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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



Forerunner could hardly believe his eyes. In fact, if it weren't for his Core constantly reminding him with restlessness, indicating that the level of suppression from the superior could not be faked, he wouldn't even want to believe what he was seeing.

In the early hours of the morning, four burly and ferocious mechanical warriors suddenly broke into this northern Russian military port and began to wreak havoc.

Upon closer inspection, the tallest Decepticon among them was at least seven or eight meters tall, wielding two pincer-shaped weapons, recklessly charging through the hastily established counterattack defense lines of the Russian army. With the rise and fall of his weapons, tanks or armored infantry vehicles were sent flying.

On the other side, the two Decepticons who looked like twins were even more insane. Each of them held two machine guns, and the flames they spewed turned them into two contemptuous reapers of life. Whenever they saw Russian soldiers gathering and counterattacking, their machine guns would aim at the spot and reap lives crazily.


A barrage of rockets was fired from the southwest corner, targeting the intruders.

Unfortunately, a Decepticon even larger than the twin Decepticons suddenly transformed two explosion-proof shields and fearlessly faced the flying rockets.

A series of violent explosions rang out. In the midst of the flames, a figure resembling a demon of destruction occasionally appeared amidst the sweeping cover fire of the rockets. Even through the flames, his fierce smile could still be seen.

The BM-21 rockets, the current equipment of the Russian army known as "Hail," were completely unable to harm him.

This scene made Forerunner's Core tremble, because he was very certain that even though the BM-21 was already a very outdated first-generation rocket launcher, he would never be able to remain unscathed under its blanket attack.

"Oh no, I have to inform the leader about what's happening here!"

In an instant, alarm bells rang in Forerunner's mind, and he felt it was necessary to immediately inform Sun Cheng, who was possibly thousands of miles away, about what was happening here.

He quickly sent a communication using the special electromagnetic wave used for Decepticon long-range communication. Almost at the moment it was sent out, it attracted the attention of several Decepticons on the scene. One of the twin Decepticons immediately stopped causing destruction and turned his head to look at the location where Forerunner was hiding.

Forerunner's heart skipped a beat, and he instinctively jumped off the roof of the Russian barracks where he was hiding.

Almost as soon as he jumped off, the heat wave raised by the intense explosion almost shook his body in mid-air.

As soon as he landed, he felt two pairs of eyes locked onto him.

Forerunner quickly turned his head and his face darkened.

One of the twin Decepticons, who looked like a monkey, had left the group and climbed up to the roof of a five-story cylindrical building commonly seen in Russia next to him. From above, he looked down at Forerunner's location, his eyes flashing with a cold gleam, and a fierce smile on his face.

"Found you..."

In the moment their eyes met, Forerunner seemed to read the excitement in the other's eyes.

His Core couldn't help but tremble, and a terrible thought immediately came to mind.

"Oh no, they're coming for us!"

After reaching this terrifying conclusion, Forerunner immediately stopped in his tracks. He knew his own strength. Although he was given a plasma cannon by his owner and his Core had been strengthened once, his mechanical body had not been adjusted. His strength was not even close to that of the four Decepticon warriors who suddenly appeared. If they really clashed, he would have a hard time dealing with even one of them.

However, as the one responsible for the security of the engineering troops sent by Sun Cheng to Russia, Forerunner was not completely unprepared. He also brought more than ten combat robots with him, and he was granted the highest command authorization. If he coordinated with them to launch a surprise attack, Forerunner was confident that he could at least seriously injure one of the invading Decepticon warriors.

That was why he instinctively ran towards the dock just now.

But now that he vaguely sensed that something was wrong, Forerunner had to dismiss that thought.

He knew something about his master's ambition, and understood that Sun Cheng could accept all the combat and industrial robots in this place being destroyed, except for the construction robots!

With this in mind, he had to stop in his tracks and watch as the Decepticon jumped down from the rooftop of the cylinder building and chased after him.

Forerunner's gaze turned to the Russian soldiers who were organizing a counterattack inside the military port, and he immediately had an idea.

He had been in North Dvinsk for over a month now, and during that time he had not been idle. He had used various means to gather intelligence on the military forces deployed by the Russians around the port.

"...These Decepticon warriors don't seem to have energy weapons, so with human firepower, even if we can't completely destroy them, we should at least try to buy time for the master to arrive... Before that, I need to move the battlefield to another location."

With that, he quickly dashed through the military port, using his excellent mobility to weave in and out of the area. He soon arrived at a heavily guarded camp outside the port.

Before he could approach, Forerunner was stopped by the alert soldiers guarding the camp. "Stop, no entry allowed here!"

Fortunately, Colonel Angipushka, whom he had met a few times before, was arranging a defensive line outside the camp. The soldiers, who were already on edge from the piercing explosions and alarms within the port, were likely to fire on Forerunner.

"...Colonel, I am Forerunner. Please inform your commander immediately that I must see him at once!"

Colonel Angipushka looked very uneasy, eyeing Forerunner with some suspicion. He had apparently already learned of the invaders from beyond the stars, just like Forerunner. This was the command center of the military port, and any problem here would immediately paralyze the defense of this far northern military port.

Forerunner apparently guessed some of his concerns and said in a low voice, "Colonel, there is no time to explain. Although I don't know how those Decepticon invaders found their way here, once they discover us here, they will certainly destroy everything. I have already been targeted by a Decepticon, and I need to lure him and the other invaders away from the shipyard to fight elsewhere. The shipyard must not be destroyed!"

His words had barely fallen when the sound of whistling explosions and the detonation of machine guns and grenades rang out in the distance.

In the flames, a fierce mechanical warrior charged madly in their direction, but even though there was a Russian motorized infantry camp stationed nearby, most of the heavy firepower, including tanks and artillery, was deployed far from the military port. With only a small number of infantry fighting vehicles and anti-tank missiles, it was difficult to stop a Decepticon warrior with high intelligence from advancing.

Amidst the explosive sounds, the Decepticon warrior's sinister laughter grew ever more piercing.


Forerunner was even more worried when he realized that the Decepticon warrior had caught up with him so quickly, and saw that the towering flames from the military port were getting closer and closer to the shipyard.

He gritted his teeth and turned to dash towards the military port again, ready to use himself as bait to lure the remaining Decepticon invaders to his side.

Just as he ran a few meters away, he heard Colonel Angipushka's voice from behind him. "Your Excellency Forerunner, I will immediately report the situation here to General. If possible, please lure them to our base in the suburbs. The coordinates are xxxxx, xxxxx."

"I understand!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 353: Overwhelmed (Part 2)


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