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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


I won the bet!

The projection of Starscream in the night sky is now completely gone.

Sun Cheng looked up at the direction of the moon with a cold expression, standing still for a while before turning his head to look at the burly Decepticon warrior standing nearby. He said in a chilling tone, "Your name is Excavator, right? Since it's Starscream's request, you'll stay here for now!"

The crisis in North Dovinsk has been temporarily resolved!

Just now, he made a deal with Starscream, who shares the same ambition as him. It was a deal that was based entirely on lies and lack of trust, and could not even be considered a real deal.

Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it an understanding!

Starscream will turn a blind eye to their activities in Russia, at least until he has figured out Sun Cheng's and Onslaught's strengths. It's unlikely that he will send anyone to test them again.

They don't need to do much, either. Starscream was cunning enough not to make any demands against Megatron or other Decepticon leaders, but he left Excavator with Sun Cheng. Apart from trying to figure out their strength, he probably intends to use him as a messenger when necessary.

The burly Decepticon warrior with two large pincers waving in his hands is Excavator. The Decepticons are a race with a very strict hierarchy, especially after witnessing Sun Cheng's decisive defeat of his three companions, and after a strong dialogue with his master, Starscream. Excavator clearly had a sense of fear towards him.

When he heard Sun Cheng speak just now, he looked at him with some fear, and answered respectfully, "Since the master has ordered me to stay by your side, Frenzy, I will obey all your arrangements!"

Sun Cheng looked at him for a while, nodded, and said nothing more. Just now, after Starscream disbanded the projection, Sun Cheng intercepted an encrypted long-distance communication from the moon. Obviously, Starscream was making arrangements for this big guy.

It can only be said that Excavator's appearance is too deceptive. Who would have thought that such a big warrior who looks like he can only use brute force would be the commander of the Decepticon team that invaded North Dovinsk this time?

In fact, if it weren't for Starscream's arrangement just now to temporarily keep Excavator by his side, Sun Cheng might not have realized this yet.


Sun Cheng nodded coldly and didn't bother with him anymore.

The crisis in North Dovinsk has been resolved, but after temporarily overcoming the fear of Starscream and the anxiety of his own secret exposure, Sun Cheng frowned unconsciously as he looked around the city that was burning due to the recent battle.

He now has to clean up the mess caused by these Decepticons.

He turned his head and looked at the scarred Forerunner, and said to him, "Forerunner, go and inform the Russian Army. The battle in North Dovinsk is over, and they can lift the alert and start searching for the wounded!"

In fact, when he arrived at the battlefield just now, most of the combat units of the Russian Army had already been notified by Forerunner that they could stop providing cover fire.

However, the military alert had not been lifted.

From the moment Sun Cheng entered the battlefield until the end of the fight, and even until now, he could still feel the intense coverage of the fire control and radar around his mechanical body. This feeling was not only impolite but also uncomfortable for a mechanical life form, as it was like someone standing next to you with a gun pointed at you, which was very unpleasant.

Moreover, in just over an hour, it was enough for the old military defense system of the Polar Bear to be awakened.

Sun Cheng's core had already detected the entry of hundreds of Russian Air Force main fighter jets, as well as land and sea helicopters, into the North Dovinsk area. The vanguard troops had even reached the area where the battlefield was located and were hovering in the air, keeping a watchful eye. Most of the fire control and radar sources that were shining on Sun Cheng and his team came from them.

Rarely did he find Russia, which was still a relatively good ally, and he didn't want to lose this pawn because of a small misunderstanding. After realizing the problem, he quickly instructed Forerunner, who had been stationed in North Dovinsk, to negotiate with the Russian Army.

"I understand, Master," Forerunner responded, lifting his battered mechanical body and immediately explaining through the wireless channel that had been arranged with the Russian Army.

Sun Cheng ignored him and was about to take the excavator back to the shipyard when he suddenly remembered something. His cold gaze fell on the excavator until it felt uncomfortable under his scrutiny. "You have caused me a lot of trouble tonight..."

That's right, he had been so focused on calculating the gains and losses of being watched by Starscream that he had just remembered that one of the four Decepticons who invaded North Dovinsk tonight was now following him.

Although Sun Cheng was not sure how much damage these guys had caused tonight, just by looking at the fact that half of the city was on fire, he knew that the loss of personnel and property would definitely make the Russians thoroughly angry.

The excavator was now a hot potato, and the Russian Army definitely had all the image data of the Invaders in their hands. As long as they compared his identity, it would be immediately exposed.

Unfortunately, in order to temporarily maintain the fragile trust foundation between him and Starscream, Sun Cheng had to leave the excavator behind and ensure that it would not get into trouble.

So even if he was unwilling, he had to clean up the mess these guys had made for the excavator.

Thinking of this, his expression became even more gloomy, which made the excavator, which had been nervous and scared all the time, even more tense. Judging from his appearance, he was afraid that Sun Cheng would immediately take action against him.

Sun Cheng would not lay a hand on him. He remotely controlled the combat robots inside the shipyard, ordering them to immediately retrieve the bodies of the three Decepticons that had just died in his hands, so as not to fall into the hands of the Polar Bear.

Not long after, when he noticed that the fire control and radar coverage that had been covering him had finally dissipated, he looked up and saw several armed helicopters escorting two Russian Army transport planes slowly landing not far away from him. Then a group of Russian military personnel in general uniforms walked off the transport plane.

Sun Cheng squinted slightly. "Maybe I need to go to Moscow again... No, that's not right. Vladimir, who is about to resign, won't sit still after such a big incident in North Dovinsk... This may be an opportunity, or maybe not..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 360: Ambition (Part 2)


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