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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"The human defense forces have increased again..."

Ignoring the darkness, Forerunner's gaze took in everything within hundreds, even thousands of kilometers.

Standing on the roof of a factory building within the shipyard, the Russian soldiers' deployments and patrols in the military port were all under his control, as his eyes flickered with light.

After realizing that these arrangements posed little threat to them, he leapt off the roof of the factory building.

Perhaps startled by the thud of his heavy landing, the combat robots standing guard at the entrance to the factory building, as straight as doorposts, turned their heads to look at him.

Then their infrared scanning swept over Forerunner's mechanical body and quickly returned to their position, motionlessly guarding the entrance to the huge shipyard factory building.

Forerunner was not concerned about this.

Although like most Decepticons, he despised machines without any intelligence, such as combat robots, he had been responsible for the second base located in the southwestern mountains of Brazil and the nearby defense arrangements. Therefore, he still recognized the role of these inexpensive and mass-produced combat machines.

At present, he did not waste any more time on them, and after landing and steadying himself, he went straight through the guard robots at the front of the factory building and walked into the shipyard.

"Forerunner, what's the situation on the human side?"

Forerunner had just entered the shipyard when a Decepticon engineer noticed him and approached him, trying to please him with his attitude.

"I'm not sure, it's probably just routine adjustments!" Shaking his head, Forerunner casually replied.

The Decepticon engineer who approached him was Hephaestus, one of Sun Cheng's most valued engineers.

Although his attitude was somewhat arrogant, it was evident that the Decepticon's hierarchy was deeply ingrained in their cores. However, Forerunner had been with Sun Cheng for the longest time, so he naturally had much more information than the other Decepticon engineers, especially the engineers like Hephaestus who had never been to the second base in Brazil.

Not long ago, he had received some news from the second base that was enough to uplift him.

His master - Frenzy, an ambitious Decepticon, a truly qualified great leader - had successfully replaced his old and weak mechanical body with a new and powerful one that matched his ambitions.

This was definitely an exhilarating piece of news because as Frenzy's new mechanical body replacement was completed, the intelligence from Brazil reported that the Decepticon engineers stationed at the second base had also received their master's favor and began to replace their old mechanical bodies with stronger and newer ones. Frenzy even generously bestowed upon them a new identity and status - engineer.

Accordingly, in the future, as long as these engineers did not make any mistakes, they would undoubtedly be allowed to replace their old mechanical bodies with new ones.

At that time, even if the new mechanical bodies of engineers were inferior, they would not be inferior to Forerunner's current one.

Of course, this was under the premise that Forerunner would not also replace his mechanical body.

But was that possible?!

"I am the most loyal henchman to the master..."

This thought could not help but jump out of his core again, and Forerunner felt a flame ignite within his chest.

He believed that his master must also think so, otherwise, he would not have entrusted such an important task to him, protecting the engineers like Hephaestus who were thousands of miles away in the second base.

However, Forerunner's gaze passed over Hephaestus, and he looked at the huge submarine under construction in front of him in the shipyard, which was nearing completion. His face immediately became ugly.

"The progress has been delayed for so long, Hephaestus, you have disappointed the master..."

The huge submarine in the shipyard was one of two Yasen-class attack nuclear submarines that Sun Cheng had made on behalf of Russia under their cooperative agreement.

Before being sent to Russia, Forerunner had already read all the contents of the agreement signed between Sun Cheng and Russia, and naturally knew that Sun Cheng had promised the Russians that he could build a Yasen-class submarine in just over twenty days.

However, now, time was about to double, and so far, the construction of the two Yasen-class attack nuclear submarines had just come to a close.

This was only the completion of the construction of the hull, and the equally time-consuming installation of internal equipment and outfitting would take at least another twenty or thirty days.

Although the Russians had only inquired about this twice and did not seem to be unhappy with their delay in delivery, Forerunner could not feel happy about it, because every day they delayed in Russia meant another day they would be late returning to Brazil, and the time for them to replace their mechanical bodies would also bedelayed.

"Master Sun Cheng has entrusted this task to me, and I will definitely complete it on time!" Hephaestus quickly responded, his tone full of confidence.

Forerunner looked at him coldly, "Don't forget, the master has given us a deadline, and if we delay the delivery of these submarines, it will not only affect our reputation, but also cause a loss of trust from our partners. Do you understand the consequences of that?"

Hephaestus nodded quickly, "I understand, Forerunner, I will speed up the construction progress and ensure that the submarines are delivered on time."

Forerunner nodded in satisfaction, "Good, I believe you will not disappoint the master."

With that, Forerunner turned around and walked towards the submarine, his large mechanical strides causing the ground to tremble slightly.

As he approached the submarine, he saw a group of Decepticons working on the installation of the submarine's weapons systems.

Although it was still in the early stages of installation, the weapons system was already quite impressive, with a variety of missile launchers and torpedoes.

