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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Novodvinsk naval base, located in the suburbs.

Under the escort of a convoy of armored vehicles, Admiral Vadrovinov arrived at the naval base in the suburbs, 57 minutes after the initial invasion alarm sounded in the military port.

"General, it's great to see that you've arrived safely. This is a document that just came in from Arhangelsk. After the Ministry of Defense learned about what happened here, they ordered Arhangelsk to assist us in eliminating all incoming targets!"

Strictly speaking, while the base located in the suburbs was the headquarters of the Russian Northern Fleet's Novodvinsk naval base, General Vadrovinov happened to be in the command center at the military port inspecting at the time of the invasion this morning. Now he was being protected by soldiers and had arrived at a relatively safe place. For a typical Russian military man like Vadrovinov, this experience was more embarrassing than dying on the front lines.

However, the general had to follow orders from above.

After taking a deep breath and calming his emotions, Admiral Vadrovinov looked gloomily at his deputy, "Cherkov, I need to know the current situation on the front line immediately..."

"Yes, sir!"

His deputy saluted, then led him into the command center. There should have been only a small number of night duty personnel, but now the entire staff was present and busy with their work, including deputy officers, staff officers, and technical personnel.

"Commander, please look at the electronic map. We had previously reached a cooperative agreement with 'No. 2' to lead the Invaders to the suburbs far from the military port and the city. We planned to have a decisive battle in our No. 3 area and concentrate our forces to eliminate the Invaders... but from the current situation, it seems that it will be difficult to implement this plan..."

As soon as the general arrived at the command center, a staff officer saluted him and immediately briefed him on the current situation.

Vadrovinov nodded at first, then frowned.

"Number 2" was the internal code name given by the Russian side to the "Forerunner" responsible for guarding the Novodvinsk military port. As the person in charge of the military port, Vadrovinov naturally knew about this.

He even personally designed the plan to lead the four invading Decepticons to the military training ground used by the naval infantry in the suburbs of Novodvinsk and then eliminate them, which he learned about half an hour ago when Forerunner attempted to enter the command center to meet him after learning about the seriousness of the situation.

However, it was clear that they had overestimated the combat power of Forerunner and the combat capability of Russian soldiers when facing extraterrestrial mechanical beings.

Forerunner did try very hard to lead the four invading Decepticons out of the city. The Russian army even deployed two battalions and a considerable number of heavy weapons, including a dozen armed helicopters. However, they still failed to lead the Invaders out of the city and the fighting was now deadlocked in the northwest city area near the military port.

As a result, they had to sacrifice at least eight T-62 tanks that were temporarily brought in, more than 20 armored personnel carriers, and two armed helicopters were destroyed by the Decepticons. Over 300 soldiers were injured or killed, not to mention those who could not be reached and were unclear whether they were just scattered or already killed in action.

However, the victory obtained was very meager. The Invader was only attracted to the urban area about ten kilometers away from the military port. Although the population of North Dovinsk was only over 200,000, it was still very sparse compared to the vast area of the city. However, over 90% of the population was concentrated in the city center, especially in the northwest area near the military port, which could be considered the commercial center and most densely populated area of the port city.

Because they failed to lure the invading alien mechanical creature outside the city, the Russian military's heavily armed weapons could not be deployed to the battlefield. If it were not for the armed helicopters that were able to cause considerable damage to the Decepticons, the four invading mechanical warriors would have already destroyed the entire city.

Despite this, according to the intelligence transmitted from the front line, it was confirmed that two invading Decepticons were injured under the attack of a dozen armed helicopters and a small number of heavy weapons, but their injuries seemed to have little effect on their ability to continue wreaking havoc.

After reading the report, the Major General's face became even more unpleasant. He asked his aide, "What's the response from the municipal government? Have all the civilians near the combat zone been evacuated?"

"Commander," the aide hesitated before speaking, "You forgot about the military blockade order issued earlier. The police cannot enter, and we don't have enough manpower to arrange evacuations, especially with the ongoing heavy fighting. We can only hope for the best."

After muttering to himself, the Major General's eyes became fierce as he immediately ordered, "Immediately send a battalion to protect civilians and arrange for all available armed helicopters to take off. Also, tell Arhangelsk that I want to see the air force's fighter jets within 15 minutes, or they can explain to Moscow themselves."

"Yes, sir. I will arrange it right away."

As the aide was about to leave, an emergency call came in from the radar monitoring center, "Warning, an unidentified flying object is flying towards North Dovinsk at a speed exceeding seven Machs. It is less than 30 kilometers away from the city center. Requesting permission to launch anti-aircraft missiles..."


"We're almost there, we'll be there soon!"

Flying at an altitude of 40,000 meters at a terrifying speed of over seven Machs, Sun Cheng enjoyed the surge of power brought by his new mechanical body and form. Although he was still concerned about the situation in North Dovinsk, his mood was unexpectedly great.

It was so cool!

There was no doubt that this was the only word that could describe his current mood.

Replacing his mechanical body had immediately improved his strength, but Sun Cheng himself realized the downside of changing his mechanical body before Atlas and the others could remind him.

Not enough energy!

There was no doubt that this was a downside that he would inevitably encounter after changing his mechanical body. Sun Cheng had experienced it before. He was only able to change his mechanical body after he hugged Onslaught's thick thigh.

If it weren't for accidentally finding the All Spark in the Seventh District of the United States and obtaining the Spark's incredible power, he would not have been able to bear the mechanical body's consumption with his original Core.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 356 Long Time No See, Starscream (Part 3)


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