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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Something happened in North Dovinsk!

Suddenly receiving a message from Forerunner, Sun Cheng's core quickly deciphered the content of the message. His mood suddenly sank, and he looked towards the northwest with a fierce expression.

After a silence of more than ten seconds, he turned around and looked at the few people who had been standing next to him, watching him carefully. After thinking for a moment, he spoke seriously.

"It's no longer a matter of uncertainty, Your Excellency the Prime Minister. Just now, I received a message from Russia that Decepticon Onslaught attacked the shipyard where we were building nuclear submarines for them! This means that Megatron's vanguard troops have probably already arrived on Earth."

According to the images transmitted by Forerunner, there should be four Decepticons attacking North Dovinsk led by Onslaught.

Although Sun Cheng has not yet figured out the reason why they attacked North Dovinsk, he couldn't help but think of the worst-case scenario.

There was no way around it. He had too much talent for offending people in this world.

Not only did he offend the Autobots and the US government, but even the high-level members of the Decepticon army, from Megatron to Starscream to Soundwave, who had already arrived on Earth, had been offended by him.

The only thing Sun Cheng couldn't determine now was who sent them and how they found North Dovinsk.

But no matter how doubtful he was, as long as it wasn't Megatron or Starscream who personally came, he had no fear since he had just changed into a new mechanical body.

Russia was an important part of his plan, and unless it was absolutely necessary, Sun Cheng had no intention of giving up this carefully selected pawn.

Upon hearing this, Chen Zhongyuan and the others looked uneasy.

In the past month, they had heard Sun Cheng mention Megatron more than once. Although they didn't fully believe it, the words "cruel, belligerent dictator, and conspirator" had become their only impression of Megatron.

So when they heard him suddenly mention that the Decepticon army's vanguard troops had probably already arrived on Earth, they couldn't sit still.

Russia was the neighbor to their country in the north, and with the mechanical life's ability to cross star levels, the distance was not that far.

The prime minister saw that Chen Zhongyuan was getting a little impatient and wanted to ask again, so he coughed lightly to interrupt him and asked with a frown, "Your Excellency Frenzy, as a member of the Decepticons, why do you have Decepticon attacks under your command?"

It was true that he was one of the highest decision-makers in the country. He hit the nail on the head with his question.

Sun Cheng's heart trembled, but fortunately, he had already considered this question before, so he hesitated for a moment before answering, "...I don't know who spread the news of the All Spark on Earth, but when my soldiers and I arrived on Earth, not only had the Autobots arrived here, but there was also another Decepticon search team that had arrived before us... Your Excellency the Prime Minister, because of our different beliefs, we have not only fought with the Autobots, but also with the other Decepticons. Both the Decepticons and the Autobots have the ability to transmit emergency communications across star systems. Unless there are unexpected circumstances, I think the high-level members of the Decepticon army have already put us on their list to be eliminated!"

He continued to reveal some half-truths and half-lies, of course, whether the other party believed it or not was not important, because Sun Cheng was very clear that Megatron and his Decepticon army would never have the patience to explain to a group of carbon-based life forms they despised. So this black pot had to be carried whether they wanted to or not.

Decepticons were never a cooperative partner. The Autobots had already chosen to cooperate with the US government, and even if they used their butts to think, Earth would soon become the new battlefield of the Cybertronians.

If China and Russia didn't want to watch Earth being dragged into the war of these mechanical life forms, they had no other choice but to choose themselves.

Sun Cheng stopped talking after briefly mentioning the All Spark. Although it had been destroyed, the Decepticons were still searching for the Leadership Module all over Earth.

They would inevitably come into conflict with China in the parallel world sooner or later. At that time, the cruelty and belligerence of the Decepticons would give perfect cover to all his lies.

However, he still couldn't rest assured about North Dovinsk. Sun Cheng immediately leaned down and looked at the prime minister witha serious expression.

"Your Excellency the Prime Minister, I suggest that we send a team to North Dovinsk immediately to assess the situation and provide assistance if necessary. We must protect our interests in Russia and prevent the Decepticons from taking advantage of this situation."