Forerunner walked up to the group and watched as they worked, his eyes scanning the various weapons systems.

As a warrior, he had a deep understanding of the importance of weapons systems in battle.

The weapons systems installed on the Yasen-class attack nuclear submarine were not only powerful, but also had a high degree of automation, making them very easy to control.

Of course, Forerunner knew that the true power of these weapons systems would only be revealed in actual combat.

"Is there a problem?" Forerunner asked one of the Decepticon engineers.

The engineer quickly looked up and saw Forerunner's imposing figure, and immediately replied, "No problem, everything is going smoothly."

Forerunner nodded and continued to watch as they worked, his eyes flickering with a dangerous light.

Although he was not directly responsible for the construction of the submarines, as one of Sun Cheng's most trusted subordinates, his responsibility was to ensure that everything was going according to plan.

If there were any problems, he would have to take responsibility.

As he watched the Decepticon engineers at work, Forerunner couldn't help but think about his own future.

He knew that with the completion of the submarine construction, their mission in Russia would soon come to an end.

And then, he would return to Brazil with his master and the other Decepticons.

At that time, he would have the opportunity to replace his old and weak mechanical body with a new and powerful one.

He couldn't wait for that day to come.

But at the same time, he knew that there would be challenges waiting for him in the future.

As a Decepticon warrior, he would have to face countless battles and dangers, and he would have to rely on his own strength and intelligence to survive.

But he was not afraid.

He was Forerunner, the most loyal henchman of Frenzy, and he had the courage and determination to face any challenge that lay ahead.

Compared with Oscar and Akula-class submarines, the superiority of Yasen-class is very obvious. If it was built by the peak Soviet Union, the first Yasen-class submarine would have been successfully launched in no more than three or four years. After that, it may achieve the speed of building one submarine every two and a half or even two years.

However, Russia, which was severely weakened, has lost too much. The reason why the construction of the first Yasen-class attack submarine took more than ten years after the design was completed is partly because Russia's military industry was severely weakened, and partly because the financial allocation was intermittent. The first Yasen-class attack submarine waiting to be built in Northern Shipbuilding Yard No. 6 had even experienced a continuous shutdown of nine months, and the shutdown was also very frequent during the construction process.

After Hephaestus and his team came to North Dvinsk to fulfill the contract and built two Yasen-class submarines for Russia, not to mention that Sun Cheng also arranged a team of Decepticon engineers to Northern Shipbuilding Yard. The efficiency of those engineering soldiers who were specially designed to build submarines was far beyond the reach of Russia's military industry. After all, these steel machines could easily lift hundreds of kilograms of materials and equipment, and they didn't need to rest for 24 hours.

But what about it?

The high-strength steel and other alloy materials required for the production of Yasen-class submarines, some of which Russia has obtained the technology from Sun Cheng but has not yet fully mastered, cannot be manufactured temporarily. Some of them cannot even meet the standards of Yasen-class submarines, and can only be transported from Brazil, which is tens of thousands of miles away.

The time spent on round trips at sea is more than 20 or 30 days. Fortunately, Ghost has the ability to transport nearly 2,000 tons of materials after being completely renovated for the second time. Otherwise, if ordinary cargo ships were used to transport these super materials that any country would envy, they might be intercepted somewhere.

As the person in charge of building two Yasen-modified attack nuclear submarines, Hephaestus knows better than anyone that he has to bear this responsibility.

When Forerunner was eager to return to the second base, he was clearly dissatisfied with Hephaestus' answer.

He coldly snorted and was about to reprimand Hephaestus again when a sharp explosion suddenly sounded, followed by the piercing alarm that resounded throughout the military port.

"Something's wrong!"

With the piercing alarm, the dense explosions soon followed one after another, making Forerunner's face suddenly change. With his high intelligence, he immediately realized that the military port might have encountered trouble.

"You guys stay here, I'll go out and take a look!"

After quickly explaining to Hephaestus and his team, Forerunner transformed into a mechanical beast in mid-air and quickly rushed out of the dock.

The sound of the explosion had already triggered the alert system of several combat robots guarding outside the dock, and they had already entered combat mode, their eyes scanning the surroundings vigilantly.

"You don't need to go anywhere, just stay here!"

Forerunner, who had been authorized before coming to Russia, immediately used his highest authority to order the combat robots to protect the dock. After completing this task, he jumped onto a gantry crane not far away and agilely jumped and ran on it. Several flashes of his body rushed towards the direction where the fire and explosion sounds came from in the military port.



"Da da da..."

Along the way, there were crazy explosions and bullet shots everywhere. Forerunner had just approached some of them, and he felt a severe pounding in his core. He cautiously jumped onto the roof of a barracks in the military port, suppressing the restless and uneasy feeling in his core, and looked up carefully at a place where it seemed to be fiercely fighting in front of him.

The next moment, his eyes suddenly shrank, and he couldn't help but roar in a low voice, "Decepticon?!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 352 Crushing (Part 2)


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