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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The chaos in the North Dovinsk military port, with flames, explosions, and cries, quickly made the ordinary residents of this northern Russian port city uneasy and restless. Accompanied by the soaring flames and continuous explosions, the increasing number of lights and alarm calls in the city heightened this unease.

"Quick, notify Arhangelsk and request support... Send Black Shark and Crocodile as soon as possible... We need armed helicopters... The more, the better, and the faster, the better..."

"A police car is trying to approach the port? Block the port and forbid anyone from entering..."

"How is the street cleaning going? Yes, yes, create a quarantine zone. We need to safely lead the Invader to the suburban camp outside the city!"

"A call from the city hall? Tell them we have no comment..."


After reaching a preliminary consensus with the colonel, Forerunner finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The four Decepticons who invaded the military port were beyond his ability to handle, but Sun Cheng's orders were to protect the safety of the engineers and their own property. With the help of the Russian army, the best option was to lead the invading Decepticons from the shipyard inside the military port to the outskirts of North Dovinsk, tens of kilometers away, and engage in battle.

"Delay as much as possible. I need more than an hour to get there!"

After a few minutes of emergency communication, he finally received a reply from his master. Although it was unclear how he could arrive in North Dovinsk, thousands of miles away from Base 2, in such a short time, Forerunner was still shaken.

With the help of the Russian army, he was confident that he could drag it out for more than an hour.


Forerunner, with the Decepticon who had been following him closely, suddenly slammed on the brakes on the street near the military port. He narrowly avoided a grenade but was thrown into the nearby wall due to the inertia.

Immediately, a shallow dent was smashed into the wall, which was clearly a red brick building constructed during the Soviet era.

"You despicable crawler, finally stopped running?"

In the low mechanical voice, there was an unmasked irritability and anger. One of the Decepticon twins who had been following him closely, Bone Spike, rushed up with impatience, grabbed Forerunner's tail, which was still shaking its head due to hitting the wall, and slammed him to the ground.

At the same time, his left-hand cannon aimed at Forerunner's head, followed by several grenades hitting his head.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The explosions caused sparks to fly everywhere, and there were many cracks.

Thanks to his mechanical body being made by Onslaught, a well-known Decepticon modification expert, although the material quality was far inferior to that of advanced warriors, it still used many rare metals. Even compared with the high-level cannon fodder-type Decepticons created by Starscream, it was not much worse.

Seeing this, Bone Spike became even more impatient and raised his hand to punch Forerunner's head.


Several consecutive punches hit Forerunner's head heavily, each punch making the light in his eyes flicker urgently.

He wildly scratched his limbs, trying to break free from Bone Spike's restraint, but the power gap between the two sides was too great, and his beast form was more focused on high-speed movement, which was not conducive to combat.

Seeing that he had fallen into a disadvantage, Forerunner was anxious in his heart. Suddenly, an RPG rocket accurately hit Bone Spike who was torturing him. The powerful explosion knocked Bone Spike fiercely, and the erupting airflow also lifted him up in an instant.

"A good opportunity!"

Although he was injured, it did not affect his ability to act.

Forerunner didn't miss this great opportunity. He quickly jumped up from the snow, completed a backflip in mid-air, and transformed back into his combat form. He pulled out the plasma cannon that was provided by the base from his waist and aimed it at Bone Spike. With a fierce shot, he hit Bone Spike with an RPG rocket, catching him off guard. The Russian military stationed at the North Dovinsk military port clearly had a considerable number of PIII-22 rocket launchers, which were anti-tank weapons that could easily penetrate 400mm steel armor plates of second-generation tanks. This caused a terrifying wound to appear on Bone Spike's mechanical body.

Being injured by the humans he looked down upon made Bone Spike extremely angry. However, before he could tear apart the human who had hurt him, a sudden feeling of unease made him jump to the side instinctively. But it was too late. A brilliant blue energy beam narrowly missed his head and ultimately hit his right arm and shoulder.

The explosion caused him to stumble and fall to the ground. Soon, a familiar metal arm fell from the sky and landed not far from Bone Spike. He realized what it was and looked at his empty right arm and the shoulder leaking green liquid. The orange-red color in Bone Spike's eyes intensified.

"Damn reptile, I'll kill you!" he shouted.

He quickly stood up from the ground with a ferocious expression on his face and rushed towards Forerunner, lowly growling. He was about to continue chasing and killing him.

Unfortunately, at this moment, Forerunner received a signal he had been waiting for on the communication channel agreed upon with the Russian defenders.

"The streets have been cleared, Forerunner, please lead the Invader to the outskirts, and we will provide you with firepower support!"

"Copy that, I got it!" Forerunner quickly replied before raising his plasma cannon and preparing to shoot Bone Spike again.

As expected, Bone Spike was extremely wary of the energy weapons Forerunner had equipped. He instinctively jumped towards the back of a building, trying to avoid the attack. However, his eyes were fixed on Forerunner's plasma cannon, revealing a greedy look.

But Forerunner did not waste any more of his energy on him. He coldly jumped up and transformed back into his beast form. Without even acknowledging Bone Spike, he turned his hand and quickly rushed back towards the military port.

"Where are you running, you reptile?" Bone Spike, lured by the energy weapons, did not want to let the opportunity slip away. He quickly chased after Forerunner and charged back into the military port.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 355: Long Time No See, Starscream (Part 2)


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