the late night of the fourth day.

For the Russian Army soldiers stationed in North Dovinsk, this snowfall came at a very inconvenient time, as it greatly increased the difficulty of their search and cleanup work in the city.

However, for politicians in Moscow and ambitious individuals like Sun Cheng, this snowfall successfully covered up many things and solved some of their troubles.

Six days later, under the escort of a Russian Army infantry fighting vehicle unit, they quietly arrived in North Dovinsk to inspect the Siberian Military District in preparation for the merger. The North Dovinsk military port had already been temporarily closed due to Vladimir's arrival, as the local garrison claimed to be clearing the floating ice in the port.

Sun Cheng, who had been personally supervising the work of the engineers and robots building two Yasen-class attack nuclear submarines for the Russian Army in the shipyard, had received an early notification. Therefore, when Vladimir's entourage arrived at the shipyard, he was already waiting at the dock.

"Mr. President, long time no see!"

The Russian high-level officials had obviously received intelligence that Sun Cheng had appeared again, this time with a brand new mechanical body, but the impact of his new body was beyond everyone's imagination. Even President Vladimir, who was known as a "tough guy", couldn't help but twitch his muscles when he saw Sun Cheng's huge mechanical warrior image, which was reminiscent of a science fiction movie. Although many malicious people had ridiculed Vladimir's permanent facial paralysis due to cosmetic surgery, he was still the iron-fisted president with ambitious plans to bring the polar bear back to the top of Earth's powers. The training he received in the KGB in his early years had forged his willpower like steel, so he quickly regained his composure.

"Long time no see, Frenzy!"

Instead of shaking hands, he nodded slightly. Vladimir's gaze passed over Sun Cheng and scanned the combat robots guarding Forerunner and the shipyard one by one. He asked straightforwardly, "I believe you are already well aware of the purpose of my visit this time, Frenzy. Russia needs an explanation!"

His tone was not aggressive, but his attitude was very tough.

Sun Cheng's blue eyes flickered, but he didn't rush to respond.

He understood Vladimir's meaning. North Dovinsk was suddenly attacked by mechanical life forms belonging to the Decepticon legion, the same legion as himself. Over 700 Russian Army soldiers were killed or injured, over 40 went missing, countless fighter jets, armed helicopters, and naval and land equipment were damaged, and more than half of the busiest urban area was destroyed, causing civilian casualties many times greater than those of the Russian Army. The losses suffered by the polar bear were catastrophic.

The reason why Vladimir did not rush to North Dovinsk was to block or at least reduce the impact of the invasion incident that occurred there that night.

Although North Dovinsk has a sparse population and is not economically developed, it is Russia's most important naval shipbuilding base. This alone was enough to drive the other four major rogues of the United Nations crazy, and they would spare no effort to send spies and agents to this northern city.

Although Sun Cheng had already considered this, he could not guarantee that no information had leaked out despite intercepting numerous spy intelligence transmitted through electromagnetic, radio, and satellite communications over the past few days.

The incident in North Dovinsk should have already leaked out, unless there were unexpected circumstances.

Although the politicians in Moscow had not yet realized that the four invaders that night were targeting Sun Cheng, one of the invaders, the excavator, was currently staying obediently in the shipyard. The Russian Army could still see it wandering around with Sun Cheng from time to time. He didn't want to take the blame for this.

The Russian Army had previously used this as an excuse to pressure him, trying to obtain the corpses of the three Decepticons he killed during the invasion of North Dovinsk that night. But he refused to hand over even one Decepticon corpse to the Russian Army, using the excuse that although Invaders were enemies, cybertronians were not machines made by them, and the fallen deserved respect.

Because of this, he had recently had a very unpleasant experience with the Russian Army stationed in North Dovinsk. Admiral Vadrovinov, who was in charge of negotiating with him, later informed Sun Cheng that they could not leave the shipyard without permission as the military control had not been lifted.

In these past few days, armed helicopters and naval aircraft have been seen hovering over the bed factory, indicating that Moscow's attitude has changed somewhat.

Countless thoughts flashed through Sun Cheng's mind in an instant. He waved his hand and Forerunner left understandingly.

He took a moment to organize his thoughts and replied slowly, "Mr. President, as I mentioned to you during our first meeting, my subordinates and I come from the distant planet of Cybertron, and although I am one of the leaders of the Decepticon army, unfortunately, not every leader within the Decepticons is willing to cooperate with humans like I am. I need to warn you and your country solemnly that I have received some unfortunate news: Megatron is coming!"


Vladimir knew what that name meant. Sun Cheng had mentioned him before. Megatron was the commander of the Decepticon army.

However, Sun Cheng, his collaborator, had not been introducing them to more information about Cybertron, the Autobots, and the Decepticons as constantly as the Autobots had been doing with the United States, so Moscow's politicians were still largely unaware.

He lightly tapped his temple with his finger and skillfully projected the virtual images he had shown to others thousands of miles away not long ago, explaining to Vladimir and the others as he went.

It lasted for more than ten minutes before Sun Cheng stopped the projection and expressed his apology in a low, mechanical voice, "I'm sorry, Mr. President. Ten days ago, my soldiers' preparedness base on Mars was hit with a devastating blow. We thought it was discovered by the Autobots working with the United States, but apparently, we were wrong. The Decepticon warrior who invaded North Dovinsk that night was under the command of Starscream, who, like me, is one of the leaders of the Decepticon army. Though we are reluctant to admit it, we have to warn your country that Megatron and his army are likely to arrive on Earth soon!"

Vladimir's face looked extremely unpleasant. After briefly exchanging words with his defense minister, he looked back at Sun Cheng.

"Lord Frenzy, you just mentioned that the reason why your Decepticons and Autobots were attracted to Earth was because your All Spark is here, right?"


Sun Cheng nodded, then quickly shook his head. "But, Mr. President, I can tell you with great responsibility that Decepticons, who are tired of endless war, are no longer as numerous as before. Intelligence has alerted me to the scent of a conspiracy behind the information about the All Spark being on Earth. More and more Autobots and Decepticons are being drawn here. As long as there are Autobots and Decepticons, war is inevitable."

"So, Mr. President, let's have an open and frank talk. A fierce battle is about to come, and Russia needs our full support to ensure that it will not be destroyed in the coming war. And I also need more resources to rearm my soldiers."

"Whether to agree or not is up to you!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 361: Ambitious Person (End)


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