The prime minister nodded, agreeing with Sun Cheng's suggestion. He quickly gave orders to his staff to arrange for a team to be dispatched to North Dovinsk as soon as possible.

Sun Cheng's heart was heavy as he watched the prime minister's staff leave the room to carry out their orders. He knew that the Decepticons were not to be underestimated, and that they would stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

But he also knew that he couldn't back down now. He had come too far, and had too much at stake. He would do whatever it takes to protect his interests.

As he left the meeting room, Sun Cheng couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the weight of his responsibilities. The fate of his country, and perhaps even the fate of the world, rested on his shoulders.

But he knew that he couldn't let that overwhelm him. He had to stay focused, stay determined, and stay one step ahead of his enemies.

For the time being, all he could do was wait for news from North Dovinsk, and prepare for whatever may come next.

Core quickly fed back the data of the four captured fighter jets. Sun Cheng let out a light hum in mid-air. He was not a fool and quickly realized that these four Su-30 Fighter Jets did not belong to Russia, but to the country under his feet. They were brand new fighters that China had imported from Russia a few years ago.

The purpose for them to appear in the northwest of Guangxi or to conduct tactical cruises over Tianwo County and the Longhan Hydropower Station was unclear.

"Are they wary of me...what a cautious nation..."

Although he felt a little displeased, Sun Cheng quickly pushed aside this unnecessary emotion.

He was no longer a young man who had not yet matured. His thinking mode was rapidly transforming into that of a qualified leader.

So if this cautious vigilance were directed at him behind his back, it would obviously not be any less.

He was about to climb to a higher altitude above 30,000 meters and then quickly rush to North Dovinsk to support Forerunner.

Suddenly, Sun Cheng had a thought.

After changing to his new mechanical body, he still used the old transformation data every time, and he always felt a little uncomfortable when transforming back into his Reaper Drone form.

At first, he didn't pay much attention and just thought it was because he was not familiar with the new mechanical body after changing it.

It wasn't until just now that Sun Cheng suddenly realized, "Oh, I see, I was careless!"

Cybertronians have the ability to transform themselves by scanning the forms of certain animals or even machines.

This ability is extremely amazing, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is precisely because of this transformation ability that Cybertronians have the confidence to confront any civilization in the universe.

However, for most Cybertronians, they may only have one form of transformation in their entire life.

This is not to say that they cannot transform into other forms after they have acquired one form of transformation, but because after the first transformation, all the bones and structures inside the mechanical body have been solidified according to the data of the scanned transformation form. Therefore, changing to another form not only requires changing all the bones and structures inside the mechanical body again, but also consumes a lot of energy.

Therefore, whether it is a Decepticon or an Autobot, once they have determined a form of transformation, they rarely change it again. After all, most Cybertronians may never have the opportunity to change to a new mechanical body or even evolve in their entire life.

But these were not problems for Sun Cheng. Since he had realized that his previous "Reaper Drone" form had begun to constrain and affect his state, he immediately thought of changing to a new form.

As he was contemplating how to choose a new form of transformation, in just a few short seconds, he had already flown at terrifying speeds exceeding three Machs and arrived in the airspace above the Su-30 Fighter Jet formation cruising over Tianwo County.

In the instant he was about to fly over the Su-30 Fighter Jet formation, Sun Cheng suddenly had a thought. Hundreds of blue scanning beams immediately shot out from his mechanical body, directly entering one of the Su-30 Fighter Jets, and instantly recorded its entire mechanical body structure and all equipment data.

The next moment, Core had already calculated the best transformation and mechanical body combination.

Accompanied by a burst of intense metal friction, the Reaper Drone quickly transformed into an almost identical Su-30 Fighter Jet in front of the somewhat panicked Su-30 formation.

Then, he ignored the voice warning him to land immediately through the radio frequency and the sudden change in the formation's encirclement array.

Core and the auxiliary drive system suddenly erupted with even more powerful energy, and his terrifying speed, which had already exceeded three Machs, rapidly increased by nearly twice in less than a second, quickly soaring to an altitude of 40,000 meters and heading full speed towards the North Dovinsk naval port.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 354 Long Time No See, Starscream (Part 1)


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